Apocalypse Please! 3 - Corruption in Disguise

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Apocalypse Please!


Corruption in Disguise
Weeks 9-11

Welcome back to Apocalypse Please! For Chapter 3 - Corruption in Disguise Weeks 9-11

Last chapter we saw Gerry working hard at reaching the top of the culinary career to no avail. Al, Buddy and Clint became teenagers and have been meditating constantly to keep from starvation. Anna moved in and started out with a job in the medical career. She and Clint seem to get along well, what with both of them wanting to become professional adventurers and sadly neither of them will be able to pursue that dream.

So, this chapter begins with both Gerry and Anna trying to reach the top of their careers to make life easier for the family while the rest of the family continues to try and make the most of their limited options. Mara, our founder, will narrate this chapter just as the she did for the previous chapters, and if I have something to add it will be in italics at the bottom of the slide. Shall we? -->

Anna has been very fortunate at work, she's been promoted again and now works as a nurse. In fact, her first shift is a night shift in just 5 hours! No rest for the weary.

Whenever my children are able to interact with people outside of the family I'm thankful. And really, our company's fashion choice - pink houndstooth tights, a plaid skirt and a white halter - are the least of my worries. So carry on Buddy, see where that game of chess takes you and Meadow.

My love has just realized that he's not as young as he used to be. I suppose it's easier to recognize this when you see your bare skin covered in wrinkles.---I thought it was absolutely hilarious when Gerry aged up to a senior in the nude while sponge bathing.

My youngest son Clint seems to be the happiest of my children. He is content with reading and painting and fills his days with the pursuit of knowledge. I'm so proud that he is taking it upon himself to get an education since he can't go to high school in the next town over. He's recently been going on and on about how he can't wait for the food suppliers to ship here again so he can try all of the new recipes he's only read about.---Clint has maxed his cooking skills. He's also the only teen in the family not perpetually in the red, oh knowledge sims, you're wonderful.

Not to be upstaged by his twin, Buddy sets out to find his own happiness, but on a much different path. My son had his first kiss tonight with his new girlfriend Sophie.---When Buddy finally got his first kiss, and was finally in a platinum mood, maybe for the first time since he was a toddler, I was beyond excited! I've had the hardest time keeping Buddy and Al in good moods.

Orlando has finally come around too, he seems to finally appreciate women his own age instead of well, me.

Al and Orlando shared their first kisses with each other tonight. Orlando should count himself as a lucky boy.

This kiss couldn't have been any closer to impossible since Al is now a grown woman.

Al wants to go into the music business, but the only job listed in the paper currently is adventurer. My daughter very tactfully told me and me alone about her disappointment in the job listing since both Anna and Clint wanted to go into that field and can't.

Culinary Restriction Lifted

My husband finally got his last, very overdue promotion. He is now featured on television as a top chef, and with that he's gained the leverage he needed to get all of Hiddenbrook the food we've previously been denied.

Oh Al, go ahead and flirt with Ben Long, I've got my eyes on that stove behind you...

Gerry's first food related requests were food of course, but also a gas stove and oven. Our Buddy got to the stove first to cook our first hot meal in ages,and his first hot meal ever, spaghetti.---I'm over the hill about the Lakshmis finally being able to eat, eat what they want, and eat often! Once a Culinary master emerges from the household, new ways are invented to preserve food. Sims learn better ways to cook the artificial food and how to rewire home appliances so they can be used again. They also open up supply chains to coffee growers. All Culinary restrictions are lifted.

Al's grumbling stomach finally won out over giving Ben Long attention, and she too went to the stove and made a group serving of macaroni and cheese.

Over a hot dinner the ladies of the house, sans me of course, sat down and had a conversation that broke my heart. Anna and Al were wondering about the worth of lots of money when we couldn't do anything with it. We can't renovate our house (Politics restriction), we can't redecorate (Business restriction), and no one can move out on their own (Military restriction). I knew life in Hiddenbrook was going to be tough, but this is honestly more than I imagined.

Al has been meeting a lot of men lately, and getting rather close, really quickly. I don't really approve of this, but then again, I was oblivious to my own possible relationship with Gerry when I was my daughter's age. I won't tell Al this, but her new friend Enrique reminds me a lot of her father...---Romance sim Al has found something to occupy her time while she waits for her dream job.

One way or another Anna is, and will always be a part of our family so Al has gotten started on her portrait. Speaking of Al, she's found a job in her dream field music, she's starting out as a record store clerk.---I didn't think I'd go for the music restriction this early on, but it's Al's ltw and I'm sick of the winter already!

Anna received her third promotion today since she started working at the hospital. She is now an intern and will start to perform minor surgeries from time to time.---She's only at level 4, we still have a long way to go yet before the Lakshmis have fresh water!

Despite my daughter's many boyfriends, she does spend a lot of time with the family. I can still see the sweet little girl who desperately wanted to go to school when we chat over breakfast. I do wonder sometimes how life would be different if my children grew up like Gerry and I did, but then again, I think my children are really responsible, resourceful and fearless. They know what the want, and they're hard workers. I wouldn't trade that for the world.

