Let You Down, Chapter One

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The story of Saph, her friends, her life, and, of course, her powers. Her annoying psychic powers that make her feel like a freak 24/7. Joy. CHAPTER ONE. Well, I'd tell you what it's about, but I don't want to give too much away yet. And WOO for two chapters (well, one chapter and a prologue) in one day! :D

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Yeah, this picture’s just because, honestly, who doesn’t want to see Don Lothario get a good punch? From a woman, no less! I mean, I like him and it still makes me laugh.ANYWAY. Welcome to the first official chapter of Let You Down. WOO! Two in a day. I feel awesome! XD Too bad that no one’s commented. *cough cough* Anyways, thanks to Christie for the cover, since I’m crap with photo editing programs and such. ONTO THE STORY! :DOh, yeah, and it’s in Saph’s POV, for those who were wondering. I recommend reading the prologue, to get to know the characters, but it’s not required and you probably won’t be completely lost without it.

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My alarm rang and I groaned reflexively, sliding out of the warm refuge that was my bed. Great. It was the first day back to school. On the bright side, this summer, I’d learned how to block out peoples’ thoughts when I didn’t want to hear them. I had to remember to thank Val later for letting me practice with her mind. After mulling all of this over in my mind to wake myself up, I headed into the bathroom with my uniform and slipped it on, doing my make-up and hair as well.

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I looked at myself in the mirror, happily noticing how shiny my hair looked today. Woo! I’d have to tell Janae about that one. She’d probably do a backflip or something. The girl was too energetic for her own good. Well… that or I was too lazy for my own good. It was probably the latter.

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While waiting for Val, Janae, and Cale, I logged onto my computer to check my e-mail. Nothing terribly important, of course, just a reminder e-mail from Janae.Saph!Remember to be ready bright ‘n’ early, chicka! We’ll all come and get you at about 8 AM sharp. Except for maybe Cale, but that’s cuz he’s always late. Roar! Boys!Love from Janae <3Just then, I heard something. “SAPH! I’m coming in now! You better be dressed!”

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Laughing, I pulled myself out of the computer chair as Janae walked right into my room. “No, I’m naked,” I said with a roll of my eyes.She looked me up and down, then grinned. “Doesn’t look like it to me,” she replied before wrapping me in a hug. Smiling a bit, I hugged her back.“Which is good for you. If I was, I probably would’ve thrown the nearest possible thing at you,” I told her.Eep, she thought. “I would’ve ducked,” Janae said as I broke away from the hug. What was going on? Why could I hear her thoughts? I was blocking them… wasn’t I?

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That was about when Cale walked in. “Morning, ladies,” he said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and Janae laughed.“G’morning, Cale,” she said with a wave at him.Man, they’re both looking really hot today, aren’t they? It must be the new uniforms that we have… that whole schoolgirl thing…I looked at Cale wide-eyed. Oh man! Had he gotten worse over the summer? His thoughts definitely had…

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Then Cale walked forward and hugged me. Had I not been able to hear his thoughts, I wouldn’t’ve minded, but he was just being far too perverted today.But I sucked it all up to at least tease him a bit. “Congrats, Mr. Punctual. You made it here before Val.”“Hey, I’m not that bad!... usually,” he said with a small smile.Janae tapped her foot impatiently behind us, and Cale let go of me, smirking. “Yes, Your Highness?”“Don’t I get a hug?” she asked him, smiling a little.Cale grinned at her. “Of course not; you annoy me.”

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I ignored them, and pulled Val into a hug when she walked into my room, too.“They’re at it already?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the bickering between Cale and Janae.I just nodded and smiled at her, letting her go. “I think it’s their secret way of saying they’re really in love.”“Definitely,” Val agreed with a nod.“WHAT?!” Cale and Janae chorused, shooting each other disgusted looks. I just laughed.

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After a bit longer of teasing, we all sat down around my couch and bed, waiting a while before starting the walk to school. It was… silent. For a few moments.“Val, I gotta say, you look really hot in that outfit,” Cale said with a smirk.Val, looking up from the ground, shot him a glare momentarily before speaking. “Cale, the morning’s only just started. I don’t want to have to hurt you quite yet, so I suggest you stay quiet.”After that awkward conversation and some nervous laughter from Cale, we stood up and started the journey.

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So, with Janae leading the way, we headed for school.“Janae, why are you smiling?” I asked her, though I already knew. Of course.“ ‘Coz it’s school! We get to see everyone for the first time in months!” she chirped happily.Cale gave the back of her head a look. “Someone switched her pills around,” he muttered, shaking his head. I laughed quietly, though Janae didn’t take pills. Sometimes it seemed like she should, though. She was a bit, uh… eccentric.

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When we got to school, we all headed into the classroom, and I took down my mind-block. Val and Cale took their seats immediately, but Janae and I couldn’t sit down. There was a girl in our spot. And we always sat next to each other. Always.“You’re in our spot,” Janae pointed out to the girl, hands on her hips. The girl didn’t say anything, just stood up.

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“Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but you don’t own this place. So you need to quit acting like it,” the girl growled.Janae’s eyes went wide for a moment, then narrowed. “I wasn’t. I was simply pointing out that you were in my seat.”Ooh, catfight, came Cale’s smug thoughts. I had to fight extremely hard to keep myself from rolling my eyes.

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That was when a guy I’d failed to notice before stepped in between the girl and Janae. “What’s going on?” he asked them quietly. I had to strain my ears to hear him.“Well, she’s insulting me,” Janae said indignantly, pointing to the girl.“And she’s being a bitch,” the girl retorted angrily, rolling her eyes.The guy smiled a bit and turned to Janae. “Excuse her. She has a bit of a temper. If you ignore her, it’ll go away,” he ended with a slight smirk.The girl crossed her arms and glared at him playfully. “Oh, I see how it is,” she said before the teacher told everyone to sit down.

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“Alright, guys, we have a few new students this year, but other than that, mostly everything’s the same… well, except for the uniforms. Good to see that you’re all wearing them,” our teacher said, glancing in Cale’s direction. I held back laughter, glad to see that I wasn’t the only one that had expected Cale to say, “Screw the rules” and do whatever he wanted. “Anyways, could our new students come up and say a bit about themselves?”The girl beat the new boy to the front of the room. I noticed that he hadn’t even tried to move, and a slight smile appeared on my features.

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“I’m JJ,” the girl said immediately, assuming an odd pose, which caused the class to snicker a bit. She was beautiful, though, I noticed. She could probably be a model, if she wanted. “I like music and dancing, and all that good stuff. Especially My Chemical Romance,” she told us with a nod. “And uh… well, I’m new here. Obviously. And I’m eighteen years old,” JJ added before walking confidently back to her seat and letting the boy get up. He headed to the front of the room and I tried my best not to stare. I mean… he was really… uh… good-looking. Just thinking that made me blush slightly. I wasn’t exactly good with guys.

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“I’m Zane,” he said simply. Then he walked back to his desk and sat down, saying nothing else. I was beyond confused. Not only had he been quiet about his interests and everything, but… I couldn’t read his mind. Nothing. Not a thing.And I could read everyone’s mind.

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I just like this picture. Anyways, DUN DUN DUN. Didn’t see that one coming, didja? Okay, you totally did, but STILL.And this one’s longer. :D YAY.Get this: no advertising pages this time. But you should still join my site and Boolprop. XD See, it’s not a sole advertising page. Ooh, and leave me comments about the story. D: I want people to like it. http://calliescrypt.50.forumer.com/http://forums.boolprop.com/