Hi and welcome back to my Apocalypse Challenge. I’m at week 13 with the 3 rd Generation. Lifts= Oceanography/Education/Medical/Military/Science/Adventurer Corin (3 rd gen.) is working on Gamer.

My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 13

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Week 13 of an Apocalypse Challenge- The Sims 2. Moving right along- Generation 3 is doing well. C:

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Page 1: My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 13

Hi and welcome back to my Apocalypse Challenge. I’m at week 13 with the 3rd Generation.

Lifts= Oceanography/Education/Medical/Military/Science/Adventurer

Corin (3rd gen.) is working on Gamer.

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These are the unexpected, late in life twins, Chika and Chaya.

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Crewe has already lifted the Adventurer career and is only hanging around to meet girls. XD

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While Crewe talks to the ladies, Corin got a CC and earned a promotion to Lvl 5.

He then walked back to work. Love Military lift. =D

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“Uh, no I don’t remember you.” –Chaya

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“It was that frozen Sim and he wanted to talk to me.” –Chaya

“Eww, he likes you.” –Chika

“Nuh huh!” -Chaya

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Yay! More pictures of Corin getting a promotion.

I’m not complaining but you might be. XD

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“I was enjoying the hot tub with your cute brother and you want me to play chess with you?” –Townie

(I can’t remember any townie’s names when I’m not in game -lol)

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Love the Education bookcase. =D

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“Dad called you!” –Chika

“What Dad?” –Chaya

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“AHahahahahaaa- Got You!” –Chika

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“… she said I was the coolest Sim ever.” –Corin

“She’s so desperate… ahahaaa.” –Townie

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*Kissing smooching noises*

Girl, and you were talking about desperate. O.o

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“Why do I have to study? I was working my magic on that girl.” –Corin

Because you want a skill and I want you in a good mood for tomorrow.

“I was going to be in a good mood if you left us alone.” –Corin

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“You better get on your homework done. The school bus will be here soon.” –Chaya

“Didn’t you hear the radio? There’s no school today.” –Chika

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“No school? Woot!” –Chaya

“I don’t remember so many snow days when we were young, do you Corin?” –Crewe

“No. We didn’t get many at all.” –Corin

“You two can walk to school now. Uncle Bairn lifted Military.” –Crewe

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“What? You want us to walk all the way down the street to school? It’s closed.” –Chika

“No way.” –Chaya

“No, it’s not. Go on, walk to school.” –Corin

“That’s so not fair!” –Twins

LOL! I can make them walk to school. XD

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Virgil and his boys: Posing for my mad picture skills. I’m going to hang this in the house one day. =]

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It was time for Crewe to find his own place. There wasn’t anything for him to do here.

“Bye son. I’m so sorry I missed most of your young years.” –Virgil

“That’s okay dad. You’re still the best dad.” –Crewe

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One last game of Kicky bag… a father with his sons moment.

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“Dad, dad! I went to school even though it was a snow day and got an A++.” –Chaya

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After the buses left, Crewe moved out.

~Bye Crewe and thanks for all the Fun! See ya soon~ =]

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“Dad, dad! I went to school on a snow day and got an A+++ for showing up.” –Chika

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“Bye, Crew. We love you!” –Everyone

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~Crewe’s possible wife~

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“Do we really want this Sim in our family?” –Virgil

No, we just need friends. =]

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“I came by to see your brother. He’s so hawt.” –Townie

“It’s your move…” –Corin

“Could you tell him I came by to see him?” –Townie

“No.” –Corin

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“Hi, son. A girl came by last night looking for you. And remind the guys at work I’ve quit, will ya?