Having an oven has been wonderful, but today we also got to see the danger in it. Luckily we've all been on strict guard when we cook. We've worked too hard for our home and our belongings to lose it to a pot of chili burning up.

Anna is really great at what she does. So much so that every time she goes to work they give her more responsibilities. Today she was promoted to a resident with a large bonus and pay increase.

Anna keeps making connections in the medical world, and is trying to follow in Gerry's footsteps, convince her colleagues of the worth of the people in Hiddenbrook.

My youngest, Clint, has been studying hard lately. I love that he thirsts for knowledge; he reminds me a lot of myself when I was in college. He is now a master mechanic, and wants to find an old junker to fix up so we can get around more easily.---Clint has maxed mech, now he only has charisma, body and cleaning left to max and 3 days left until he ages into an adult. No snapdragons, no fall, such a good little knowledge sim. :)

And my daughter, Al, is doing wonderfully in her career. She is now a piano tuner, and is on her way to reaching her dreams. I'm really glad that one of my children is able to pursue what they want to instead of need to.


Our little worker bee, aka my best friend, aka Anna has been busy at work, she has been promoted from a resident to a General Practitioner. I love to see my friend rising so quickly to the top, it brings hope to my heart for my family and the future of Hiddenbrook.---Anna is now at level 6 of Medical, over half way there!

I always thought my sons were handsome, but now that they're adults I think Anna has taken notice. Buddy (on the left) got a job in law right away, where he hopes he can meet the woman of his dreams. And Clint (on the right) found a job the next day in politics as a campaign worker, he hopes to give the residents of Hiddenbrook a larger voice again, and not let his future colleagues conveniently forget about us.

Now that Buddy is an adult, he's turned his eyes to Anna. Unfortunately for my son, the attraction he's feeling isn't mutual. But, Buddy won't give up on it that quickly, the thing he wants most in the world is a family and Anna is single.

Al has been a piano tuner for a while now with no promotion in sight. I think she's spending her effort on befriending all of the men in the neighborhood instead of working on her skills required for work.

Buddy enjoyed his first day at work, and though he didn't get a promotion he felt satisfied.

Anna on the other hand is a promotion mad woman, she is now a specialist. It seems everyday she goes to work she comes home with a promotion.---Anna is now at level 7 in the medical career!

Now I know why Buddy was so happy with his first day at work. Today, I saw him upstairs playing chess with his coworker Brandi. The look on his face tells me he's smitten.

Anna has reached a plateau for promotions, the hospital wants her to become more familiar with some procedures* before she gets another pay increase. I know it won't be long before she's getting promoted again.

Buddy got his first promotion today though, he is a legal secretary. I'm very proud of my son, I can't wait to see him settled down with a wife of his own one day.---*Logic skill

Mara Lakshmi died that same afternoon of old age, she never got the chance to see any of her children fall in love and get married, she never got the chance to meet her grandchildren... She never got to see Hiddenbrook restored to its past glory. On her death, her children found a letter that she wrote to them...

My Dearest Children,Know that I will always be with you in your hearts, I love you dearly, and respect each of you. I know all of you will be exceptional in your careers, and will make your husband and wives very happy. It makes me sad to know that I will not get to meet your children, but you must continue on. Please look after your father for me, I can't imagine living without him, it will be hard for him.Love always, Mom

From this point on the narration will be from Mara's youngest son Clint's perspective.---It was my first day home from work, and my happiness with my first promotion (to Intern) was immediately wiped away when I noticed Mom didn't come out to greet me as she said she would...

I went inside to find Anna and father in tears.

Mom's dead.

I tried to stay strong for everyone, but once I went upstairs I couldn't bare it and broke down. Mom wasn't even sick, how could she be gone? I could sense someone behind me, but I couldn't stop myself from crying.

Clint, come hereI turned around, it was Anna holding her arms out to me. She pulled me in for a big hug and just held me for a long time. Once I stopped crying I felt something for Anna I hadn't noticed before. She and I looked into each others eyes, and pulled in close again...

Anna and I shared our first kiss that night. Everything felt right, and just clicked into place.

Since Clint and Anna have been best friends for a long time, they both fell in love with each other after their first kiss.

The feelings coursing through me were so strong that night, that I had to just go with my heart and instinct. I got down on one knee and proposed to Anna.

Apparently it wasn't so rash, Anna accepted my proposal that night and made me a very happy man.

The grieving Gerard received a large aspiration boost for Anna and Clint's engagement, taking him quickly away from aspiration failure.

Not a day goes by that we don't think about Mom, but we do our best to keep going. Al has gotten a promotion finally, she works at a coffee shop out of town as a sound engineer. Al's never been too quick to advance, but she's always been more laid back than Buddy and myself.

Anna and I share a love of learning*, every night we sit together and read and debate about what we're reading. I am happy with the future I see for the two of us.---*Clint and Anna are two little knowledge peas in a pod.

