Object Lesson - Candy Cane Christmas www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

Object Lesson - Candy Cane Christmas

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Candy Canes are everywhere. They are used as decorations on Christmas trees and are one of the most popular of all Christmas treats. I have heard several stories about the history and meaning of the candy cane. I don't know if they are true, but I do think that the candy cane can teach us a few things about the true meaning of Christmas. And while we are at it, I've added a lot of Christmas Party game ideas you can play with Candy Canes as well.

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  • 1. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comObject Lesson- Candy CaneChristmaswww.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

2. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Canes are everywhere. Theyare used as decorations onChristmas trees and are one of themost popular of all Christmastreats. I have heard several storiesabout the history and meaning ofthe candy cane. I dont know ifthey are true, but I do think thatthe candy cane can teach us a fewthings about the true meaning ofChristmas. And while we are at it,Ive added a lot of Christmas Partygame ideas you can play withCandy Canes as wellwww.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 3. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comPLEASE SHARETHIS IDEAONFACEBOOKCLICK HEREwww.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 4. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comGames using Candy CanesCandy Cane Connection Youllneed miniature size candy canesbroken in half. Use this game tobreak your group up into pairs asa mixer. Mix up the halves of thecandy canes and hand them outto participants. When everyonehas arrived, have participants tryto find the other half of theircandy canes!www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 5. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comKissing Candy Canes Dividethe participants into two teams.Give each team five small candycanes. On signal, the teammembers pass their canes to theend of the line (one at a time)and back again using toothpicksstuck in their mouths.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 6. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Scavenger Hunt Each youth is given a piece ofpaper and a pencil and asked tofind X number of candy canesaround the room. Youll need tohide each candy cane around theroom some should be easy tofind and some more difficult. Theperson to be the first to find themall and correctly list the locationswins.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 7. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Conveyor (adaptedfrom Minute-to Win_It) You will needChristmas ribbon and Candy Canes.Tie 30 feet of ribbon into a loop andplace each player inside of it at theirwaist to form a conveyor belt. Oneplayer must place one candy at atime on the conveyor belt and theymust spin in unison to convey thecandy cane towards the other playerwho then picks it up and places intoa basket or holding area. Once thecandy cane is removed by the secondplayer the first player starts the cycleagain. The first team to successfullytransfer 3 candy canes wins.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 8. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Face Off Place asmall candy cane on the foreheadof each participant. Instruct theparticipants to move the candycane down their face to theirmouth using only their facialmuscles and head movements.The first person to eat the candycane wins.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 9. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy-Cane Fencing Give eachyouth a wrapped candy cane; thethicker the candy cane, the better.One person from each team battlesa dueling partner from the otherteam, fencing with the candy canes.The first person with a broken candycane loses the battle; the winnergoes on to another round. Thewinner is the one who makes itthrough the most rounds withoutbreaking his or her cane. Encouragethe youth to keep the blows limitedto the canes, rather than hitting oneanother with the candy canes.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 10. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Handshake Relay Lineup a group of players into twostraight lines. Give the first playerthree canes (Normal size, not themini ones). Youth cannot hold theCandy Canes in the palms of theirhands. They need to be stuckbetween their fingers onebetween the index and middlefinger, one between the middlefinger and ring finger, and onebetween ring finger and the pinkie!The players must pass the candycanes into the next players hand, inthe same position, without usingtheir thumbs or any other hand.Youll need some extra candy canesas there will be some which aredropped and broken.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 11. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Hockey Youll needminiature size candy canes, candygoal markers, and a candy hockeypuck. Make a goal at each end ofa table using markers attached tothe table. These markers can be apiece of candy or even candycanes stuck to the table withsome blue tack adhesive. Makethe goal posts about 4 inchesapart. Use a jelly bean for ahockey puck.