How have American and Italian women evolved in the field of work during the 20th century?

Pp working women

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How have American and Italian women evolved in the field of work

during the 20th century?

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Here is the perception of the working women…

…In the USA- If woman’s rights in Italy have changed

over the past 100 years, than woman’s rights in the US have changed even more.

- Today, in the USA, women and men do have equal opportunity. […] I’m not saying that we are 100% represented as equals to men by all, but we are moving forward.

- 100 years ago, our Supreme Court consisted of 9 white men. Today, we have 3 women, a Latin-American, a Jewish-American and an African-American.

…In Italy- Sono fortunatamente cresciuta in un

paese dove altre donne prima di me hanno lottato perché io possa ricoprire ogni ruolo.

- Per me è strano parlare di disparità tra sessi in un paese dove il presidente di Confindustria è Emma Marcegaglia, il ministro delle Pari Opportunità è Mara Carfagna, dove Miuccia Prada ed Elsa Fomero sono due tra le imprenditrici più celebri.

Quotations taken from “Se non ora quando” forum

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The beginning of the 20th centuryIn the USA- NWTUL (Boston, 1903): coalition of

working-class women aimed to assure secure conditions necessary for work.

In Italy- Women were mainly agricultural labourers.- 1902: a female work lawo Working women could not be employed in

“dangerous” jobs.

Domestic life - Failure of Socialist Party that did not

manage to defend working women rights.- WWI: since men were drafted into war,

80% of women replaced men in factory work (armament industry).

A new working-class feminism

(picket lines)

- WWI: women won the right to vote. As men were called to war, companies opened their doors to women -> women had to give up their jobs to the returning men

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The 1940s and the 1950s

In the USA- During WWII almost 300,000 women

served in the Army and Navy (jobs as secretaries, typists and nurses).

In Italy- Fascism: "La donna deve ritornare sotto al sudditanza

assoluta dell’uomo, padre o marito; sudditanza e, quindi, inferiorità spirituale, culturale ed economica“

- Women have lower salaries than men’s - Huge restrictions on hiring women in

state employments - Women were banned from top positions

in public service

- 1945: women were given the entitlement to vote

Formal equality (Constitution), actually discriminations held over

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In the USA 1920: the women’s suffrage movement +

a growing antiwar movement. 1942: As 16 million American men went

off to fight, women essentially took over maintenance of the U.S. economy. 6 million women recruited to work in military factories.

In Italy 1923: right to vote at local elections

(actually it was not enforced). After WWII: 21 women were voted within

the Assemblea Costituente. 1950: feminists voted for the legislative

reforms and sided with women workers and rice weeders.

From 1960s on: the right to abortion, it is possible to obtain a divorce, Equal Opportunity Commission.

In the USA 1920: the women’s suffrage movement +

a growing antiwar movement. 1942: As 16 million American men went

off to fight, women essentially took over maintenance of the U.S. economy. 6 million women recruited to work in military factories.

Here is a picture of a Women’s Lib march in Washington D.C. in 1970

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Current times… Quick stats

In the USA (2009)- 59,2% of women were working.- Employed women: 40% = management and

professional. 32% = sales and office

occupations 21% = service occupations 5% = production and

transportation 1% = natural resources

In Italy (2009)- 46,4% of women were working.

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- ”Se non ora quando” – Quotations taken from the forum.- “Women in the USA” - forum- U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings,

2009 Annual Averages.- http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/ww/nwtul.html- Women’s History in America presented by Women’s International Center

http://www.wic.org/misc/history.htm - Marco Faraci “Un patriarcato a misura di donna” (postscript)- ISTAT

Martina & Cristina