A super simple method to find out what makes you happy and how to explode your happiness level. How to Finally be Happy.

How To Finally Be Happy

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Page 1: How To Finally Be Happy

A super simple method to find out what makes you

happy and how to explode your happiness level.

How to Finally be Happy.

Page 2: How To Finally Be Happy

Proudly presented by:

PayitForwardContest.com ©2012

Page 3: How To Finally Be Happy

I would like to start this booklet off with a personal letter I

wrote to somebody I love dearly. I want her to step back

and look at the broad picture. I want her to get out of her

own way. I want her to be happy.

Dear _______,

I know your life isn’t what you had in mind for yourself.

You thought you would have more, and be more by now.

You try and try, with all of your might, pushing yourself

and what seems to be forcing your ideas and ideals on

others. Why won’t they just hear you? Can’t they see that

you only want the best for them?

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It is time to take the pressure off of you. It’s time to give

to others so they will be in a better place in their lives.

That is what you want – for people to have a better life.

Allow me to remind you of an age-old action. One that

builds your karmic bank. An idea that ultimately will

benefit you; but it does so indirectly. Some people call it

being a good person. Others call it random acts of

kindness. I prefer to call it, “Paying it Forward”.

When you pay it forward, you do something selfless for

another person. You only hold the hope in your heart that

they will, in turn, pay it forward to somebody else and the

chain of goodness will continue.

You want happiness to surround you. You want success

for other people. Start giving that to others in a different

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way. A way that you have not yet tried. Start giving that

happiness and success to others by paying it forward.

You will be amazed at how great it makes you feel.

Deepest Love,


You might be reading this and wonder what “Paying it

Forward” has to do with your own happiness. Friend, I am

here to tell you that it has everything to do with your


It is something that cannot be explained.

It must be experienced.

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But before we get further into how to pay it forward, let’s

talk about something else first.

Being happy with who you are.

You simply must get rid of the things in your life that are

dragging you down! Make room for the things that light

up your life. Do this. Right away. Life is too short to

continue living a life that leaves no time for who you are as

a being.

When you are happy with who you are, paying it forward

will come so much more naturally.

Want an example?

Let’s say that you have such a tender place in your heart

for homeless animals. Every time you walk into the pet

store and they are just waiting to be adopted, you hope

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your highest hope that they will soon find a good home.

You look into their eyes and you can feel their loneliness –

you just want to take all of them home.

You have just come up with a plan at home that will free

up some of your time. Wonderful! Now, you can adopt

one of these pets to fill that time with something that

makes you happy!

Now, let’s take it a step further and pay it forward. You

know what makes you happy, so reaching out to those

animals will not be a “chore” whatsoever.

You decide to volunteer at the local pet shelter. When you

can devote time to the animals there, you light up and

time flies by without you even noticing. You know, that by

giving them the special attention that they deserve, you

are enhancing their lives if even for a moment. Spending

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this time with them brings you such happiness at a deep


After you have spent a few weeks volunteering at the pet

shelter, you realize what they are missing. They need

more interaction, more food, more treats, more, more and

more! You decide to do something about it.

You gather a few other volunteers and have a fundraiser

for the shelter so these pets can have more of what they


You hold the fundraiser and guess what – you just paid it

forward. The wonderful animals won because you just got

them all kinds of goodies that will make their stay at the

shelter more comfortable; and you have won because you

have done something that lit up your Spirit. (And when

your Spirit lights up… wonderful things happen!)

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So what if you are like so many people and just don’t know

what makes you happy?

It’s time to take an inventory of YOU.

Do these things to help you figure out where your true happiness lies:

1. What do you have a lot of around your home?

Books? Collectables (what kind)? Cooking

instruments? Bicycles? Items you want to repair?

Craft items just waiting to be crafted? Take a look

and you will get clues as to what is important to


2. What is your prized possession? Pen and paper? A

camera? A guitar? Your family tree? Books?

When you identify the one thing that means a lot

to you, you will have clue number two.

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3. What do people always ask you about? “When

people have a question about ________, they

always call me.” Plain and simple – clue number 3

is something that people can count on you for. If

you know a lot about it – it must be important to


4. What do you find yourself always talking about? If

you talk a lot about it – you have clue number 4.

(Note: if it is something negative, flip it around to

the opposite.)

5. What did you want to “grow up to be” when you

was a kid? Kids are so stinkin’ smart. As we get

older, we tend to let society dictate what we are

going to become. Recall what the smart you – the

kid you wanted to become in life. That’s clue

number 5.

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6. What did you play with when you was a kid? Same

premise here. Clue number 6 lies in your playtime

as a child.

Did you find a common theme? Perhaps you found a few

things! If they can be combined – great! If not –

wonderful! That just means you have a variety of options

to make you happy!

Here is the super simple method to find out what makes

you happy and how to explode your happiness level:

1. Clear your physical and time clutter.

2. Do what makes you happy.

3. Find a way to help others in the area that makes

you happy.

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That’s it. Honest.

True happiness doesn’t come from how much money you

have, where you live, or what kind of car you drive.

True happiness comes from being true to who

you are and helping others.


You won’t know it until you try it – and I am willing to bet

you have tried a lot of things in order to be happy. It’s

amazing how many people simply aren’t happy.

Look within yourself for your happiness, and then find a

way to pay that happiness forward.

You just have to do it to understand it.

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Here is a secret. That letter at the beginning of this book?

It was to myself. I wrote it before we (my family and I)

started the website/contest: PayitForwardContest.com. (I

actually wrote it because I was really sad and mad at


It is because of that letter that we have created something

that is so huge and helpful all the way around.

Quickly – our story. We need to move, but because of the

housing market, we would lose our shirts if we sold our

house the traditional way.


We are holding a contest where people write in and tell us,

in 200-300 words, how they want to pay it forward in

today’s society.

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It costs $104 to enter – and that is a deal because when

you enter, you automatically receive over $300 worth of

free downloads (eBooks, music MP3’s, hypnosis MP3’s,

coupons, etc…) That is way #1 we are paying it forward.

Way #2 we are paying it forward, is if we reach our

maximum of 10,000 entries, we will send back $65,000 to

entrants – randomly!

Way #3 we are paying it forward is that the top 10 entries

will be eligible to receive a free consultation to take their

idea to the streets with little to no money out of their


Way #4 we are paying it forward is the winner gets to

choose if they want our HOUSE or $20,000. Huge, right?

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I truly hope you enter the contest. It is a win-win all the

way around.

Pay it Forward ! Share the contest info on your social

media and with your real-life friends!





We can't help everyone, but

everyone can help someone. ~Ronald Reagan