Detectives & Dragons 2014 Finals

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D&D quiz Finals

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2. FINALS!4 rounds 1-Write-O 2-Wibbly Wobbly 3-Timey Wimey 4- A2Z TO THE D&D 3. 1.Write-O 6 questions. Each depicting a certain show. +10 for each correct answer No negatives 4. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 5. 9. 6. 10. Answers1) 2 and a half men2) The Big Bang Theory3) White Collar4) Sherlock5) Homeland6) Supernatural 11. 2.Wibbly Wobbly 6 questions following infinite pounce system. +20 on the pounce and direct pass. -10 if you get it wrong 12. Q1.Id the guy talking to Sheldon 13. Answer Steve Wozniak 14. Q2.Connect 15. Answer Chilli P 16. Q3. SuperFreakonomics: GlobalCooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, andWhy Suicide Bombers Should BuyLife Insurance is a non-fiction bookby University ofChicago economist StevenLevitt and The New YorkTimes journalist Stephen J. Dubner,released in early October 2009 inEurope and on October 20, 2009 inthe United States. It is a sequelto Freakonomics: A RogueEconomist Explores the HiddenSide of Everything. However we knowSuperfreakonomics for differentreasons. 17. Band in which The Mother Played 18. Q4.The ruler of X is known as the Sealord and it isfrom the sea that the citys power and wealthflows. The city is one of the greatest bankingcentres in the world. A man can get anything inX, for a price, especially death.Which Place? 19. Braavos 20. Q5. X (, lit. as ___) is a Japanese super-soldierserum that causes enhanced physicalstrength, speed, endurance, durability, agility,stamina, reflexes, and an accelerated healingfactor once injected, however its use isdangerous, as the serum can easily prove fatalif not correctly administered. 21. Answer 22. Q6.1. Never get caught2. Never kill an Innocent3. Never make a scene4. Fake emotion and normality to fit in.5. When taking a psychology personality test,always answer the question with theopposite of what you feel.What are the above? 23. Answer Harry Law for Dexter 24. 3.Timey Wimey6 questions Each team has to bid for points. Max Bid=40 Minimum bid=10 inmultiples of 5 Now if you get it correct,+whatever you bid. If wrong, then half points will bededucted. Hint will be given before thequestion. 25. Q1. Red Jaguars Blue Barracudas Green Monkeys Orange Iguanas Purple Parrots Silver SnakesWhat are we talking about here? 26. Answer Teams from Legends of the Hidden Temple 27. Q2. Over one hundred years prior to the beginning of thestory, giant humanoid creatures called Titans suddenlyappeared and nearly wiped out humanity, devouringthem without remorse or reason. What remains of humanity now resides within acountry surrounded by three enormous concentricwalls: The outermost is Wall :Maria The middle wall is Wall :Rose The innermost is Wall :SinaBackdrop of which anime series. 28. Answer Attack On Titan 29. Q3.According to Urban Dictionary,A person, who has robotic and unemotional responses tohuman interaction. He doesn't get it. Clueless. Inability tointeract with compassion for other people. An uncaringperson is a X.Jane said, "I love you" to her boyfriend and he said, "Thanks"What a X! self-centeredI asked Mike, "What do you think of this baby?" Mike said, "He has a large head." I expected that answer from a X.Think having something large, think clueless think what is X. 30. Answer Podrick 31. Q4. X works by looking at all video, listening tophone calls, and reading e-mails, without theknowledge of the general public. X then sortseverything into relevant and irrelevantinformation. At the end of every day, it deleteseverything irrelevant. Give X (Hint: Think Jonathan Nolan) 32. Answer The Machine from Person Of Interest 33. Q5.Connect 34. Joss Whedon Agents Of SHIELD, Firefly, Dollhouse, Buffy Thevampire Slayer 35. Q6.Probably the most pervert characters in bothDBZ and Naruto,X Y Turtle Hermit Toad Sage Kamehameha Rasengan Teaches Martial Arts Teaches Ninjutsu 36. Answer X-Master Roshi Y- Jiraiya 37. 4.A2Z to the D&D A mega List-It A to Z total 26 things You have to list them inorder. +5 for each item youget correct if item10 38. Michelle Fairley, who portrayed the role ofHermiones mother in HP saga played the roleof A, mother of B who has never acted in herlife before the show. B is best friends with Sophia Turner who playsher sister C in the show. Now A also played the role of D who hiredPearson Specter to clear her name as she wasalso good friends with E whose firm mergedwith Pearson Specter E is also a regular in the show where A,B,Cwork as F. 39. G has written episodes of 2 epic British TVSeries H and I. H includes J who was the seen as LesterNygaard in a movie adapted tv-series K. I has been like the CID of Britain in terms ofthe timespan since it first aired. Now Bob Odenkirk played a role in K but weknow him as L where M played thequintessential role of N in the best Drama TVshow of the decade. M was also seen in the NFS movie. 40. The surname of the character O played was theinspiration behind Microsoft naming their searchengine P. Now O shares his first name with Q whose famouswords are ALRIGHT,ALRIGHT,ALRIGHT! O and R were best friends in the show. Now Matt Bomer shares his first name with R. Matt Bomer worked with Q in the movie Magic Mikealongwith Channing Tatum . R also starred in a spinoff from his original showplaying the same character he played before. This spinoff had Jennifer Coolidge whom we know as Sseen in Two Broke Girls alonside Kat Dennings and BethBehrs as the one who live above their house. 41. T comes from the word "zing" which means tofool or ridicule someone .It is written somewherenearby you right now. U is catchphrase invented and used by V who gotit registered as a trademark. Detective Quentin Lance played by PaulBlackthorne is a very familiar face as he played Win Lagaan. King of Hell X played the role of Curtis Hagen theDutchman in White Collar while Y(character)from White Collar played the role of the BizarroJerry in Seinfeld in which Frank Costanza isadvised to say Z aloud every time his bloodpressure is in danger of going up, but he yells itinstead. 42. ANSWERS!!! 43. A=Catelyn Stark B=Arya Stark C=Sansa Stark D=Ava Hesington E=Edward Darby F=Varys G=Steven Moffat H=Sherlock I =Doctor Who J=Martin Freeman K=Fargo L=Saul Goodman M=Aaron Paul N=Jesse Pinkman 0=Matthew Perry P=Bing Q=Matthew McC R=Matt LeBlanc S=Sophie T=Bazinga U=Litt Up V=Louis Litt W=Captain Russell X=Crowley Y=Peter Burke Z=Serenity Now