I’m staying home to watch the girls.” –Virgil

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“You believe how popular our boys are now?” –Virgil

“The sweet cat worked so hard to learn a few skills. He didn’t always get to eat every day; Some days he lived off rotten hotdogs.” –Babette

Don’t make me sad by reading Kobe’s story. =[

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“…and she yelled, “It’s Magic!” –Virgil

“Heheee….*I don’t get it but I won’t tell him*.” –Babette

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“What? I didn’t fart or anything. Everyone look at your dad.” –Babette

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“I’m still a young Sim.” –Virgil

“Hahahaaa! No you’re not but we still have two bolts so I think you’re hawt.” –Babette

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“I think you’re hawt too.” –Virgil

“Eyes this way, old Sim.” –Babette

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“Virgil, my wrist hurts?” –Babette

“Mine too. Does that mean….” –Virgil

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“…You’re aging up, too!” –Virgil

Babette and Virgil are now elders. =D

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Promotion pic- Level 7 Gamer =D

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“Dad, you got old!” –Corin

“I can still kick your butt, young Sim.” –Virgil

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“I know more than you, too.” –Virgil

“That book is about freezer bunnies, right?” –Corin

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“You’re wearing suspenders! Ahahaaahaaa!” –Chika

“That’s it. I’m calling the Social Services to take you away, girl.” –Virgil

“Dad! You wouldn’t?” –Chika

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“Bye, my girls. Daddy still loves you.” –Virgil

“Bye dad.” –Chika

They played catch before school.

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Now Virgil is going jogging with his son. Life is good for this Family Sim.

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Goopy really wants to be in our pictures. He walks by a lot. =D

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Level 8 =D

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It’s teen time!

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Chaya grew up first- so cute.

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Chika was next- very nice.

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He was walking by, I think he’s stalking the house.

“Hey, frozen Sim.” –Chika

“Happy Birthday.” –Townie

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“You can cook. Can I come inside and have a hotdog?” –Townie

“Sure.” –Chika

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“This family is so thrilling to watch!” –Townie

“Who let him inside?” –Virgil

“Not me, dad.” –Chaya

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Body is lifted without any sweating. XD

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I know, Craig! His name is Craig… and he’s got a culinary job, I think.

Maybe one of the girls might like him. =D

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~ Chika and Chaya respectively ~

I realized I forgot to show their Aspiration and stuff.

I rolled for them to keep me from always using Knowledge or Fortune- Still got Fortune XD

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Virgil wants a job and his girls are grown up… might as well.

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Off to work in platinum!

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Freakin’ game… lost money though, that’s always nice. =[

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“I’ve got a visitor. He’s cute, too.” –Chika

~Sorry but you’ve got to send him home. He’s a bin Sim, they’re baaaad.”

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Chaya gets a job in Business. *Which I shouldn’t have without looking at her LTW* =[

Her LTW is Business and now she can’t get that job again unless I let her grow up without Uni. =[

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“Hi! I hear your family is the place to go if you get too cold. I’m soo cold.” –Older Townie

“You do look like a frozen Zombie. If you can stand here long enough to become friends, you can come in and get warm.” -Virgil

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“That was close.” –Older Townie

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“Hi! I’ve heard your family….” –Frozen Townie

“Yeah, I’ve heard. Let me check you out and see if you can come in.” –Chaya

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Promotion lvl 9

Back to work?

Nope. No work at that level today.

Grrr XD

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“So, can you tell me where you lived for the last 10 years?” –Chaya

“I’ve always lived here.” –Frozen Sim

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“Hey, don’t get down. We’ve cleared you. You can come inside.” –Chaya

“Oh, Tha-tha-thank Goodness.” –Really Frozen Sim

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“You live with these people and you don’t have any heat?” –Chika

“We used to have heat until the burglar stole our fireplace.” –Alvin Futa

“That’s terrible.” –Chika

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“Hey? How about a hug? It’ll warm me up with some body heat.” –Alvan

“Sure.” –Chika

You two do like each other. XD

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“You’re so cute.” –Babette

Okay… I’m watching you two. O_O

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“Damn, another one down. What’s that mod to reset the visitors so they don’t freeze?” –Babette

