Zoyia Bhandari 12M Media Studies Foundation Coursework

Media Studies Coursework 1

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Page 1: Media Studies Coursework 1

Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Media Studies



Page 2: Media Studies Coursework 1

Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Magazine AnalysisAt the start of making my magazine before all the production work I analysed and looked at different

music magazines in my genre. Either to inspire me or to know what to have on my magazine. I mostly

analysed the magazine called ‘Vibe’ as it is the closet to what type of genre and look that I want for my


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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Existing Hip-Hop Music Magazine

I am going to be researching a existing hip-hop music magazine. The name of the existing music magazine is ‘VIBE’. The connotations of the magazine title ‘VIBE’ would be that it sets out that Rnb and hip-hop Aare. The magazine’s target audience is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture. The publisher for the magazine is Len Burnett. The magazine, launched in 1993 by founder Quincy Jones and funded by Time Inc. The magazine is published on a monthly basis. The magazine costs $2.51 and £1.65 in pounds for an individual magazine however for a subscription of 12 month magazines cost $9.95 and £9.12 in pounds. The typical features that ‘VIBE’ magazine have included in the magazine are Recurring segments include the back page list 20 Questions, the Boomshots column about reggae and Caribbean music by , Revolutions music reviews and Vibe Confidential, a celebrity gossip column. Next profiles up-and-coming artists. The magazine also devotes several pages to photo spreads displaying high-end designer clothing as well as sportswear by urban labels such as Rocawear and Fubu. Many clothing brands created or linked to hip-hop celebrities, such as Sean Combs' Sean John, Nelly's Apple Bottoms and G-Unit by 50 Cent found plenty of exposure in Vibe's pages. The promotional strategies that the magazine employs are they have a offer on subscribing the magazine yearly.This research will help me extremely with my planning and producing of my own magazine as it will help give me ideas for my magazine and help me have a base on what I should be basing my magazine on according to my genre in this care hip- hop/ grime.

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Bar Code

Focal Point/ Main Image

Masthead/ Titles

Sell Lines


First of all the masthead located at the top of the cover, stands out and is written in clear, big, legible font so it can be easily read. The

magazine cover is very bright and attractive, the colours which have been used are simple and plain but are very

effective and create an eye-catching front cover.

The key image (model) is of a popular Hip-Hop/ RnB artist Chris Brown. He is used as people

can easily identify him and relate him to such magazines. The way the model is

represented with a posture is because its a common convention of the hip-hop genre.

The red colour of his t-shirt connotes danger, power, anger associated with hip-

hop but also red can connote passion, romance and this is reflected in his music.

The cap he is wearing is slightly to one side and this suggests that he is different, and possibly trying to stand-out. The chains

around his neck and wrist connote wealth, power and is also a convention of hip-hop

artists. The title of the front cover is covered by Chris brown’s face and this is because his face is the focal point and therefore readers would immediately also recognise the title of the magazine which would be already

known by fans of the magazines. The concrete which can be seen in the

background is used as it associates the model with “street” culture and is also an urban setting which is very common with hip-hop artists. Concrete is known for its

strength and toughness which reflects his persona.

Lead/ Cover Story

Medium Shot Of The Model

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Sell Lines

Masthead/ Titles


Lead/ Cover Story

Focal Point/ Main Image

The two colours used in this magazine are: dark blue and light blue. This is to keep a contrast with the clothes 50 cent is wearing and make him stand out.

Medium Close up Of Model

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Masthead/ Title

Focal Point/ Main Image


Sell Lines

Lead/ Cover Story

Extreme Close Up Of Model

Page 7: Media Studies Coursework 1

Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire AnalysisAs part of my AS Media Studies coursework I will be creating a music magazine. As part of my research, I am trying to find out what the target audience would like in a new magazine. I’d be grateful if you would answer the following questions…Please Tick the applicable boxes to you.

•1) How Old Are You? 14 – 16 17 – 20 •2) What Gender Are You? Male Female •3) What Genre Of Music Do You Listen To? Hip- Hop RnB Rock Garage Funky House•4) Who Are Your Favourite Artists Or Band?_________________________________________________________________.•5) When Purchasing A Music Magazine How Much Are You Willing To Spend? £1 - £2 £3 - £4•6) What Kind Of Features Would You Like To See In A Music Magazine? Gossip Fashion Gadgets Other__________________.•7) What Freebies Would You Like With Your Music Magazine? Mix- Tape CD iPod Case Sunglasses Other__________________________________________________________.•8) How Often Do You Attend Concerts/ Gigs? Monthly Yearly Never Occasionally

• 9) If So What Artists Or Bands Did You Go See?_________________________________________________

_______________.• 10) What Are You Daily Hobbies? Shopping Dancing Singing/ Rapping


_____________.• 11) Have You Ever Brought One Of The Following

Music Magazines? NME Mojo Vibe None • 12) How Often Have You Brought A Music Magazine? Occasionally Rarely Frequently/ Often • 13) Do You Purchase Magazines? If So Which Ones?_________________________________________________


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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

1. How Old Are You?



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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

2. What Gender Are You?



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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

3. What Genre Of Music Do Yu Listen To?





Funky House

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

5. When Purchasing A Music Magazine How Much Are You Willing To Spend?

£1 - £2

£3 - £4

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

6. What Kind Of Features Would You Like To See In A Music Magazine?





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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

7. What Freebies Would You Like With Your Music Magazine?

Mixed Tape CD

Ipod Case



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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

8. How Often Do You Attend Concerts/ Giggs?





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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

10.What Are Your Daily Hobbies?





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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

11.Have You Ever Brought One The Following Music Magazines?





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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

12.How Often Have You Brought A Music Magazine?




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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Questionnaire Analysis

As part of my research for the audience for my hip-hop music magazine I had to do a questionnaire for a random selection of students aged from 14-20.

From my questionnaires I have found that most of my audience are ranged from 14-16 years old. The gender of my questionnaire is fair as 15 of them are male and 15 of them are female. Half of the audience said that they listened to the hip-hop genre the most, 12 listened to RnB, 3 of them listened to rock and no- one listened to neither funky house or garage. Most of the audience said that the most they would spend on a music magazine would range from £1- £2. Most of the audience preferred to have gossip as features in the magazine. When I asked the audience what freebies they would like to have half of the audience chose their own freebies (their own ideas). The majority of the audience go to concerts or giggs occasionally. And finally I asked the audience how often do they buy music magazine most of them said rarely.

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Production Process

This Is A Screen Shot Of My Email To Anna The Model Of My Magazine And Her Reply To Me After Asking Her To Be In My Magazine.

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Checklist For The Photo Shoot

• RocaWear Track Suite• Apple Bottom Jacket• Big Earrings • Camera• Shoes/Trainers• Hair Accessories• Make-Up• Props

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Chosen Photo Shoot PicturesFront Cover

Two Page Spread

Contents Page

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Zoyia Bhandari 12M

Not Chosen Pictures From Photo Shoot

The reason why I haven’t chosen these photos for my music magazine is because one of them is too similar to the one I have chosen, two of them is too far away, the lighting is not bright enough on one of them and lastly on of them has not go the right facial expression.