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 12. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com(It moves but doesnt roll off thetable to easily) Using the candycanes as hockey sticks try to shootthe jelly bean through the net ofthe opponent. The opponent isallowed to block the shots, but onlywith the candy canes. If at any timea body part touches the bean oryour opponent, its an instantdisqualification. The first to a setnumber of points wins. You can alsodetermine the winner by who hasthe most points after apredetermined amount of time.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 13. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Horseshoes Candy canes anda stick. Be sure the candy canes arewrapped in plastic as they are almostguaranteed to break into a number of smallpieces during game play. For indoor gamesyou can either drive a nail into a flat pieceof wood or turn a table or stool over anduse one of the legs as the post. In themanner of playing horseshoes, theobjective is to take turns to toss the candycane at an upright stick. Place a stickvertically somewhere in the ground. Thenparticipants take turns throwing candycanes (underhand) at it. A game is dividedinto rounds and each round constitutes thepitching of two candy canes by eachcontestant. In each round, the one with thehighest score goes first. The objective of thegame is to get your candy cane closest.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 14. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comA candy cane must be within six (6) inchesof the stake to score. A candy cane thatfirst strikes the ground outside the targetarea or rebounds from behind the stakecannot be scored, nor can any candy canethrown from an invalid position. Aringer (3 points) is a candy cane thatencircles the stake so that a straight edgecould touch the two prongs withouttouching the stake. The closest cane fromeach pair scores 1 point. A leaning shoehas no value over one touching the stake.The points are scored according to theposition of the shoes at the rounds end,that is, after the contestants have eachthrown two candy canes. This means it ispossible for the second player to knockthe opponents candy canes either away orcloser to the stake.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 15. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Nut Stacker Suite Youll need 7 larger sized nutsas innuts and bolts (Check the size tomake sure a candy cane could fitthrough the hole) Hold the candycane in one hand by the hook.Using ONLY the straight end of thecandy cane, pick up the nuts andplace them one on top of anotheras high as you can. The goal is toreach 7 nuts high.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 16. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Pass This Christmasparty game idea is played like thetraditional game known as HotPotato. A candy cane is passed fromperson to person around the circlewhile someone plays Christmasmusic. The candy cane is passed tothe youth right next to you who thenpasses the candy cane to the youthnext to him or her. You can choose toplay clockwise or counter clockwise.When the Christmas music is paused,the youth holding the candy cane iseliminated from the game. Throwingthe candy cane after the music stopsdoes not count.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 17. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comBut as a parting gift, the youth gets tokeep the candy cane he or she washolding so that everyone is a winnerin this Christmas game. The youthmust then sit out of the game untileveryone has a candy cane. Continuestarting and stopping the Christmasmusic until all but two are out. Lastyouth to NOT be holding the candycane when the music stops wins. Youmight want to have an additionalChristmas prize for the last remainingyouth. If you want to add a little morechallenge to the game you can callout the word CHANGE from time totime and change the direction inwhich the candy cane is passed.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 18. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Pick Up Place a pileof candy canes on a table andprovide a tray or basket for eachplayer. Give each player a candycane to put in his mouth with thehook end down. The player mustuse the candy cane hook to pick upthe other candy canes and movethem to the basket. The playerwith the most candy canes in theirbasket after one minute wins!www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 19. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Pick-Up-Sticks Youll need candy canes, wrappedor unwrapped, stacked into a pile.You can use some candy canes ofa different color and give them ahigher point value. Traditionally,there are Blue Sticks 50 Points,Green Sticks 40 Points, RedSticks 25 Points, Yellow Sticks 10 Points. Change this accordingto the frequency of colors andrarity for your candy canes.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 20. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comPlayed like traditional pick-up-sticks,the objective is to removeone candy cane from the pilewithout disturbing the remainingcandy canes. Use a small stick suchas a kebab skewer or chopstick asa tool in picking up the candycanes. The first player picks upcandy canes, one at a time, untilhe causes any other candy cane tomove besides the one he isattempting to pick up. The otherteam then gets its chance to dothe same.