Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 29

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Motoring right along, this is Day 9, Update 7. I took a few days rest since my brain didn’t want to think enough to write but now it’s back and ready to go.

Apatite: Now that we’re not furry anymore it’s birthday time twin! We can go hunting now!

Aquamarine: I have waited for this moment for like my whole life!

Aquamarine: Call me Irresistible because who can resist the wild, untamed nature of the wolf?

Apatite: I prefer to be more Family Oriented, you know to pass on what I know

to my kids.

Aquamarine wasted no time putting her new trait to use, the first victim is the Ithaca boy who I suspect is a mermaid. I had to give him a make over, he was in dire need of it.

Not that Aqua minded…

For Apatite she met one of the blue haired boys as kids so getting him in line was her next step now that she was older…but he seemed resistant to the idea.

My heir seemed more interested in finding sunken treasures rather than finding a girl to mother the final generation. I was all excited for generation nine to teen, it was a sign that the legacy was nearly over…but as this episode’s title suggests, the joy was short


Someone must have abducted my senses, I don’t remember why I thought it was a good idea at the time…but I deleted the Arcenciel save file. Everything was gone, my portraits, my urns, my

gemstone and metal collections, all my Skull cut gems, the Alchemy supplies, even my Nanites…and worst of all my elders. Which included Tannie and Ana as well as Ramon. A system restore didn’t

save them either…they were gone. Nine generations of object collections, just gone.

Apollo: I can’t. Believe. She. Did. That.

Hydrangea: Neither can I, I thought I was done birthing kids…and this time my girls aren’t both werewolves! I feel robbed.

I’m sorry!! *sobs hysterically* I just wanted to get rid of the lag…

I didn’t lose everyone…I found Howlite again. Except he’s a caveman…and blond and darker skinned…

And a werewolf! Damnit! >_<

Hydrangea: Then he’s Howlite 2.0, the better version.

But, but he’s supposed to be a mermaid!

And…another male? He’s also blond, blue eyed like his daddy and a werewolf! I didn’t expect four Aqua kids…well this is Smithsonite. The unexpected spare. I still am

going with Howlite since he was first born and well I do want to do that LTW of his.

Smithsonite Arcenciel, the unexpected spare is a Charismatic, Outdoors Loving, Flirty, Natural Cook. He aspires to be a Superstar Athlete as long as he gets plenty

of Tri-Tip Steak with some Indie music playing and lots of Grey in his wardrobe.

Hydrangea: So Ai Pei, I need to vent. Camera Lady deleted my whole world and I had start over again. I was done having babies and had my resort empire well in hand, I was all ready to let Howlite take over…but no! I have to do it all over


Hydrangea: I need to release some pent up anger, care to help me?

Ai Pei: Angry wolf…there is more to martial arts than just venting frustrations.

Hydrangea: It’s either this or I eat someone, which is better you think?

Ai Pei: *gulps* I see wisdom in that point…please don’t eat me.

It was a long wait but the twins did get to age up again, and Howlite discovered festival food…*ahem*. The twins got their same traits back and I CAS changed Aqua back into a

wolf and cured Howlite. I just have to wait for someone to earn enough LTH for more Mermadic Kelp to put it all back the way it was.

Hydrangea: Oh good all is well again. My babies are wolves, just like they should be.

See I fixed things, except for the boys’ hair. I wanted that white blond back

some how.

The twins are more twin-y than they were before too…ugly dresses are ugly. Anyway, things are back to normal now and I can finally begin Howlite’s reign properly!


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Wow, 30 episodes in and I’m still not done. But I am so close despite being set back a generation. Howlite is still my heir and he needs to find an Islander wife for the final

generation. Who will he choose? And who will be the mother of Generation Pink?