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Distorted decisions

By James Harrison and Patrick O’Hara

Page 2: Pitch


The institutions we are using are strike entertainment and maple pictures.Strike entertainment is an American small independent institution which will fit well for our film as is is an independent film. Our distributer is maple pictures who are a fairly big company and have distributed in films such as the devil inside and saw 3D, so the reputation of maple pictures is quite large ultimately.

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Iconic directors/actors

Some iconic psychological thriller directors are Stanley Kubrick (the shining, Martin Scorsese (shutter island) and Richard Kelly (Donnie darko). All have directed psychological thrillers and have aspired us to direct a psychological thriller.

The actors there needs to be at least a killer, a victim and a hero the victim should be a sinister and creepy person, the typical victim should be a blonde teenage girl and the hero should be a strong willed quite well built man.

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Character- hero

• The hero should be a person like Jesse Eisenburg who plays a lead role in the film zombie land and his character is strong willed yet has a funny side to him. He isn’t really well built and is an unlikely hero as he doesn’t fit the stereotype of a hero but he has a good personality and a wide range of skills.

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Character- victim

Our victim needs to be a very stereo typical victim with blonde hair and very attractive and not very intelligent. We think that a actress like Emily Atack would make a good victim as she fits the stereotype for a typical victim in a film. Having a well known and good looking victim like Emily Atack would attract a lot of viewers. She is also a model which will attract and influence the audience.

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Character- villain

• The villain needs to be a fairly sinister person with dark hair and not exactly well built but must have a sharp mind to make decisions. We have chosen Jake Gyllenhaal as he fits our idea for a villain and he has stared in films such as Donnie darko and zodiac.

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It is just an average day and a boyfriend is making a romantic meal for himself and his girlfriend but when she doesn’t turn up he starts to get anxious and worried. He go’s over to his friends house the next evening only to see his friend with his girlfriend and a small group of friends which leads him to the suspicions that his girlfriend is cheating on him with his friend which ignites an anger inside him. When he arrives home from his friends house he is so angry with everyone in that house he smashes everything that reminds him of his girlfriend and friends until he stumbles upon a mask stashed away in the back of a cupboard. As he puts on the mask he senses a evil happiness wearing the mask and goes into the kitchen and picks up the knife he was using to prepare the meal the previous night seeing it as a fitting weapon to kill his girlfriend with. He storms back to the house and manages to sneak into the house and to the horror of the unsuspecting friends the masked man walks in to the living room and the characters inside the living room are shocked and startled by the looks of their faces.………. The ending sends the audience off on a cliffhanger ending, creating the whole aspect of suspense ultimately.

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• In our film opening we choose the Psychological thriller genre and we will convey this to the audience using a certain type of music and sound which matches the genre and makes it flow.

we will also use a certain type of typography in the credits to make it reflect the type of genre we are using, for example in our opening titles we are using the colour red, which represents blood which is iconic to the genre. We are also using the typography in a rough, jagged found which reflects and represents our genre to the audience.