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 21. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Relay Divide theyouth into two teams and giveeveryone a chopstick. (Thecheap, disposable wooden oneswork fine.) Each team forms aline, and each player holds his orher chopstick in front of him orher. Place a candy cane on thechopstick of the first youth. Ongo, the youth must turn andpass the chopstick on to the nextyouth who in turn passes it ondown the line. Youth may onlytouch the candy cane with theirchopstick.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 22. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comIf the candy cane falls to theground, and the youth cannotretrieve it with their chopsticks,the player who was passing itmay pick it up and put it back onhis or her chopstick, but a ten-secondpenalty will be assessed.When the candy cane reachesthe last player, the player mustrun to the front of the line withthe candy cane on his or herchopstick. The first team to getthe candy cane back to the frontof its line wins.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 23. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Tree Toss Divide theyouth into several teams. Eachteam must have its own artificialChristmas tree and its own box ofcandy canes. Each team standsbehind a line 8 to 10 feet awayfrom its own Christmas tree andhas a minute to toss candy canesat the tree. At the end of theminute, the team with the mostcandy canes hanging on its treewins. If any team runs out of canesbefore the minute is up, one teammember may retrieve canes fromthe ground to toss them from thestarting line again.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 24. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Tug Played in themanner of breaking the wishboneof a turkey, the objective is toconnect the two candy canes atthe curved end and pull. The firstcandy cane to break is eliminated.Continue challenges until only acouple winners remain. You canalso do this with regular sizecandy canes or even have themplace it in the mouth for thechallenge.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 25. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comCandy Cane Wrap Youll needthe hooked type of candy canes,wrapping paper, safety scissorsand tape. Give each youth a largecandy cane, a 1-foot section ofwrapping paper, tape and safetyscissors. If you have a large groupyou can also choose arepresentative from each team.The first youth to wrap the candycane completely (no cane canshow) is the winner.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 26. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comSniffing for Candy Canes Santalost his candy canes in the snowand has asked his reindeer to sniffthem out. Each team chooses areindeer as a representative. Eachreindeer is given a pie-tin or tray ofwhipped cream. In each, lie twohidden pieces of candy canes. Theaim is to sniff for the candy caneswithout the use of hands. If youuse a tray, two teams can competeon the same tray. First group tosniff out the candy canes andcome up with it in their teeth is awinner.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 27. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comHung With Care (from Minute-to_Win_It) Two strings are hunghorizontally, using whateverdistance between them that youwant. Players must then hangthree candy canes on the string bytheir tips not on the actualhook, but the small area at thevery end of the hook. All threecandy canes must remainhanging, concurrently, for threeseconds in order to win the game.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 28. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comMerry Fishmas (from Minute-to_Win_It) To play Merry Fishmas,first set up a fishing rod by usingstring to tie a candy cane as thehook onto a chopstick. Tie one endof a short length of string to thestraight end of the candy cane andtie the other end of the string tothe end of the chopstick. Then,place four small candy canes on atable with the rounded endshanging off the edge, facing down.When the timer starts, the playerputs the chopstick in his mouthand attempts to snag all four ofthe small candy canes, one at atime, on the end of the large candycane.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 29. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comTAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVELMAKE IT SPIRITUALTo many people, the candy cane is ameaningless decoration seen atChristmas time or just a piece of candyto be eaten and enjoyed. I hope thatthis year, every time you see a candycane, you will be reminded of the truemeaning of Christmas.J If you look at the candy cane itlooks like the letter J. Jesus starts withthe letter J, so that should remind usof Jesus and help us to remember thatChristmas is Jesus birthday. (Luke2:11, Isaiah 9:11)www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 30. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comShepherds Crook If you look atthe candy cane like this it looks likea shepherds crook. The shepherdused his crook to keep the sheepfrom wandering away from theflock and getting lost or eaten by awild animal. The Bible says, TheLord is my shepherd. (Psalm 23:1)The candy cane should remind usthat Jesus is our shepherd and hewill keep us from wandering awayand getting lost or hurt. (John10:11, Luke 2:8-10)www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 31. