Haunted Places in the Philippines and Scariest Dolls in Horror Films Presented By: Angelica L. Samaniego Axel Rose Monterola G11-20 Presented to; Mrs. Tadeo

Monterola Samaniego

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Haunted Places in the Philippines and Scariest

Dolls in Horror Films

Presented By:Angelica L. SamaniegoAxel Rose MonterolaG11-20

Presented to;Mrs. Tadeo

13 Haunted Places in the Philippines

Scattered among the beautiful attractions of Philippines are these terrifying haunts no sane person would ever venture into. But are you brave enough? Brace yourself for strange temperature shifts, unexplainable wails, and possibly a shadow of a white-veiled lady staring down at you…

1. Balete DriveThis famous two-lane street in Quezon City is believed to be the haunted by a white-veiled lady who frequents the site. The tree-lined road adds an eerie feeling, as if something will appear in front of you at any time. It was told that the white-veiled lady is the ghost of a girl who died in a car accident in the area when she lost her way, which is why she has been trying to hitch a ride and find her way home. Other stories indicated that it is the ghost of a young lady who died in the Spanish era. Rumors or not, you better not drive by Balete Drive alone.

2. Ozone Disco

• In March 18, 1996, a fire broke out in this disco in Quezon City. The fire claimed the lives of more than a hundred people. Most of the victims were graduating students from the universities in the city. Due to the faulty club emergency exit, a lot of the partygoers were trapped and died from suffocation and burns. Right now, Ozone Disco is already a closed and abandoned establishment, but there have been numerous reports of strange activity occurring in the vicinity at night, such as faint disco lights, sounds, and silhouettes of clubbers dancing through the late hours.

4. Bahay na PulaJust less than two hours from Manila is the Bahay na Pula, located in San Ildefonso in the province of Bulacan. It is a house that cannot be missed due to its proximity to the highway. Bahayna Pula, or The Red House, got its name from the hue that it exudes, which is as red as blood and rust. The house transports you to a location that you only see in classic horror films. It is considered as one of the tourist destinations in Central Luzon for ghost hunters, and its distinct feature cannot go unnoticed. It is believed that this ancestral house was the place where women were held captive during the Japanese era and where they eventually died during their stay. Some guerillas are also tortured and burned here. This is the reason why some visitors believe that the red hue of the house might be the blood that flowed within the vicinity, tainting it forever. Wailing sounds, screams, and temperature shifts, as well as the ghastly feeling of someone looking from behind your back, are some of the most commonly shared experiences.

5. Balay Negrense• Balay Negrense is an ancestral house

located in the province of Negros Occidental. It was the home of a sugar baron, and it showcases several rooms for his twelve children. It has been maintained until now, serving as a tourist destination and a museum at the same time. What makes it scary is the way the rooms have been preserved, as if someone is still using them until now. There are rooms that have mirrors, and looking at these mirrors will give you a feeling that someone might appear at any time.

6. Clark Air Base HospitalHospitals are known to be generally scary, considering that many people do die here. However, this abandoned hospital in Clark Air Base is noted as one, if not the scariest abandoned hospital in the country. Featured in a National Geographic documentary in 2013, hundreds of stories have been associated with this medical complex because of its history and the spine-tingling vibe that you feel the moment you enter the premises. Visiting this place during the day is already scary enough, imagine the haunting feeling after dusk.

7. Diplomat Hotel• The northern city of Baguio

has its own fair share of haunted destinations. The Diplomat Hotel is one of the most publicized scary places in the City of Pines. Known to be infested with ghosts and a hub of supernatural activity, you must prepare yourself for a hair-raising encounter if you dare to visit this abandoned hotel.

8. Laperal HouseAnother haunted site in Baguio City is the Laperal House. Built in 1920, the LaperalHouse was turned over to another owner after the death of the head of the LaperalClan. Prior to the transfer of ownership, the house has been the silent witness to brutal killings, rape, and violence. Just like the Bahay na Pula, it served as a den for the Japanese forces during the war. The bloodcurdling screams and the dreadful stillness cemented the reputation of this house as one of the scariest in the country.

9. Teacher’s CampThe Teacher’s Camp in Baguio City is still functional until now, serving as the accommodation of choice for teacher training and other corporate engagements. The cottages and rooms here have been reported to be haunted, and a lot of horror stories had spread through word-of-mouth. Footsteps late at night, faint wailing, and unusual shadows have been some of the common things that can be experienced here. If you choose this as a place to stay for the night, I’m not sure if you can have a restful sleep.