~I don’t know. I’ll look for one~

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“I’ve done it. I know all my body skills. Let’s go out, Chaya.” –Chika

“I’m game. These frozen people are taking up too much room.” –Chaya

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“I hope there are lots of things to do there.” –Chaya

“Yeah and a lot of teens and maybe a tv.” –Chika

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“It looks kinda neat.” –Chika

“You mean it looks scary and dirty with missing walls.” –Chaya

“Yeah, that too.” –Chika

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“Hi. What do you sell here?” –Chaya

“You’ll have to show your ration card before you can buy anything.” –Store Owner

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“Oh, my goodness. They catch and sell stray cats for people to eat?” – Chaya

~NO! Once you earn the privilege, you can buy a cat or dog here~

“Oh, good. I was going to cry for a minute there.” –Chaya

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“Look how cute I am? I’m just the cutest girl ever. Well, you are too, Chaya, cause we’re twins.” –Chika

“Look at this!” –Chaya

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“We can get Cellphones. I want one… and one for you and one for mom and one for dad.” –Chaya

“Stop, I want to buy my own!” –Chika

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“That was just the best. We got to leave the house and buy a cellphone – Squeee!” –Chaya

“You’ve got a lot to learn on how to be cool, sis.” –Chika

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“What the hell were they doing while we were gone?” –Chika

“I don’t know but I think we should clean it up now.” –Chaya

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Chaya and Corin are best friends. =D

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Crap- it’s not a fail. I cancelled the action once I saw it. He twirled her to end their dance. =D

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The Girls LTWs…

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“You two can’t read this. It’s about your mother and I and it’s Hawt.” –Virgil

“No way, you and mom are too old to do that stuff.” –Chaya

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“Why am I out here so early?” –Corin

Gaw… the carpool will be here in a little. I’m kind of excited so just stand there and wait. O.O

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“We’re almost ready to go to University. I can hardly wait.” –Chika

“Me too. We’ll be living in our own place and be adults.” –Chaya

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“Wait for your old dad, girls. I’m working there with you.” –Virgil

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Chika got a chance card and was promoted. Chaya just got promoted… I don’t think Virgil did. Ageists!

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“Hi.” –Roberto

Oh… I wonder if either girl will like him. He’s new and cute and different. XD

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They do talk well together.

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“I’m going to beat you so bad… at chess.” –Chaya


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~Jumbok is not there to worship~

“My hotdog tastes better here.” –Virgil

A statue can sit on the table and leave room for plates but plants, candles, and most tiny objects can’t?

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Hoo-Rah - Gamer is lifted!

They can use the phone and computer any time they want. Woot!

~Love you, Corin!~

“Uh, I LIKE you, too?” –Corin

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“Love you, Dad. I’m going to leave tonight while you’re asleep.” –Corin

“I love you too, son. You make sure to visit and drag your brother with you.” –Virgil

“I’ll just stand here so you can’t see me crying.” –Babette

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~Aren’t you leaving?~

“I’m going to keep an eye on this guy and my sisters.” –Corin

~They’ll be fine. They have full body points~

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“I hear the burglars are terrible around here.” –Roberto

“Are they? I’m so scared just thinking about that.” –Chika

He gets along with both the girls so far. C:

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“I feel we should run downstairs.” –Virgil

“I do, too. Let’s hurry!” –Babette

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“Bye my baby boy. *sniff*” –Babette

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“Crap! This stuff is terrible.” –Virgil


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Woot~ Look at all those hard workers. XD

The end of Week 13 =D

Lifts- Generation 1= Angel: Oceanography/Hoplessness + Clarence: Education & Kobe: Pet Showbiz/Service Generation 2= Babette: Medical + Virgil: Science & Bairn: Military Generation 3= Crewe: Adventurer & Corin: Gamer… 2 girls to grow up and lift still.

Thanks for reading; Hope you liked it! ~Happy Simming =D