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comRed Stripes As you know, the candycane has three red stripes. The Bibletells us that before he was crucified,Jesus was beaten with a whip whichmade blood-red stripes across hisback. The Bible says that we arehealed by those stripes. The stripeson the candy cane should remind usthat Jesus suffered and died, so thatwe can have everlasting life. (Mt26:28) He himself bore our sins in hisbody on the tree, so that we mightdie to sins and live for righteousness;by his stripes you have been healed.(1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5)www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 32. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comWhite The candy cane is mostlywhite. White is a symbol of purity.That should remind us that Jesuswas the spotless Lamb of God andthat because he came to be thesacrifice for our sin, we can becomeas white as snow. (I John 1:7; Isaiah1:18)Sweet The sweetness of the candycane reminds us that God Loves usand wants us to enjoy the manygifts He has given us especially thegift of His Son, who came into theworld on the first Christmas to saveus. (John 3:16)www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 33. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comMAKE IT SPIRITUAL What is the Significant of Jesuscoming as a child? What is the Significance of God asa Shepherd in the Bible? Why doyou think the angel appeared tothe Shepherds? What is the relationship betweenChrist and purity? Why was Christ sent? Why did hehave to suffer? How do the lashesor Stripes Christ received relate toour forgiveness and healing asChristians? How does John 3:16 relate toChristmas?www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 34. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comMAKE IT PERSONAL What is the meaning of Christmasfor you? How can you use a Candy Cane totell the story of Christmas toothers? It is said that Christmas isnt reallyChristmas till it happens in yourheart. Christ cam to save the world,but is he Savior for you? Have youaccepted his gift of forgiveness? Jesus was born as a Savior to allpeople, what responsibility haveyou committed to so that all peoplemight have an opportunity toChoose Christ as Savior? How does Christs birth and hissacrifice affect how you live yourday to day life?www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 35. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comSCRIPTURESLuke 2:11 For there is born toyou this day in the city of David aSavior, who is Christ the Lord.Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child isborn, Unto us a Son is given; Andthe government will be upon Hisshoulder. And His name will becalled Wonderful, Counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace.Psalm 23:1 The Lord is myShepherdwww.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 36. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comJohn 10:11 I am the goodshepherd. The good shepherd laysdown his life for the sheep.I John 1:7 But if we walk in thelight, as he is in the light, we havefellowship with one another, andthe blood of Jesus, his Son,purifies us from all sin.Isaiah 1:18 Come now, let ussettle the matter, says the Lord.Though your sins are like scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;though they are red as crimson,they shall be like wool.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 37. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comMt 26:28 This is my blood ofthe covenant, which is pouredout for many for theforgiveness of sins.1 Peter 2:24 who Himselfbore our sins in His own bodyon the tree, that we, havingdied to sins, might live forrighteousness by whosestripes you were healed.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 38. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comIsaiah 53:5 He was bruised forour iniquities; The chastisementfor our peace was upon Him,And by His stripes we arehealed.John 3:16 For God so lovedthe world that he gave his oneand only Son, that whoeverbelieves in him shall not perishbut have eternal life.www.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 39. www.CreativeYouthIdeas.comPLEASE SHARETHIS IDEAONFACEBOOKCLICK HEREwww.CreativeChristmasIdeas.com 40. Creative Object LessonsMORE IDEAS? See Creative Object Lessons200 page e-book that explains everything youneed to know when planning your very ownobject lessons. It contains 90 fully developedobject lesson ideas and another 200 objectlesson starter ideas based on Biblical idiomsand Names / Descriptions of God.Learn Morewww.CreativeYouthIdeas.comwww.creativeobjectlessons.com 41. Christmas CollectionGames and Activities helping youth discoverthe Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planninga Youth Christmas celebration or ChristmasParty. You can immediately download my bestChristmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations,Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE ina useful ebook!www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com=> Tell me more about the Christmas Collection