Horror film analysis

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Page 2: Horror film analysis

This could entice the audience into watching the film because if the targeted audience are fans of insidious and saw which might make them consider watching the film . Their unique selling point.

The setting of the image is of a cellar; this setting enabled them to put the spotlight on what I presume to be the main character and the doll. The use lighting put emphasis on the centre of the image as the bottom and the top of the image are quite dark but it gradually gets lighter which highlights the girl in the chair and the doll. The girl is not faced front which created a sense of mystery to who she may be however the doll has a direct gaze which is used ironically because dolls are usually used by little kids as a form of protection but in this case its quite sinister

The movie is based on a real life story of Ed and Lorraine who were paranormal investigators. This lures in the audience because it could have happened to absolutely anyone. It creates a sense of curiosity to what may have happened to them.

The title ‘ the conjuring’ implies that whatever was going on to the warrens was very mystical and it can play on the minds of the audiences which is what horror films aim to do.The font type is very simplistic which might baffle the audience as the white colour of the font implies purity which is in contrast to everything else in the poster so the audience may start to question is it an illusion. The meaning of the title is reflected in the contrast between black and white. This might imply to the audience mind that not everything in this movie will be as it seems.

The poster has a blurb ; the blurb includes the names of the directors , editors, executive producers , producing companies and their logos etc. A website is also featured at the bottom of the poster which allows the audience to research the film etc.

The Conjuring

The poster features the ‘Coming soon’ which builds anticipation to when its coming out of which they can go on the website to find out when its actually coming out

Page 3: Horror film analysis

The Last Exorcism

The tagline of the film bring in the element of religion; the sense of good vs evil and who will prevail. The sentence is imperative as it tells the audience they must believe in the devil which entices them to watch the film for them to see for themselves how badly the girl is possessed. The tagline also interlinks with the image as the possessed girl clearly has some form of evil in her

At the top of the poster it states ‘ Eli Roth and Strike present’ to which the image is positioned directly underneath it implying that they (the creators) created the demonic character

The image is presumably of the main character who is posing is quite disfigured and grotesque with her hair draping over her face which emphasises the demonic side of her as only a quarter of her face is showing it implies that something mysterious, dark and unknown has taken over her and she isn't in control anymore.

The setting is of the corner of a run down room with a rotting ceiling and a really washed out painting coat further emphasising the dark element of the film. It shows the lifelessness. The fact that she's hanging onto the top of the corner of the room conveys the supernatural part of the film as no normal human can physically do that.

The poster has the date in which the film is coming out which is a conventional feature of a poster if it doesn’t say coming soon (release date)

The poster features who wrote it and produced it which might lure in the audience as they might already be aware of their work.

The title of the film appears to be smudged blood which conveys that in this exorcism blood may be shed and the E looks some unknown spirit tempered with the text as if something came and doodled over it as a sign of them not being alone. The fact that it’s the last exorcism it makes it un-missable. The title implies that there is a force that’s troubled and wants to release its anger or simply cause pain.

The poster includes the website for the film, company logos, age restriction etc although its not in the conventional format in which all the other posters follow.

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The Last House On The Left

The lighting of the poster is very dark. The black and grey lighting creates a sinister atmosphere. The grey lighting implies that it happens at night time which is usually the time for darkness The title of the poster creates a

sense of isolation which usually conveys danger. The title is in white and red and takes the main focus of the poster. The use of the red and blood smudges on the poster suggests quite a gruesome and bloody series of events that are going to take place; that blood will be shed in the film.

The image is an establishing shot of where the action will take place. We are not introduced to any characters which creates a sense of mystery to who occupies the last house on the left. The house is surrounded by trees showing that its isolated which implies danger and the question ‘who is going to save them at such an isolated place?’ it enables the audience to create their own storylines.

The tagline positioned right above the credits involves the audience as it directly asks them what they would do if someone hurts someone they love. It involves their emotion into the film because they can start to imagine how they would feel. The tagline reveals a bit of the storyline; its going to be about revenge linking into the bloody title and the house. Blood will be shed in the last house on the left.

The blurb doesn't feature the coming soon date but it has a website for the audience to keep informed. The blurb includes names of directors, producing companies aswel as many other relevant information

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This could entice the audience into watching the film because if the targeted audience are fans of paranormal activity and saw which might make them consider watching the film . Their unique selling point.

The main image is a medium shot of possibly the main character of the film. The character is positioned on the centre of the poster implying that he will be at the centre of all the mysterious events that are going to take place in the film. The setting of the image is an outdoor space at which you are introduced to by the establishing shot of the house (where all the action will be taking place).

The conventional dark lighting was used in the poster to suggest an evil atmosphere. The grey clouds match the characters eyes which further emphasises the sinister element of the film . It implies that the character has some form of evil inside of him creating audience curiosity. The lighting matches the colours used for the text. It creates a flow and consistency to the poster .

The poster also has reviews and ratings. Insidious has a 5* rating on this poster showing that it’s a good film and the commentary acts as an enticing device as ‘so scary’ and ‘sheer terror’ are in a larger font which puts emphasis the scary element of the film.

The tagline ‘its not the house that’s haunted’ creates curiosity and mystery to the film as the audience are left wondering what exactly is haunted. The tagline is also in green which is quite ironic because green is a colour that connotes safety not danger.

The poster has a blurb ; the blurb includes the names of the directors , editors, music by , producing companies and their logos etc. A website is also featured at the bottom of the poster which allows the audience to research the film etc. However it doesn’t have a coming out date or coming soon which is unconventional.


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The Blurb

The blurb usually has the company logos lined up at the bottom of the blog. It sometimes includes the age rating aswel. A website for the film is usually featured on there and sometimes they now include the icon of their facebook page and twitter

page to keep fans updated,watch the trailer etc. Blurbs tend to follow the same

format for example they name the production company, the director, the name of the film, music

producers, editors etc. The blurb usually includes a ‘release date’ or ‘coming soon’