This is an advert for All Time Low’s album Nothing Personal. This is really a quite conventional advert for an upcoming album. There are several features that make this quite conventional such, as you have got the picture of the band, which takes up the majority of the advert. It Informs people who the band are and what they are selling. They appear to be holding up a piece of cardboard with information on it telling them which songs they have released which again is a nice touch to tell the readers what they are selling. It is a risky move really because most people do not like reading when looking at adverts and just want it to catch their eye and stand out, but in my opinion I think that it works. At bottom of the advert you have go the name of the album and a picture of the album cover. This is an unconventional part of the album cover and this is because generally on adverts relating to music, the main focus is the album cover and not the band or artist who made it. On this advert there is a small image of the album and the album name is written in their trademark font. This in my opinion is quite a risk move and this is because if someone is just skimming past the pages, the cover is not going to catch their eye and chances of them buying the album are then reduced. At the bottom

All time low nothing personal advert

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This is an advert for All Time Low’s album Nothing Personal. This is really a quite conventional advert for an upcoming album. There are several features that make this quite conventional such, as you have got the picture of the band, which takes up the majority of the advert. It Informs people who the band are and what they are selling. They appear to be holding up a piece of cardboard with information on it telling them which songs they have released which again is a nice touch to tell the readers what they are selling. It is a risky move really because most people do not like reading when looking at adverts and just want it to catch their eye and stand out, but in my opinion I think that it works. At bottom of the advert you have go the name of the album and a picture of the album cover. This is an unconventional part of the album cover and this is because generally on adverts relating to music, the main focus is the album cover and not the band or artist who made it. On this advert there is a small image of the album and the album name is written in their trademark font. This in my opinion is quite a risk move and this is because if someone is just skimming past the pages, the cover is not going to catch their eye and chances of them buying the album are then reduced. At the bottom of the page in tiny letters you have got the release date of the album and again this is a risky move to make the lettering so small. Looking at this poster now, you would not have a clue when it would be released because you cannot see the release date on the poster. In my opinion they should have made it either in a bright colour or made it a bigger size font and made it in bold lettering. At the top of the poster you have the name of the band in big bold lettering written in a trademark font. Behind the lettering there is a range of bright colours, which will help to catch the eye of the reader. From just looking at the lettering people will either know who they are or they will start to familiarize themselves with the band. Overall I feel that this is a pretty nice layout due to the fact that it is not over crowded but it still contains all of the information in which is needed. The colours that are used in this advert all compliment themselves very nicely. A lot of colours like white and black are used. This is a clever thing to do by the creator because this makes the bold colours stand out a lot more and will now

Page 2: All time low nothing personal advert

have a greater chance of appealing to the readers. The target audience in which this appeal to, obviously first of all, fans of the band all time low. As this is their first big album on a major record deal they may only be known to people who bought their ep put up or shut up or their first album so wrong its right. This poster could be the first impression to some people and therefore this may determine whether they buy the album or not. In my opinion I think that the genre here is not evident. As I am a fan of the band I know their genre so the poster will not really affect my opinion of the band but to the neutral it will not be apparent. I would say that it isn’t really that successful. Although you have got the bold the lettering and bright colours that stand out you cant really see the album cover and what it is advertising.