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Jonas Akerlund

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Page 1: Jonas Akerlund


Born: November 1965

He is from Sweden

He has been active since 1983

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From looking at Åkerlund’s work we can see that he loves to put

his name across in the videos that he has made, he likes to put

titles at the start of most of his videos also.

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From looking at his work many of his videos are very long and tell

a story. This can be seen from both Telephone – Lady Gaga and

Paparazzi – Lady Gaga. They usually are very vibrant with lots of

effects and title sequences to emphasize what the song is called

and who the artist is. He always manages to get his name

featured too. The artists he has recently worked with are very well

known but also are famous for their innovative videos. Artists such

as Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Rhianna, David Guetta. All his videos

show that a lot of money, time and effort have gone into them and

they are not just a ‘one shot wonder’

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I do enjoy Åkerlund’s work however I do find the longer of the

videos quite boring (e.g Telephone is 9 minutes!) however if he

could find a way to condense it down I would find them much

more manageable.

I love all the bright colours and ideas he uses to create a music

video that is different from all the others which makes you

remember them.

However I do find it a bit big headed how he tries to get his name

into the music video titles, if anybody was interested in which

director it was they would search for it.