Detailed Film Schedule Afreen Shahid 13T

Film Schedule

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Detailed Film Schedule Afreen Shahid 13T

Page 2: Film Schedule

Monday 6th January Preparation for buying props:

- Creepy doll – In order for us to find a creepy doll to suit the role, we decided to look into mostly charity shops as we thought we were more likely to come across a doll that had a memorable look towards it.

- Fake blood – This was an important prop to get as the item itself instantly connotes death. One of the scenes we planned to film portrays death which was the hand scene.

- Dresses – I brought in a black dress and a white dress for our main cast member who represents Flora to wear. This was also important as colours in our trailer hold important connotations for example when Flora is seen as innocent which is at the start, she will be seen wearing white. However, when she starts to turn sinister, she is seen wearing black for example whilst pushing her friend of the swing.

- Lab jacket – My team member also got a lab jacket to represent a straight jacket. This would be worn by a cast member who is playing Jean as the scene focuses her in a mental asylum.

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Tuesday 7th January

Media room (studio) – Jalisa singing which is distorted with candles around her. This alerts the audience that something may be wrong with Flora.

Black drama studio – Kenrique’s scene playing Jean in the asylum center.

LUNCH > Meeting room – Hand scene (blood)

Drama studio – Mum and husband scene portraying happiness at the start. Also, the dad handing the doll over to Flora.

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Wednesday 8th JanuaryLUNCH > Drama studio – Father brushing Flora’s hair and showing affection towards her daughter. This highlights the happiness within the family only at the start.

AFTER SCHOOL > Park scene with daisy (Flora pushes her on the floor). Chase scene with Megan in Pollards park


Taking pictures of Flora for our poster and magazine

Mirror scene/makeup – Afreen’s house

Megan being dragged from the floor

Extra house scene shot

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Thursday 9th January

Bruise scene with Kenrique

Flora scratching the photo out

Medium close up of the family photo

Shot of Flora happy with the doll