Dance With Yoga To Attain Dance Posture Perfection International Yoga Day was globally celebrated on 26 June 2015 with the aim of keeping the body and mind fit, and discover the sense of oneness. Now, people are getting attracted to Yoga for it numerous benefits. Yoga is for all. Be it a common man or a dancer. To be a better dancer, practicing yoga is a greater way as it increases the flexibility of the body. To get perfection in various dance forms, every dancer has to rely upon flexibility, confidence, and balancing of the body. Dancers show a flexible and balanced posture in popular dance formsBreak-dance, Ballet, Burlesque, Belly Dance, Tribal, or Hawaiian. Yoga is beneficial to all dancers as it helps in attaining the following: Body strength Body posture improvement Improved inner body circulation Purification of the body from toxins Interestingly, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga or Power Yoga is known as a form of Hatha Yoga in the West. It focuses not only on the warming up the body but also on linking the body postures with the breathing exercises. Moreover, it helps in building stamina and stretching the body more safely. This way, yoga is highly useful for the overall performance endurance that is the key to the success of any dancer.There are some dance classes where yoga and dance come together to bring Eastern spirituality and movement to the west closer. Let’s have a look at some of the common benefits of yoga for dancers. These include: Balance, clarity of the mind, confidence, flexibility, improved circulation, improved hip mobility/flexibility, improved lung capacity, posture improvement, purification of the body, stamina, strength/muscle toning, and stress relief. And all these benefits make a dancer flexible, balanced, perfect and sound. Yoga offers a good mind/body experience and successfully brings clarity and peace to the mind. Some yoga poses that help you become a perfect dancers: Baddha Konasana (Bound angle posture): It is beneficial for stretching spine, and opening of groins and hips. This posture is really great for dancers.

Dance With Yoga To Attain Dance Posture Perfection

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Page 1: Dance With Yoga To Attain Dance Posture Perfection

Dance With Yoga To Attain Dance Posture Perfection

International Yoga Day was globally celebrated on 26 June 2015 with the aim of keeping the body and

mind fit, and discover the sense of oneness. Now, people are getting attracted to Yoga for it numerous

benefits. Yoga is for all. Be it a common man or a dancer. To be a better dancer, practicing yoga is a

greater way as it increases the flexibility of the body. To get perfection in various dance forms, every

dancer has to rely upon flexibility, confidence, and balancing of the body.

Dancers show a flexible and balanced posture in popular dance forms—Break-dance, Ballet, Burlesque,

Belly Dance, Tribal, or Hawaiian. Yoga is beneficial to all dancers as it helps in attaining the following:

Body strength

Body posture improvement

Improved inner body circulation

Purification of the body from toxins

Interestingly, Ashtanga Vinyasa

Yoga or Power Yoga is known as a

form of Hatha Yoga in the West. It

focuses not only on the warming up

the body but also on linking the

body postures with the breathing

exercises. Moreover, it helps in

building stamina and stretching the

body more safely. This way, yoga is

highly useful for the overall

performance endurance that is the

key to the success of any

dancer.There are some dance

classes where yoga and dance come

together to bring Eastern spirituality

and movement to the west closer.

Let’s have a look at some of the common benefits of yoga for dancers. These include: Balance, clarity of

the mind, confidence, flexibility, improved circulation, improved hip mobility/flexibility, improved lung

capacity, posture improvement, purification of the body, stamina, strength/muscle toning, and stress

relief. And all these benefits make a dancer flexible, balanced, perfect and sound.

Yoga offers a good mind/body experience and successfully brings clarity and peace to the mind. Some

yoga poses that help you become a perfect dancers:

Baddha Konasana (Bound angle posture): It is beneficial for stretching spine, and opening of groins and

hips. This posture is really great for dancers.

Page 2: Dance With Yoga To Attain Dance Posture Perfection

Padangusthasana (Foot and Big Toe Posture & Hand to Foot Posture): This form of yoga is a better way

to purify toxins collected in intestines and abdomen. It can be effectively use in order to stretch the

hamstrings and calves.

Vrikshasana (Tree pose): It is useful chest and hip stretching and spine strengthening. Moreover, it tones

up legs and feet and balances spine. It is an excellent hip opener method.

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended three angle posture): It is good for stretching the front and back of legs

realigning the skeletal system.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Spread leg/foot stretching postures): It stretches low back, calves, and chest.

When you are online, there are many best dance videos that help you learn dance by practicing yoga.

Moreover, you can go for online dance classes that help you learn dance with yoga in an easy manner.