Anna and I aren't the only ones studying for work, most nights Buddy is rehearsing speeches he's written for work. He's very eager for his next promotion.

Al came home with an interesting story today. She let someone borrow an amp, which they broke and when she was on her way to buy a new one, he boss found out what happened. She explained the story to her, and the boss was impressed with Al's honesty. Al's boss knew that she wasn't content where she was and told her of a position open at a summer band camp, Al is now a teacher for the camp.

Anna and I haven't been engaged for long, but we decided life is too short, so we're getting married today.

We exchanged rings and vows outside in the snow. It was simple, sweet and to the point.

We are a bit disappointed to have to wait to consummate our marriage, but Anna said she can't risk losing her job* at this point. So a family will have to wait.---* Without medical lifted the only option for woohoo is try for nooboo so the couple has to wait.

The night of the wedding, Mom's ghost made an appearance. Buddy was really shaken up by it, but I was actually happy to see her even though she was trying to spook me.---I'm happy both Anna and Clint are knowledge sims and are loving the hauntings. Buddy on the other hand fears it all the time. Luckily Mara's ghost hasn't figured out how to go upstairs yet because I can't move her urn. The paranormal restriction is moving steadily up my list, one ghost haunting is causing enough havoc!

Today Al announced* that she can't stand teaching at the camp anymore and has returned to the bar scene to judge battles of the bands. I got a promotion today, I'm now a lobbyist.---*Al got another promotion, but the music career is just set up so illogically that I can't stand to say it's a promotion, lol!


The only thing any of us seem to do anymore is work... but I guess that pays off since I've gotten another promotion and now I'm managing a campaign for a colleague. It's not as good as running myself, but I like the fact that he sits on my every breath of advice.

I am excited about work, but I can't stop thinking about how I wish Anna would get some time off from work, I really do want a family with her.

Buddy announced that he is now a legal biller and Al has decided to follow one of the bands that won the battle of the bands, and become a roadie for a while.

And my Anna is now a surgeon, I'm so proud of my wife.

The next few work days Buddy is promoted to a paralegal and then again to a Personal Injury Attorney.

I don't work as often as everyone else, so I get a lot of time to work on my hobbies* I feel more confident everyday with the campaign speeches I'm writing for my boss.---*By hobbies I mean skills, and in this case, Clint has maxed all of his skills except for body.

My lovely wife Anna came home with the best news I'd heard in ages no she didn't get a promotion - even better, she has the next three days off from work! I can't wait to finally make love to my wife and try for a nooboo!

Anna and I have been having trouble conceiving, and so Anna took matters into her own hands. See, Mom and Anna were best friends, and Mom had left some potion called elixer of life to Anna.

I wasn't so sure about it, but my wife is in the medical career, so I just looked away when she took the elixer.

Anna had renewed energy and even though I was tired, we had limited time, we needed to get pregnant, and pregnant fast!---Anna and Clint finally conceived after Anna took some elixer of life. Thank goodness I still had some left!

Anna was so exhausted and starving after our night together that she didn't think twice when she walked into the kitchen with in undergarments... I don't think she even realized how uncomfortable it made my Dad and brother.---This picture just cracked me it, it's like everyone was just trying to pretend like nothing was amiss. :D

Anna and I are expecting! We're over the moon with anticipation and happiness.

Al has returned from her life on the road and has decided to try out* being a studio musician for a while. We're really happy that she's home, and we hope that she likes this job better.---*Al got a promotion from roadie to studio musician.

My boss won his campaign, and he appointed* me as a city council member. I'm really excited to not just write speeches and advise someone, but now I have the chance to make some changes myself.---*Clint got promoted from campaign manager to city council member.

Anna's belly is starting to show quite a bit. So much so that we're wondering if she's got twins in there.

Anna said before she left work for 3 days, her colleague examined her and told her that she and I would only be able to get pregnant once due to her age. So, I think I'm more than a little hopeful that we'll have twins.

My sister has decided to take a more serious turn with music, and has started to play piano. She's even been invited to play a concert* with the symphony a town away.---*Al has been promoted to a concert pianist.

Al has been feeling sick lately, I feel bad, but I also think she shouldn't party so much!

Anna's pregnancy is going well. We were both a bit worried hearing about how Mom's had been so stressful. But Anna has learned a thing or two at work to help her out. Plus, we do have food readily available now.

Today we found out that Al hadn't been having hangovers... she had been having morning sickness. It's looks like my sister brought home a little souvenir from her days on the road. What has she gotten herself into?

And that's where this chapter ends. What will Al do now that she's pregnant? Will she have to quit her job? Will Anna and Clint have those twins they're hoping for? How much longer will it take before Buddy can live out his dream and live with his love Brandi and have a home to themselves?

Make sure you come back for the next chapter to find out! And check out -SiMania (www.z12.invisionfree.com/sim_mania)to follow for updates! Thanks for reading!

Happy Simming! HippieLayla86