Everything is Numb3rs A Legacy Challenge

Everything is Numb3rs: Chapter 1

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A legacy challenge in which all children are named after characters from the show Numb3rs on CBS.

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Everything is Numb3rs

A Legacy Challenge

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Welcome to my first every legacy challenge. This will be a ten generation legacy where all children will be named after characters from my favorite TV show Numb3rs on CBS. Numb3rs is a procedural crime drama in which a mathematician helps his older brother, who is a member of the FBI, solve crimes. If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend it.

I also decided to choose a few handicaps in order to make this even more fun. I have chosen Fearless, Storyteller, and Presidential Physical Fitness. Well, here we go!

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So technically, I’ve broken a legacy rule within five seconds. Instead of starting with a single sim, I’m staring with my founding couple. In my defense, Numb3rs was created by two people, and it didn’t seem fair not to have them both. So this is Nick Numb3rs, who is named after Numb3rs co-creator Nicholas Falacci. He’s a Leo Family Sim with the LTW to marry off 6 kids. Oh great, thanks Nick.

“No problem.”

I was being sarcastic.

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And this is our co-founder Cheryl Numb3rs. Cheryl is based on the co-creator of Numb3rs Cheryl Heuton. Cheryl is an Aries and a knowledge sim with the LTW to reach the top of the Adventure career. But she’s going to have a tough time getting there thanks to Nick.

“Great, thanks Nick. Why couldn’t you roll something simple like be Captain Hero?”

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And this is our lucky couple’s home! My game can’t handle huge lots, so I put them on a 3x3 and then familyfunded them down to the correct amount.

Nick and Cheryl in unison: “She’s kidding right?”


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So since somebody wants 6 kids, these two get cracking right out of the gate.

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Now that baby numb3r one is officially on the way, these two settle in and start learning how to cook, or in Nick’s case how to fix things if they get broken as is required by the Fearless handicap.

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So since it doesn’t make much difference what job Nick here gets, I went ahead and put him in the military. He’s going to be earning the skills anyway due to handicaps, plus it pays really well.

“And since I want six kids we’re going to need lots of money right?”

Hey he’s starting to figure this legacy thing out.

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“Cheryl, shouldn’t we have a welcome wagon by now trying to mooch off of our lunch meat sandwiches?”

“I thought so too, but there’s no one here. How odd.”

Seriously, there was no welcome wagon to greet them. I’ve never had that happen before. Weird.

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Life for the Numb3rs family soon fell into a routine. Nick would get up early and head off to work, while Cheryl would sleep in due to always being low on energy. Great, now Cheryl doesn’t take pregnancy well. I’m starting to have second thoughts about those six kids now.

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If Cheryl wasn’t sleeping or eating, she was studying to keep her aspiration meter as full as possible. I foresee her needing many trips to the energizer.

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“That’s not the green fluted bowl!” If she wasn’t studying, sleeping, or eating she was insulting my choice in artwork.

I’m aware of that Cheryl. But it was the closest thing in the sculpture section that resembled the ever present supporting prop.

(In the show Numb3rs, the Eppes family owns a green fluted bowl. I tend to play spot the green fluted bowl whenever I watch the show. It’s sort of like Where’s Waldo. I decided my legacy family needed a best supporting prop too.)

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Nick’s day continues after work with a strenuous workout. If he’s in platinum he works out until his hygiene is completely gone. The fall bonus for skilling is only going to last so long.

“Come on, I’ve earned three points. Can I stop now?”

Oh, fine. You still need to study mechanical anyway.

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During Nick’s workout session, Cheryl pops into her maternity wear. She even gets the pretty maternity wear. (Hehe, I see the green vases in the background)

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“So we have a roof over our heads now?”

Yeah, it’s not much, but it’s better than some legacy families get.

“It could look worse?”

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Cheryl get up your are about to starve!

“But I’m so sleepy.”

Come on just walk the ten feet outside and hop in the energizer. You’ll feel so much better.

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“This feels sooooooooo good!”

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And Nick comes home with another promotion and then becomes fit all in the same day.

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The two were even able to spend time together studying mechanical and cooking skill points.

“We don’t even own anything electronic!”

Trust me Nick, you’ll thank me you have those when you do own those electronics and they break.

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“Ahhhhh that’s the stuff.”

Okay come on Cheryl. There’s something you need to do to get ready for your adventure job that you took this morning.

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“This can’t be good for the baby.”