10. Malinta Tunnel• The historic Corregidor hosts some of

the most haunted places in the Philippines. Thanks to its bloody history that stretches through the World War II, some of the places here managed to fill up the spots in the most scariest places in the world. The Malinta Tunnel is one of the eeriest places in the island. Like any other tunnels that can give you an uneasy feeling of being confined, this tunnel is one of the places in the island where lots of soldiers died. Shadows, unexplainable noises, and even sudden draft as well as temperature changes have been reported to manifest here.

11. Hospital Ruins – CorregidorWe continue our list with another abandoned hospital, this time in Corregidor Island. There are a lot of images available on the internet that can give you the chills just by looking at them, you can just imagine being there yourself. The worn and damaged walls that separate the areas of the hospital will keep your heart racing because you don’t have any idea about what is waiting for you on the other side. This has been the refuge of wounded soldiers, many of whom unfortunately perished. There are also added stories in recent history that the ruins have become the quarters of specially trained soldiers

12. Maanghit CaveMaanghit Cave got its name from the smell of the accumulated bat droppings inside the cave – we leave it to your imagination. Located in the province of Antique in the Central Philippines, this is the mildest place if you want a spooky sampler. It is not the easiest cave to do spelunking and exploration, and the scare factor that envelops this cave is that it is densely populated with bats, as well as odd mineral formations. The place can become very uncomfortable, especially for those who are not very familiar with the mechanics of cave exploration. The limited light sources can freak you out because of the shadows that can be cast to scare you.

13. Herrera Mansion, Quezon

The stone mansion in Tiaong, Quezon is believed to be the oldest house in the area. The house—designed in the 1920 by Tomas Mapua—is owned by a married couple, Isidro and Juliana Herrera. The house survived World War II, but it didn’t emerge unharmed. To this day, locals claim to see headless Japanese soldiers and an elderly couple dressed in white roaming around the mansion.

Top 10 Scariest Doll Horror Films

A doll is a model of a human being, often used as a toy for children. Dolls have traditionally been used in magic and religious rituals throughout the world, and traditional dolls made of materials such as clay and wood are found in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe. The earliest documented dolls go back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome. The use of dolls as toys was documented in Greece around 100 AD. They have been made as crude, rudimentary playthings as well as elaborate art. Modern doll manufacturing has its roots in Germany, going back to the 15th century. With industrialization and new materials such as porcelain and plastic, dolls were increasingly mass-produced. During the 20th century, dolls became increasingly popular as collectibles.

A fear of dolls does have a proper name, pediophobia,classified under the broader fear of humanoid figures (automatonophobia) and related to pupaphobia, a fear of puppets.

1- The Conjuring (2013) – Annabelle)A impressively effective horror film in its own right, The Conjuring was the induction of one of the creepiest doll films of all time, namely “Annabelle”, an evil possessed doll which carried alot of baggage along with it. The film teetered between the evil possessed doll and evil sprites calling in a husband and wife team to help rid a residence in need of the rogue spirit removal. The doll itself was seized and quarantined to a glass case of which it still today (the real doll this movie was based on was a raggedy Ann doll). The prop doll used was indeed creepy on its own adding an extra “get under your skin” flair to the production. This was the first film leading up to the 2014 release of Annabelle (a prequel).

2- Dead Silence (2007)– BillyA great scary doll horror film directed by James Wan (of SAW fame). The focal doll “Billy” bares a resemblance to “Fats” from the movie “Magic” while still standing on its own as a worthy inclusion. Mary Shaw (as the prime villain of this film) was obsessed with dolls and creating the perfect ventriloquist dummy. She becomes the the prime subject of a dark poem that haunted the town of Ravens Fair, the location this story is set in.

“ Beware the stare of Mary Shaw. She had no children, only dolls. If you see her in your dreams, make sure you never ever scream, or she’ll cut your tongue out at the seam”

Billy made his appearance in the film’s first opening scene planting a chilling introduction to the horror that awaits. The movie Dead Silence had plenty of ventriloquist dolls aimed to send shivers, but it was Billy that remained the focal doll of this film. The movie received mix reviews despite being down-right creepy and still effective in its unique toned presentation. Ventriloquist doll Billy will forever remain the prime image of this film’s posters and DVD art.

3- Magic (1978) – FatsMagic (1978) was an early iconic horror film that introduced us to the acting talents of Anthony Hopkins. Anyone who was around in the 80’s knew the face of the ventriloquist dummy Fats who graced the film’s movie posters. For quite a long time Fats was relatively unchallenged in the department of “effectively creepy dolls”. He never lost his appeal, though years later now shares the horror spotlight with several new contenders. Regardless,Fats lives on and will always make the cut in “doll horror” best-of lists.

