Welcome to a mini update of the Loco Legacy. Due to loosing most of my pictures, I stopped writing the Legacy. I did, however, have a few pictures left, and I have decided that I will put them in a mini update, just to inform people of what happened next in the Loco Legacy. Oh, and I made those Greek Letters – as in the pattern. White, gold and whatever else there was got boring.

Loco Legacy Mini-Update

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From the pictures that I had left, here's a Loco update.

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Page 1: Loco Legacy Mini-Update

Welcome to a mini update of the Loco Legacy. Due to loosing most of my pictures, I stopped writing the Legacy. I did, however, have a few pictures left, and I have decided that I will put them in a mini update, just to inform people of what happened next in the

Loco Legacy.Oh, and I made those Greek Letters – as in the pattern. White, gold and whatever else

there was got boring.

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Last time in the Legacy, the Gen 4 kids were going to university. I only have a few pictures from that time, but I'm including them here.

Oh, and a random Good Vs Bad moment here – only you can't see Jakey doing his evil laugh, so it doesn't really work =P

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For generation 4, Uni was mainly a time for first kisses. Elroy got his, with some random townie.

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Jakey got his with Sunny McAuley – one of Heston's lovers.

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And Paprika got hers with some random witch guy I made ages ago.

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There was also WooHooing. And some very odd WooHooing at that.There was really no need for Ianto's girlfriend to be shouting his cousin's name, really.

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Ramsey appears to be killed once again with Grim's scythe, whilst Ianto is begging for someone's life. Yeah, there were more zombie attacks >.<

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There was a strike of lightning, and it lit up the lot really well. The dead Llama mascot also chose that time to come a-haunting.

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Jacob fell in love with Sunny, and she was decided to be his spouse. I picked Jake as the heir <3

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It looks like he has dropped some frosting on the box. Oops!They got engaged, to spend the rest of their lives with each other...

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..Which consisted of about 3 hours. Sunny got eaten, and clever me, I left the Bone Phone back at the Legacy house.

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There weren't any more deaths, but quite a few near death experiences.

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Our evil – well, mean Warlock finished uni – of course getting a 4.0 – and returned back to the legacy house.

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He also found a new spouse, got married, and the pictures disappeared. Yeah, he married a good witch :O

I still think that it should be Atrociously good. It's even my titley thing under my name at Boolprop.

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Oh, and Jake got abducted. There was also a problem with my Multi Polly tech... so now we have an Atrociously Ugly baby.

Aww, maybe alien kids aren't THAT bad.

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Sunny came back to haunt the Locos.

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“Grr! This Loco family is SO unfair! I fall in love with your dad AND your son, and yet I still don't get to marry either of them!”

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Oh, and Jake's wife had triplets -_- Whoopdeedoo. So did Jake's mum. Is this running in the family?

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Meet cute little Lilly Loco <3 She looks just like her dad.

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As does Remmy Loco, only he's blond. And adorable!

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This is Dean. He levitates.Seriously! Toddlers aren't usually the height of bookshelves.

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And Norah Loco. She isn't alien spawn, yet she still inherits a few weirdly large features.

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I timed the birthdays so that they were all at the same time. I still fail at simultaneousness.

Oh, and think – how old is Heston? He isn't close to dying yet, but he's holding his great-grandson! <3 I love Heston!

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Lilly's hair colour changed :S And she looks just like triplet Remmy. It's so cute!

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Not as cute, but still Locos. Norah has a biiiiiiiiiig mouth.

But hey, at least Dean has a nose :D

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Remmy is just TOO cute! <3

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Tada! What a wonder makeup can do.

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And Lilly is still cute.No, that isn't Edward Legacy at the back; it's some townie called Alejandro Santander.

Hot name!I really want whatever skins Dicreasy uses now, because maxis skins just don't work for

his face.

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Geneva gets haunted yet again!

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And some witch who died ages ago came to haunt, too.

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“GRR! Where's my bed?!”Upstairs. In a BEDROOM.

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So she scared poor little Lilly as revenge. That's not nice :(

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Oh, and here's the portrait wall/graveyard. I don't like taking normal photos/paintings, it's boring!

Yeah, in the place of Heston's spouse, he gets a space ship, because that's where 2/3 of his kids are from.

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On to the spares – Alina did nothing with her life.Darcy, though, married this girl, and carried on her little pirate theme.

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Michael continued to do magic, and was used in a Sim Scene entry on LJ a few weeks ago.

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Well, I hope that you enjoyed that little update.I don't know what is in the future for the Loco Legacy. It's possible that I may continue it at sometime, but it

isn't definite. I enjoyed that family, and I do kinda miss them, but lazyness + no motivation = NO WRITING

So, we'll just have to see what happens. Thanks for reading :)