Ah, they’ll be fine. I’ve read tons of legacies and the baby never is harmed due to the sim mom working out.

“Well, if you say so.” *huff*

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Cheryl why are you cleaning the shower? That’s something I’d expect Nick to be doing not you.

“Oh come on, you know exactly why I’m doing this.”

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Of course, so you could go into labor in the smallest room in the house! How silly of me.

“Just trying to keep the legacy spirit alive.” *huff* *huff*

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So with a spin and a twirl we meet baby numb3r one, Megan Numb3rs. She has brown hair and her dad’s custom green eyes.

(Megan is named after Agent Megan Reeves, a member of Don’s team and his second in command during seasons 2-4. The actress left the show at the end of season 4 due to giving birth to a set of twins. I miss Megan.)

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“She doesn’t have a crib.”

Just feed her a bottle and cuddle her until Nick gets home. I’ll be able to buy her a crib with his paycheck.

“Are you still planning on making me do this five more times?”

Uh, well…

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You are going to do it at least once more. I need a spare after all.

“Little privacy please?”

Sure, no problem guys.

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So after a quick shower, Nick made a straight shot for baby Megan. He really is a family sim folks. He’s constantly cuddling and playing with her. And see I was able to afford a crib.

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I made Nick put her down long enough to get in his daily workout, but then he went right back into father mode and gave Megan a bath. How sweet.

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So Cheryl actually got to go to work as an ambassador’s intern.

“It feels great to be wearing something besides that maternity wear.”

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Oh Calista, thank goodness it’s you. I was worried I would end up with one of those kleptomaniac nannies.

“Ah now dear heart, you know I’m always happy to help out.”

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So Cheryl, I see you had a good day at work.

“That’s going to be the last time I get out of this house for a long time isn’t it?”

Yeah, most likely.

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“Well Megan, it’s time for you to grow up. Wow, it feels like only yesterday you joined the family. Wait it was only yesterday.”

Sim baby stage over before you know it.

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Aww, Megan’s a cutie. This is a post make-over picture since she grew up with boy’s hair. She looks a lot like Nick to me. Oh and for those readers who are interested Megan is a Leo just like her dad.

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So since Nick had the day off, he took the time to teach Megan how to walk and talk. She learned super fast even with only using the fall skill bonus. Poor Cheryl spent the day sleeping, eating, with an hour or two of skill building.

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Nick has now moved onto Yoga to build his body skill points. He has more fun doing this and it doesn’t kill his hygiene.

“I’m not living in a shack. I live in a mansion on the beach.”

Hey your house is not a shack anymore, it’s more of a cozy hut.

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Megan, that triangle won’t go in the round hole.

“Trangle go where I say it goes!”

Oookay. I’m going to go check on your mom, while you chill out.

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This has a sort of déjà vu feeling.

“Wellll sinnnce youuu toook aaaaa similar picture aaaaaaaa feeeeeeeew days ago it should.”

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“I got the trangle in the hole! I smart.”

I guess she got over the little hissy fit from earlier. I think I prefer the friendly smiling Megan. The other one scared me just a bit.

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Following her shower, Cheryl goes into labor with baby numb3r two. And a quick spin and twirl later and we have another baby girl in the family.

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Nick is being his family sim self and feeds baby Nikki her first bottle. She has brown hair and her dad’s custom eyes just like her sister. I hope we don’t have a case of the first born effect. I rolled the dice, so we shouldn’t.

(Nikki is named after the newest member of Don’s team Agent Nikki Betancourt. Nikki joined the show in season five to replace Megan. She’s a former cop with a law degree.)

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“It’s so nice to be back in my regular clothes again and have the energy to skill. Thank goodness I won’t be having anymore kids for a while.”

Shh no one tell her that she’s currently pregnant with baby numb3r three.

(Yeah I’ve decided to go for the six kids want since there have been exactly six members on Don’s FBI team. So all kids this generation will be named after current or previous FBI team members. )

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“Cheryl was right, it’s not the green fluted bowl! Hahaha, that’s so funny.”

So I’ll close this chapter with Nick laughing at my choice of statues. I can’t tell if this means they like the vases or not. The family’s keeping it all ten generations whether they like it or not. So there. Join us next time to see the kids grow up and see if I can keep my sanity as I attempt to have those six kids Nick wants so much. Nick, you’re so lucky I like you. Constructive feedback is always welcome. Happy simming!