Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot Boris Govedarica

Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

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Page 1: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

Alexander the Small

and the Gordian Knot

Boris Govedarica

Page 2: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

To Katarina, my great little mouse.

Copyright © 2011 Boris Govedarica

All rights reserved.

Page 3: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

Once upon a time, there was a young prince named

Alexander the Great.

Every morning, Alexander came to the main square of Athens

and handed a letter to a messenger to deliver to his girlfriend,

Princess Helena. The messenger took the letter and rode off to

the city of Gordion to deliver Alexander’s letter to Helena.

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Page 5: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

Every afternoon, Alexander returned to the main square to

wait for the messenger.

"I bring you bad news," said the messenger and gave

Alexander a letter from Princess Helena. Alexander read the

letter and broke out in tears.

"My beloved prince," Helena wrote. "A prophecy has befallen

me. I am tied to the Gordian Knot. Whoever unties the knot

shall marry me and become prince of Asia. Tomorrow, princes

from the four corners of the earth will arrive in Gordion to try

their luck. Please, help me my prince. I am desperate. Your

beloved Helena."

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Page 7: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

Desperate for help, Alexander went to see his old teacher,

Aristotle, and told him about the letter.

"You must ask the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle will know what

to do about the Gordian Knot," Aristotle told him and sent him

off to see the Oracle.

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Page 9: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

"The Gordian Knot? You want to know about the Gordian

Knot? He who unties the knot shall marry the princess. So says

the prophecy," said the Oracle.

"How do you untie the Knot?" Alexander asked.

"Hmmmm! There are many mysteries in this world. Some are

meant to be solved and some are destined to remain

mysteries forever."

"Please, you must help me!" Alexander desperately


"Hmmmm! Then you must go to Gordion," said the Oracle.

"But… but, how do I untie the Knot?" Alexander asked.

"When you get to Gordion, you will know how. A Gordian

problem requires a Gordian solution," said the Oracle and


"No! Wait! What does that mean, a Gordian problem requires a

Gordian solution? Wait! Don´t go! You must help me!"

Alexander cried out, but the Oracle had already disappeared.

Confused, Alexander hurried back to Aristotle.

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Page 11: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

"A Gordian problem requires a Gordian solution?" said Aristotle.

"That´s what the Oracle said. Do you know what that means?”

asked Alexander.

"I am afraid that not even I can help you," Aristotle resigned.

"But somebody must be able to help me! Somebody must

know how to untie the knot! I mean, how difficult can it be,

untying a knot?" Alexander cried out.

"I know someone who might be able to help you," said


"Who?" Alexander asked.

Aristotle bent down and knocked on the little door at the

bottom of the ancient column.

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Page 13: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

The little door at the bottom of the column opened and a little

mouse appeared in the doorway.

"Alexander the Great meet Alexander the Small," Aristotle

introduced the two, and told the mouse the whole story about

Princess Helena and the Gordian Knot.

"A Gordian problem requires a Gordian solution. Wait here. I will

be right back," said the little mouse as he disappeared back

into the column.

"You think he can help me?" Alexander asked Aristotle.

"If someone can help you, it is him," answered Aristotle.

Page 14: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot
Page 15: Alexander the Small and the Gordian Knot

Will Alexander the Great untie the

Gordian Knot and save the princess?

Can the little mouse help him?

Find out: www.amazon.com