At the beginning of time period of the music video that we are filming, there is a medium- close up of Adele’s face, so that all of the attention is on the lyrics as you can easily see the movements of her lips. A black and white effect has been placed over the whole music video to make it seem quite old-fashioned and I think that it matches the lyrics and pace of the song. This is because Someone Like You is a very slow yet powerful song and I think that this effect reinforces this because the viewer is not distracted by any colours used. Adele is wearing a black coat with a white trim, small silver studded earrings and has part of her hair clipped back. Her mise-en-scene also reflects the mood of the song because you can tell that she is quite a shy person due to the small earrings and plain patterns. This shot is set in a quiet environment with a still lake next to her to show serenity. This shot is a very long edit which lasts for approximately 42 seconds

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Page 1: Print screen storyboard

At the beginning of time period of the music video that we are filming, there is a medium-close up of Adele’s face, so that all of the attention is on the lyrics as you can easily see the movements of her lips. A black and white effect has been placed over the whole music video to make it seem quite old-fashioned and I think that it matches the lyrics and pace of the song. This is because Someone Like You is a very slow yet powerful song and I think that this effect reinforces this because the viewer is not distracted by any colours used. Adele is wearing a black coat with a white trim, small silver studded earrings and has part of her hair clipped back. Her mise-en-scene also reflects the mood of the song because you can tell that she is quite a shy person due to the small earrings and plain patterns. This shot is set in a quiet environment with a still lake next to her to show serenity. This shot is a very long edit which lasts for approximately 42 seconds (tracking). Throughout this video, there are black speckles which flash onto the frame very quickly which reinforces the idea of it being old-fashioned as it makes the technology look old and not as advanced as what we have today. There is also a black border which surrounds the footage to make it look more old-fashioned.

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This is a close up of Adele face from a side angle. She is, almost, in the centre of the frame but you can see a lot of the lake from this angle. The lake is very calm and still which shows serenity. From this shot you can also see the sky which is filled with dark clouds which contrasts with the black and white effect that has been placed on the video. The mise-en-scene also consists of a bridge and some trees in the background. I think that the bridge reinforces the idea of an old-fashioned video as it looks like an antique due to the detail on it and the fact that it is very low to the ground, because nowadays most bridges are quite tall and are not very detailed because they are only built for the needs of the public, not to be a nice monument for the public. From this close up, you can see that Adele isn’t wearing much make-up other than some dark-coloured eye-shadow which reflect her personality of a plain and simple character, who doesn’t want much attention drawn to her. The director has done this so that the attention isn’t on the mise-en-scene it is on the lyrics.

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A close up of Adele’s face has been used in this shot. She is looking directly at the camera which makes it more direct towards the audience as it looks as if she is singing to the audience. This makes the lyrics seem even more powerful and helps the audience relate more to the lyrics. You can also see that her hair is swept back so that it isn’t in her face as if her hair was in her face it wouldn’t be as effective and would ruin the theme/style of the video. In this shot you can’t see much of the surroundings as there is a dominance of the colour black, which connotes mystery and keeps the attention on Adele singing so that the audience doesn’t get distracted by anything else and they can connect with the lyrics more.

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This shot is a close up which shows Adele looking down and removing the hair from her face. Her looking down suggests that she is upset about something because she doesn’t want to look at anyone or anything. This fits in with the lyrics because the lyrics talk about heart break which is why she is sad and looking at the ground. She is moving the hair away from her face which could suggest that she is trying to remove the person who broke her heart. She is centred in the frame which implies that she is now in charge of her life and it also keeps the audiences attention on her.

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This shot is then juxtaposed with an extreme close up of Adele’s eye. The eye has a lot of dark eye-shadow on it and it looks as if she is wearing thick mascara because her eyelashes look very long and full. Adele is positioned on the left-hand side of the frame leaving a lot of free space on the right-hand side which could be filled by someone or something, perhaps the man who she is singing about. This shot now contains more whites than blacks which suggests that the song is getting happier due to the use of a lighter colour. However part of her face is hidden behind her own shadow which could link back to her personality of a shy person.

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Adele then begins to fill the whole of the frame as the rest of her face enters the frame. This also begins to fade and reveal another location in the background behind her face. From this shot you can see that her eye-shadow looks quite shiny so we will have to copy off this when making our film. She is looking to the side of the camera which shows that she cannot face looking at anyone else, which relates to the lyrics of the song. Her eyes are a light colour of either blue or green, which I think contrasts with the song and video more as brown eyes don’t seem as clam and peaceful whereas green or blue eyes do, so when looking to cast someone for the role as Adele we will try to find someone with blue or green eyes.

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This is an extreme close up of Adele’s eyes looking down. A fade has been used (carried on from the previous page) which shows more of the other location in which it is fading to as you can see a tall lamp post, which contrasts with the old-fashioned them of the video as it doesn’t look like a traditional lamp post which you would see nowadays. Adele is looking down which shows shyness as she cannot face looking at the camera. From this shot, you can see that she has flawless skin which could reinforce her personality of a shy and plain woman.

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Now you can see more of the location due to the fade effect. It looks as if it is set in Paris for this location as the tall building looks like the Eiffel Tower. We will not be able to film this scene in Paris because it is inaccessible to us so we will have to find a replacement setting, in which we have easy access to. Adele is looking directly at the camera in this extreme close up to make it more direct towards the audience, making the audience able to relate to the song more as it makes it much more personal.

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There is a dominance of the colour black in this shot and Adele is now positioned on the right-hand side of the frame to reveal more of the location in the background. There is a dominance of the colour black to add mystery to the video because the connotation of black is mystery. The mise-en-scene consists of a street light and what looks like a small statue, to reinforce the old-fashioned theme. Adele has got her eyes closed in this shot to show her pain and feelings/emotions towards this song.

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Adele is very faint in this shot to reveal a lot more of the background. The mise-en-scene includes a lot of street lights, statues and a large cathedral in the background which suggests that they she may be in London because this mise-en-scene looks similar to London’s. This shot is a close up of her face with her eyes closed to make the song look quite powerful and emotional. This shot uses higher key lighting to make the location and Adele more visible.

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This shot is the result from the fade edit. This shows the location which was described on the previous page. The statue on the left hand side of the frame looks like a lion which could show that she is standing up for herself and is now becoming brave and powerful, like a lion. It also looks as if she may be stood on a bridge due to the white detailed walls on the left-hand side of the frame.

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There is then another fade which shows a close up of Adele’s face. Adele is positioned in the centre of the frame show dominance and to keep the audience’s attention on her. Adele’s hair also fills out the frame to stop the audience from being distracted by the background, to keep the focus on the singer and her lyrics.

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This fades to a shot of Adele stood in a café, with the shadow of a mysterious man in the background. This man may be the man in which she is singing about. The director has used a black shadow to add mystery and draw the attention in to who the man may be. Adele is centered in this frame and she is staring quite strongly at something which suggests that she is deep in thought about something, perhaps the lyrics of her song. This is a close up of her face but you can see a lot of the surroundings to set the location. The man is wearing, what looks like, a long trench coat due to the up-lifted collar which adds to the mystery of who he is. As, in my opinion, long trench coats are iconographic of inspectors which could be who this man is.