This is my promotion poster which will be used to advertise my music video and sound track. I have used another photograph featuring the girl. I chose not to use the guy as well as a convention of romantic videos is that they do not feature the guy a lot, and he would especially not be featured in the advertisement of the piece. I have put in stars to show the rating of the music video, as this is a convention that most posters will have to show the audience how it has been rated. I have also used the same fonts as the album cover to make sure that they all flow together and bringing them all together. I have again used the bridge that is featured in the video. However this time the girl is looking away from it, suggesting that she can get over what happened between her and the guy, however, the audience wont know this story behind it until they see the video. Posters usually suggest part of the narrative in them, so this poster is very Both of these posters are very plain, which is a common convention of acoustic/pop album posters. I have used this convention in my poster as I didn’t want to over- complicate it, and I think that the best and most successful posters are plain and simple, with a dramatic background image. These have both used a font with caps lock. I have also used this as it makes the writing stand out. Both of these feature the singers (main feature in the video or song) which mine also does, which is why I think that they are so successful.

My products

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Page 1: My products

This is my promotion poster which will be used to advertise my music video and sound track. I have used another photograph featuring the girl. I chose not to use the guy as well as a convention of romantic videos is that they do not feature the guy a lot, and he would especially not be featured in the advertisement of the piece. I have put in stars to show the rating of the music video, as this is a convention that most posters will have to show the audience how it has been rated. I have also used the same fonts as the album cover to make sure that they all flow together and bringing them all together. I have again used the bridge that is featured in the video. However this time the girl is looking away from it, suggesting that she can get over what happened between her and the guy, however, the audience wont know this story behind it until they see the video. Posters usually suggest part of the narrative in them, so this poster is very conventional and does not subvert many forms of other texts.

Both of these posters are very plain, which is a common convention of acoustic/pop album posters. I have used this convention in my poster as I didn’t want to over-complicate it, and I think that the best and most successful posters are plain and simple, with a dramatic background image.

These have both used a font with caps lock. I have also used this as it makes the writing stand out. Both of these feature the singers (main feature in the video or song) which mine also does, which is why I think that they are so successful.

Page 2: My products

This is Ellie Goulding’s original album cover for the song ‘Your Song’. I haven't really used many of the same features as this cover as I wanted mine to be different to the original. However I have used the colour scheme, running throughout all 4 of my production pieces. The yellow, blue and green colours co-ordinate with the locations of the shots and video, as they are all mostly out side, and I think that they make the images look calm. I have used a bit more green and blue in mine, as I didn’t want the picture to come across too happy, as the video ends in disequilibrium.

This is Rihanna’s album for ‘Loud’. This has been a very successful album cover, having even been printed on t-shirts and sold in high street shops such as Top shop. I think that this is a really good album cover as it is very contrasted, and obviously uses very bright colours. This will attract the audiences attention and catch their eye, making them more likely to buy the album. The image is a close up of the face, this is a common convention in album covers, of which I have noticed whilst browsing the web for inspiration. I was going to use this convention, however I thought that subverting this convention could be a good idea, and decided to not show the girls face in the image at all. Although this is going against the normal covers, I think that this distinguishes a difference between other album covers, which may draw more attention. I also think that this could make the audience want to watch the video and listen to the song to find out who she is and what she is looking for.

This is my album cover for the song ‘Your Song’. However, I have changed the name to Ellen Goulder instead of Ellie Goulding. I decided to do something different and use the whole body in this album cover. I have used her head to look towards the bridge, and the fence that she is sat on bends round towards the bridge too. The bridge is a very important part of my production as it is a sort of visual motif. The girl and guy are shown in the video are really happy, and these scenes are shot on the bridge. So every time the audience see’s the bridge they will subconsciously automatically think of the girl and the guy together having fun, being happy on the bridge. I think that this works really well and I have used and subverted many conventions of other media products.

Page 3: My products

This is the original back cover for the album of Ellie Goulding's ‘Bright lights’. I have not used many of the features from this, as I don’t think that it is very successful. I think do think that the writing looks good, and the font works well, so I have used the same font and style in my album cover back. I think that this worked well. One convention of acoustic/pop album covers is that they do not have a picture on the back and it is very plain, however I have subverted and gone against this convention, as I used a more plain cover.

This is one of Taylor Swifts album backs which I liked. This is similar to mine in that the picture of her is on the right and the writing is on the left. I think that this works well as the eye is automatically drawn to the picture first, then the audience will read into the words, and the song titles. There is a similar colour palette used as well; white, blue, green, yellow, which has developed as a house style throughout my production pieces.

This album cover back uses the girl as a feature on the right again, but this time has her eyes looking at the writing, this is a convention that I have used in my album cover back as well.

This is my album cover back for Ellen Goulder’s ‘Your Song’. I have put the barcode at the bottom as that will be the last place that the audience will look and the barcode is not important. I have used another picture for this including the bridge again. I think that this works well as it links all products together and resembles the relationship. I have used the conventional acoustic colours, and subverted some conventions too. I have used a photograph instead of using no photograph with a plain background. I thought that this would look better as the front album cover does not feature the girls face, however this one does which works well.