Sevenstone The Legacy By Jenny: Chapter 1-2

Cat queens and carbon copies

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Starting in a legacy house, with first jobs and first babies, and a cat that seems to think that she is the queen of the house.

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Page 1: Cat queens and carbon copies


LegacyBy Jenny: Chapter 1-2

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Welcome to your new home, Aislynn! You’re never going to leave it again with any degree of permanence. Your children will be born here, and you will die here, and your children will die here.

Aislynn: “This is a field. Really big thing of grass with nothing in it. Do tell me how I am supposed to live here?

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Ben: “Looks fine to me.”

Right on time.

Aislynn: “When did you get here?!”

With the house, of course. Graduating two of you was very good for the money situation. Who needs a shack, when you can live in a cottage?

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Two bedroom, two bathroom, and kitchen/living room combo. One bedroom short of being my house, which just goes to show how well my family is doing. Couple of trees out front; all necessities paid for, and a few extra things too, like the spare toilet and additional chairs.

It pains me to design within a budget. I think I did pretty well, all things considered.

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Aislynn: “New clothes are nice.”

I know. Love the blue polo, Ben. Right up there with purple things for making men look attractive, but the blue is better with your fair hair.

Ben: “Thanks, I guess.”

Aislynn: *slow dance twirl* “We’re fabulous.”

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Aislynn: “YAY!” *getting married*

Ben: *totally neutral* “Anything for you, babe.”

This guy wants for nothing. Nothing to do with Aislynn at all. No complaints, either, but I get the feeling he could take or leave this whole legacy spouse thing.

Aislynn: “I don’t care, he’s mine and I love him.”

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Aislynn: “Must find job, please have job…”

Yeah, getting you to be an Education Minister is a goal for both of us. Platinum Aspiration and the ensuing gravestone, and that delightful bookcase for generations upon generations to exploit. Win-win situation if you ask me.

Aislynn: “Which I didn’t, thank you very much. Go bother Ben or something, I am legitimately trying to get things done.”

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Ben. What is that?

Ben: “It’s a kitten. Aislynn wanted one, so I called the adoption services.”

I will put up with this because this is a cat instead of a dog…but where is the baby I ordered?

Ben: “We’re waiting until the wedding night like civilized people. It’s still the same day.”

Like that totally matters to you. Fine, whatever. Do what you want, but I want a kid by the end of the week.

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Yay for baby making! I’ll just…go…now. Put a sign on the door or something; this is awkward.

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Well you grew up fast. One day of kitten, that’s it?

Kiwa: *I am queen*

Would it be too sappy to appoint you queen of watching over the expected child?

Kiwa: *Perhaps. I am queen. Let the mother watch the child.*

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Aislynn: *BARF*

Lovely. *Happy heir dance*

Aislynn: “Go away.”

No, you go away. Your carpool is outside when you are quite finished. You’ve got a promotion to get before being homebound.

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Good for you! Long ways to go, but I’m betting you’ll not be going tomorrow. You have a baby to carry for the next two days.

Aislynn: “Yay! Been holding that want since I got married!”

Which was yesterday. You’re not even halfway there.

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Aislynn: “OMG! BEN! I’m showing!”

Ben in the distance: *so unimpressed still* “Coming…”

Ben is just the chilliest person. So mellow. All he wants is skills and stuff, and I maxed him out in college. Now it’s just work and playing chess he wants.

Aislynn: *Baby yay*

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Ben: “Hello bump.”

Aislynn: “Such a loving father.”

He’s doing it for you…no further comment.

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Aislynn: “I’m huge.”

Ben: *chatters unintelligibly with girl from work, met at a job I’m still trying to replace*

Any day now. Just hang about; you’ll have a baby in your arms probably sometime later tonight, Aislynn, and the bump will be gone.

Aislynn: “I cannot wait for the moment.”

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Ben: “Omg impending baby.” *grin* “This should make her happy for a while…”

You bet. Aislynn, quit insulting Ben, this was your idea.


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Aislynn: “Baby!”

Kieran Waters. Aislynn’s light skin and hair, Ben’s blue eyes. Purrrrrfect.

Ben: “My eyes.” *grin*

Yup. Lovely mix of the two of you. *COME ON ELF EARS*

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Ben: “You’re right. He does have my eyes.”

Of course he does. Your little Aislynn with your eyes.

Ben: “That’s probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. My little Aislynn…”

That’s right. Just keep thinking that.

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Ben: “Well, back to reading.”

Kiwa: *how dare you sit beside me, mortal, when there is an entire other seat on your other side. I am disgusted, and I am leaving.*

I think we all know who the real queen of the house is at the moment, then.


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Interesting outfit, Ben. Finally got that job with the SCIA?

Ben: “Yup.”

Aislynn: “Let’s make another baby!”

You two do that. I’ll be back later.

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So I had Ben paint this, and I’m totally keeping it around. It really shows of Aislynn in her natural mindset as a family Sim.

Makes me want a wedding chapel to hang it on the wall. Pity I just spent everything on the nursery.

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Ben: “Yay! Birthday time!”


Sparing you all the adorable pictures of parents cuddling baby in turn. I don’t have captions for any of them and that would be considered serious photo spam.

Ben: “Make a wish, Kieran!”

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ELF EARS!!! I got my wish. Lovely tuxedo, Kieran. Very stylish.

Kieran: *confetti glitter entrance*

Ben: “He’s darling. Still my little Aislynn…”

Ben suddenly became the most active parent I’ve ever seen. Knowledge is usually pretty dippy in my experience…but it’s like sudden super-dad.

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Ben: “Come, glowing child. Use your feet.”

Aislynn: “My family is fabulous and so am I.”

Yes, how cute. Tuxedo baby is on the move!

Kieran: *still fabulous*

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Aislynn: *BARF*

Excellent! Another on the way! I still recommend at least three…

Aislynn: “I am ignoring you. You’re going to threaten to kill my babies again.”

Not immediately. And probably not the little angel in the next room. I was thinking more of the first to miss the elf ears I would like the least.

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Formal portrait? Or as close as I can get immediately…

Kieran: <Where is my glitter? I am incomplete without confetti or shining or sparkling.>

Quite the little diva, I see.

Kieran: *fabulous*

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Aislynn: “OMG yay more babies!”

Excellent. More babies indeed! Hopefully Ben gets that promotion so you can fit two of them in the nursery.

Aislynn: “I’m sure Kieran will surrender his crib without too much of an issue.”

Not if he’s still trying to sleep in it.

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Kieran: <Please let me out. I want to play >

I’ll see if anyone’s awake. Cry your eyes out if it will help; I’ll get some glitter down you eventually.

Kieran: <You know you love me.>

Looks like Kiwa might have a little competition for favorite small thing…

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I see you got stuck with potty training.

Aislynn: “Ben’s at work. He did want to, though. I’ll just get started.”

Kieran: <This is horribly undignified.>

Live with it, all of you. Sure, Ben can finish up when he gets home.

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Get him good and clean, Ben. I want a photo shoot.

Ben: “But my promotion…I’m going to work again in an hour.”

I’ll live. Just want Aislynn and Kieran really; they’re bloodline.

Ben: “That’s cool. Get a great shot of my two favorite redheads for me.”

Will do; you have my word.

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Rounding off with an heir and a half, then.

Aislynn: “Oh, good, you’re finally leaving.”

Not for long; don’t get used to it. I’ll be back before you can blink. In the meantime, Happy Simming to everyone. The Sevenstone Legacy shall return.