KOC Defensive Strategies

Koc defensive strategies

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KOC Defensive Strategies

Introduction A lot has changed in the world of KOC in the past years. Ascended cities, new troop types,

adjusted Throne Room Caps, Champions and the new selective defending feature. With so

many variables affecting battles it’s best to provide a few tips and guidance in the game.

Please keep in mind that just beating the opposing player's TR in Attack stats or Defense

stats does not mean you will beat them when you are defending. You need to use the right

set to counter what they have. Nowadays Champions alone can decide the outcome.

A common mistake that many players make is to defend with their High Defense Preset,

especially if theirs is better than the attacker's. However, the attacker receives a boost (

Blessings) to their attack damage from the Ore Guardian while a defending player does not.

That is why the common practice of defending with a Defense preset against incoming

horses rarely works. The attacker's horses can do double the damage because of the Ore

Guardian (blessings) so unless your attacker makes a mistake your troops will get wiped


Here are a few other tips to keep in mind when you are being attacked:

1. On defense always use the wood guardian. No other guardian will give you a boost

when you are under attack.

2. Make sure you have a Marshall in every city with 300 Combat Skill. Since we will not

be reinforcing each other as much, your Marshal's combat level will be affecting your troop

stats. ( Easily done via Dashboard)

3. Keep a supply of Blood Fury’s & Stone Skins. Be prepared to use one when you have

incoming to give your troops a boost. Crafting them is simple and the 50% attack boost &

50% Defense Boost along with the 300 Knight makes a big difference in your defending

troops' attack damage. Additionally you can use the Health Boost from the Staunch Banner.

4. If the city being attacked is a Fey city, always sacrifice your troops first before setting

your troops to defend. In dashboard clicking the Pic representing the troop, will sac, the

troop for approx. 1 minute.

5. Double-check the type and number of troops you have defending. You should never

have to defend your entire city again ( Unless you want) or use Presets to change troop

configurations in Dashboard.

6. With incoming march times often being incorrect it is also a good idea to refresh the

game to check if you are on correct TR preset and Champion before you switch your troops

to defend. If you are already on defend the minimal march time will always be 1 minute &

30 seconds. If you are NOT on defend then the minimal march time can be 30 seconds or


7. There is also nothing wrong with letting a couple of waves hit before you defend to

see what kind of TR sets they have. You may also decide to defend only the “Champ-less”

waves especially if your attacker has a superior champ and/or TR. A Good option is to use a

champion with troop stats to kill the “Champ less” waves. Have debuffs like Defense debuff

for example

Most attackers send mixed waves so they have some flexibility in the TR they select as their

attack hits. Sometimes it is very clear what the TR intentions will be, sometimes due to

troop configurations they can either go Range or Defense and that intention is not clear till

the last second. The addition of SpellPower adds a whole new layer to the game. Below are

given various Defensive Presets and from there you can go to make Variations on these

Presets, depending on YOUR level in the game. Higher or Lower cards in your TR. Different

Cards, custom Cards, Different Jewels & different opponents.

You can have a total of 24 Preset Possibilities, below some suggestions for you to fill those

presets aiding in your Defensive Strategies.

Range / Range Debuff Set

This is either your max Range or max Range debuff set depending on

which is your strongest or a combination of the two. You can combine

Range & Range debuff in a set as well. These 3 sets can also be enhanced

with SpellPower.

Various Specific Guides / Tutorials are here.

All the Range you can equip.


All The Range Debuff you can equip


Mixing Range Buff & Range Debuff in a preset.


Adding SpellPower to a Range TR


Defense + Attack Debuff

Referred to as “The Tank” this set is used mostly when attacking. However it can

be used effectively in very specific situations when defending as well. You are going

to need as much straight defense and attack debuff as you can muster. And don't

forget that Bonus to PVP on Defense also adds to your Defending troops Defense

total. 20.000 Defense + 1.000 PVP on Defense/Offense actually gives you 21.000


Making these sets work better is adding high Combat Speed to close the Range Gap.

These Presets are used more for attacking, but can be used for defending

( But remember the warning from the beginning of this guide for defending with defense)


Attack & Def Debuff

Many of us refer to this as the “Anti-tank”. This preset utilizes a combination of

Attack + Defense Debuff to stop a High Defense HC/Hussar/SW wave. Some TR levels

are getting extremely high so we are suggesting you have a goal of 25.000+ Attack (or

combined Attack & Horsed Attack or Ranged Attack ) minimum and as much Defense

debuff as you can come up with.




Combat Speed + Accuracy Debuff

+ Range Debuff

Or Reverse of Above

Tough to get all of these high enough but it can be done. High Combat Speed is

ideal and then add as much Accuracy debuff and then Range debuff if you can.

Or as much Range with Accuracy and Combat speed in buff & Debuff.

High Attack

Combat Speed &


Defending with High Attack can be very effective. To make it even more

effective you need to add Combat Speed in Buff ( to close the gap fast) and you

can also add Combat Speed in debuff ( To slow opponent down). Accuracy in

buff & debuff makes it lethal. SpellPower can add a protection Shield with Shield

Sorcerers to protect your Troops from Damage while they are closing the gap.

The full Guide here for this Preset:



The Addition Of SpellCasters Can greatly enhance existing presets or presets

can be built on a SpellPower Buff or debuff basis. Shield Sorcerers can add that

protective shield in Defense & Soul Stealers can take the Life away and give

them to your Troops. Toxics can slaughter strong enemies.

Presets with built on SpellPower:




Guide on SpellCasters :


Defending your Castle(s) is one part of the Strategy. It is also important to have

your Castle(s) in order.

You should not leave too much resources around like ore or food and make

yourself a target.

Defend Your castles when you can .. Happy Gaming.

: Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it

gives you and edge, or advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The

objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players

have a better under understanding of the game. The more players participate,

the better the overall experience is for all players. More attacking and defending

means “lively” domains full of activity.
