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The Other HalfHiding In Plain Sight

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Synopsis of “The Other Half”A criminal psychiatrist Josh Dolarhyde, and his companion, Hunter James,

follow the crime-scenes of a psychological murderer, Matthew Blake. As they continue to analyse a different series of crime scenes, Joshua’s companion begins to notice signs of psychological distress in his friend. As Joshua falls deeper into this mental state, becoming more unstable by each scene he investigates. He begins to see that catching the criminal is his only escape from a psychological breakdown. However a pattern emerges that eerily reminds Joshua of previous experiences causing further psychological turmoil.

Will he find a way back to a safe mental stage?

Or will he become a reflection of the criminal he is chasing?

Unique Selling Point

Our unpredicted series of events.

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Three Act TreatmentCharacters

Josh Dolarhyde - Criminal Psychiatrist (Main Character)

Hunter James - Criminal Psychiatrist (Companion of Josh)

Matthew Blake - The killer who Josh/Hunter is chasing.


Josh and Hunter are working on the serial killer case (Matthew Blake is the named killer) in an office, case files are scattered across the table, mugs of coffee, everyday life. Until, a man comes in and tells them that there is another body that has been discovered from the serial killer for them to investigate (Still Equilibrium at this point).

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They see the body; It’s different. Josh gets a feeling of Deja Vu upon seeing the body but he cannot remember where. (The protagonist is aware that something is wrong and this is brought to the viewers attention; The disruption has fully begun but isn’t clear to the protagonists companion)


Josh and Hunter are at a stand-off in a secluded location (Warehouse/old abandoned building) pointing guns are each other, arguing about everything that has happened; Josh talks hunter into them both lowering their weapons so he can be arrested, Josh then raises his weapon and shoots Hunter.

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Methods of marketing and distributionGeneral MarketingThe first and main idea we had for marketing the film was a trailer which

could be shown through channels on TV in between product adverts and shows. The idea was that the trailer would set the background for the film as opposed to actually plotting part of the narrative, increasing suspense.

As well as a trailer we decided we would need several posters depicting each character. The advantage of this was that the posters would emphasise the importance of the characters in the film. Also it meant that there could be subtle similarities added to the antagonist and protagonist, as in the film the twist is that they turn out to be same person. Therefore we thought that if there were several different poster designs that were portrayed around theatres then the public could be given hints towards the identity of the antagonist yet keep it hidden as they would have to see the film to get the revelation. Much like the posters for Django Unchained which makes it clear that the film is very character based, and so we wanted to achieve the same effect through ours as the film idea was based very much on the characters and their actions.

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General MarketingAnother thought was to set up cardboard standees outside theatres so as to display the film to movie goers

as well as those who like to occasionally treat themselves to a night out to see a film. It has to be noted that, due to the darker aspects of the film were advertising, it would appeal either to the adolescent audience, or to young adults from 20-30 or even higher. Thus the posters would depict this and the standees, especially those of the antagonist, would too through how dark they appear, so as to make it unmistakable that the film is not intended for kids younger than the old adolescent audience.

Another idea was to make a behind the scenes, documentary style film to show different ways in which some obstacles were passed or even to give the crew a family feel because, even though the film is supposed to be sinister and dark, the idea that it was made by a crew that get along well and work well together, strengthens the idea that the film is going to be a successful group effort with many minds behind it.

On top of this, the “behind-the-scenes” documentary can display comical moments of memorable events that tie the audience to the crew by making them feel sympathy, anger, empathy or humorous towards them. This causes one to feel that little step closer to them, or as if they know a small fact about them that few others do. This in turn leads to increased conversation by creating rumors about crew and actors and so creates free advertisement.

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Viral AdvertisementIn order to bring the promotion of the film onto the streets and bring into everyday life

or make it feel much more present in peoples minds than normal was to create false crime scenes or fenced off areas with dead people (also false) in them so as to promote the film. Another idea was to dress up people as bodies and have them in different areas of Brighton, as the film is featured there, but doing normal things such as sitting on benches sipping coffee or reading the newspaper in a café but always next to one of the posters for the film so that people make the link from the bodies to the film. This would bring into reality what the protagonist is supposed to be experiencing in the film, but in order for this to be understood, one must watch the film.

In order to bring our film one more step into reality we decided to have different mannequins, all dressed as one of the characters, next to the poster with that character's face on it, so as to bring the element of mystery into the promotion of the film, due to the black, faceless element of the mannequins. The main idea is to recreate the world of the protagonist but in the real world as opposed to on a screen so that the sense of scurrility is made more material in everyday life, because the scurrility that will be seen, is the protagonists everyday life.

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Dark office, papers and files sprawled all over the desks. Countless mugs of coffee dotted around the room, drawings & diagrams of evidence pinned up on the walls. Test tubes filled with evidence from crime scenes. To show how their job is very hectic and stressful, and often goes in many directions.

Costumes/ characters

Two men (Josh and Hunter) both dressed the same; wearing creased shirts with coffee stains down it and loose ties. Their hair messy as they’ve been scratching their head a lot. This costume reflecting the sort of individuals they are: they have a stressful job so they have no time to take care with appearances.


Both have badges to indicate seriousness of their job title and to answer to anyone that may question.

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Influences for “The Other Half”Red Dragon

The plot of our film being very similar to Red Dragon as in this film the plot is: Hannibal Lecter is on the case for murders where edible parts of the bodies have been removed with his partner, it is then found that Lecter is the cannibal and tries to attack Graham, when Graham wins Lecter is sent to the criminally insane. Much like how in our story the protagonist is also the antagonist, and has a partner who comes to a realisation.

Francis Dolarhyde

We were influenced by this character and used the second name for our main split-personality character ‘Josh Dolarhyde’. We felt this was appropriate as both characters are mentally deranged. Also Francis Dolarhyde’s ways are due to childhood abuse, this could be the same for our character.

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Influences for “The Other Half”Red Dragon

The plot of our film being very similar to Red Dragon as in this film the plot is: Hannibal Lecter is on the case for murders where edible parts of the bodies have been removed with his partner, it is then found that Lecter is the cannibal and tries to attack Graham, when Graham wins Lecter is sent to the criminally insane. Much like how in our story the protagonist is also the antagonist, and has a partner who comes to a realisation.

Francis Dolarhyde

We were influenced by this character and used the second name for our main split-personality character ‘Josh Dolarhyde’. We felt this was appropriate as both characters are mentally deranged. Also Francis Dolarhyde’s ways are due to childhood abuse, this could be the same for our character.