4- Poltergeist (1982) – Scary clown dollWhen the subject of “scary clown” or “dolls” comes up, there is always someone in the room that proclaims “ya the scary clown doll from Poltergeist freaked me out”…it never fails.

Well you also have to admit that the film Poltergeist was pretty effective across the board as a solid horror film (I thought so anyways). However, it was the scary clown doll that left a permanent mark upon our psyches.

Word to the wise…..don’t buy creepy clown dolls leaving them to sit in a rocking chair facing your bed. You’re just asking for trouble AND it makes for quite the restful paranoid-sleep experience. It was 1982 which marked the year that less of us wanted to look under the bed when we heard a noise at night.

5- Child’s Play (1988) – ChuckyChucky is one of horror’s most well known horror icons. The rather extensive franchise that followed created an cult following after its main character. “Child’s Play” introduced us to Chucky, a doll which became the host to the serial killer “The Lakeshore Strangler”. Possessed by this evil spirit, Chucky becomes active and animated culminating in a murderous slasher-style rampage.

The plights of Chucky often cross over into the dark humor end of things, but for horror fans Chucky has indeed become a mainstay as one of the scariest dolls of all time. Child’s Play transformed into a franchise that spawned 5 sequels later taking on the name of its iconic character. Like the villain Freddy Krueger, Chucky became more absurd as his legacy grew.

6- SAW (2004)– JigsawSaw, has us duped from the start with a mysterious evil doll by the name of jigsaw that would appear to captives per way of a recorded video. The doll of course became known as just a decoy prop for the real Jigsaw mastermind “The Jigsaw Killer” played by actor Tobin Bell. However, this goofy looking doll was forever attached tot he series as its most iconic image that even today is still seen as a popular item during Halloween season. A trivia item: the term Jigsaw was given to the killer himself by the media for his practice of cutting puzzle piece shapes of flesh from those who failed his tests. The doll itself began to receive less screen time as the actor Tobin Bell was pushed into the spotlight. The Jigsaw was and still is among the top scary dolls of all time.

7- Trilogy of Terror (1975) – Zuni DollI hear about the famed creepy “Zuni Doll” more than any on this list. The film starred actress Karen Black in the film’s anthology design. The 3rd short film of trilogy was called “Amelia” using a Zuni fetish doll as its main antagonist. The doll was most remembered for its aggressive appearance that featured razor sharp teeth and a spear. This Zuni doll quickly becomes the main terror to this episode as its possessed spirit inflicts terror upon Amelia. The film originated in the 70’s and was for that time very effective in thrilling viewer audiences. The memory of this creepy doll is often kept alive in conversations where older generations still to this day remember how the doll impacted them. The Zuni Doll is here to stay as a doll to be reckoned with.

8- Making Contact (1985) – FletcherI had almost forgotten about this creepy doll film seeing that the movie has really been off the radar (as far as being available) for a long period of time (and not to mention absent from most of the doll lists out there). I had purchased the “Making Contact” film back when it was on the market for a short while before it disappeared (again). The film was originally called “Joey” and was one of those films that had a brief run on late night HBO. Making Contact is a West Germany production, which meant that you had to deal with overdubs and subtitles. However, none-the-less it is an interesting film.

An evil talking dummy named Fletcher begins to make life hard for Joey who realizes that he has certain psychic powers. Fletcher gets empowered by a demon causing quite a supernatural stir. Joey has to venture over into the spiritual world to do battle. The movie itself was hit or miss. However per the comments still churning out today, it was a pretty effective scary doll film.

9- Tourist Trap (1979)– VariousTechnically mannequins, this film has so many mannequin “doll-ish” moments using inanimate objects that it had to be on this list due to pure intensity. The core of this film rests on actor Chuck Connors who is a loner psychopath with telekinetic powers operating an off road tourist stop. This gets a bit “confused” as we experience creepy mannequins and dolls coming to life terrorizing a young group of friends. For a 70’s film, this is easily among my favorites and still to this day an effective and weird experience to sit through. I highly recommend it. If you feel Tourist Trap is not doll-ish enough to be on this list…then use it as an excuse to check it out anyways.

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10. Dolls (1987)

A group of people stop by a mansion during a storm and discoverer two magical toy makers, and their collections of dolls. The dolls in this movie are possessed by immortal souls cursed by witches and force to pay for their crimes by being imprisoned in these toys. So, of course they go around killing people in the most brutal ways.




