A Touch of A Touch of Randomness Randomness Chapter 22.4 Chapter 22.4 Darkest Hour Darkest Hour

A Touch of Randomness - Chapter 22.4

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Chapter 22.4 of the ATOR legacy.

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A Touch of A Touch of RandomnessRandomness

Chapter 22.4Chapter 22.4

Darkest HourDarkest Hour

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Welcome to chapter 22.4 of the ATOR legacy – like the previous one (and most likely every chapter from now on), this one has a proper title.

As I mentioned last chapter, this one marks the end of an important story arc. It also sets up the circumstances for the development of an entirely different one.

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The House of Fallen Trees had never been a reassuring sight for anyone who set eyes on it. That particular moment was no exception.

In the middle of the night, while standing before the House, Morgause Bettencourt felt shivers run down her spine due to the eerie atmosphere of the place.

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She managed to gather just enough courage to knock on the door, though. To her surprise, it was not Helled, the redheaded woman, who opened the door. Morgause had no idea who could be the blonde standing before her – or the boy sitting on the sofa.

“I’m sorry, I was looking for…a woman named Helled. She has red hair… Maybe I am in the wrong place?”

The woman smiled. “No, not at all, dear. Come in.”

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“Excuse me, but – is Helled home, then? I was looking for her…you see, I am adopted, and looking for my biological parents. I recently found out that Helled could be-”

“Your biological mother? That seems about right to me, dear – I don’t believe you have told me your name…?”

“Morgause Bettencourt. From Randomville…just a descendant of spares, though, not related to the main house. Well, only distantly.”

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“Morgause, then you should know that Helled is my daughter. I’m your grandmother, Lillian. As you can see, you were not mistaken. It’s lovely to meet you, child.”

“Oh, I had no idea Helled had living relatives…I found out so little about her… Do you think I can talk to her?”

“I’m afraid not, Morgause… Helled has not lived here for a very long time.”

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“But – do you have any idea of where she might-” “I don’t know, Morgause, I’m sorry. I haven’t heard from her since

she left this house, and she was not even an adult yet at the time.” “Oh, well…at least this wasn’t all for nothing – I did get to meet

you, after all... And I do notice some family resemblances…your lips look just like mine, for instance. Now I’m completely sure I was following the right lead.”

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“By the way, Grandmother – wait, do you mind if I call you that?” “Of course I don’t, Morgause, we’re family after all. What did you

want to know?” “Do you know, by any chance, who my biological father might be?

I know you said my mother left home quite young, but you could have some…some theory, I don’t know... My friends, the one who told me about Helled, seemed to think Lawrence Random was my father.”

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“Lawrence Random? Is he from the main house?” “Yes, a spare, he is a triplet to the current heir, Landon…

they look very much alike.” “Your mother did date that boy…but I’m not sure if-” “If what, Grandmother?”

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Suddenly, Lillian impulsively hugged Morgause, who felt quite confused.

“Oh, sweetheart, you poor child…coming here to find out

the truth, but I don’t know if you’re going to like what you hear…not at all…”

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“Grandmother…I am almost an adult. I came here to find out the truth about my biological family…whether I end up liking it or not. Please tell me what you were going to say.”

“Oh, very well, but it is a delicate subject, we should be alone…” Lillian then turned around, noticing the blond boy sitting on the sofa. “Ichabod! Go upstairs, to your room!” she screamed. “And don’t get out until I tell you to!”

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The boy glanced curiously at Morgause once, and then

promptly obeyed Lillian. Morgause thought he seemed to be scared, which puzzled her. Lillian seemed to be such a nice woman – why would the boy be so scared of her?

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But those thoughts vanished as soon as Lillian turned to face her once more.“Don’t mind him for now, dear, that’s just your cousin, you’ll be able to meet him properly later… Now, this that I am about to tell you… I am not absolutely sure of anything, of course…but the spare boy was not the only one Helled dated during her teenage years. She also dated the other one…the one that you said had later become the heir.”

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“She broke up with him, though. Everyone knows that…that was when she started dating Lawrence, the other brother.”

“Yes, child, but Helled had a…thing for that boy, Landon. Her relationship with him was always much more…intense than with the one she had with his brother, do you know what I mean? If you were to ask me, Morgause…I’d say Landon Random was your actual father. Not his brother.”

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“What? No, that can’t be, she was in a relationship with Lawrence Random…a serious one, everyone told me. And she broke up with Landon when he was chosen as heir!

“I know it’s not pleasant for you to hear that, Morgause… But the thought of Helled cheating on the spare boy with the heir is not that unlikely to me, unfortunately. She always seemed to like him better…”

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“But then… Are you saying that if – than if I’m Landon’s

daughter…they’re my half-siblings! Marta, Matías, Miguel…all of them!”

“I’m afraid they are, Morgause.” “No…oh, this is all too confusing…”

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“It really must be very confusing for you, you poor dear. But I’m quite sure it is the truth, I can assure you... Now, in my opinion, after you’ve had a moment to think better about this, you should go and pay a visit to the main legacy family to discuss a few things…after all, they’re much closer family than you could have ever thought!”

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“And what will I tell them? I can’t go to my friends Marta and Miguel and tell them that their father might have cheated on their mother, resulting in my birth... Even if I was Landon’s daughter and not Lawrence’s – which can’t be proved, I guess – what benefits could possibly come from that being made public? None. Grandmother, I can’t just ruin the lives of Landon Random and his wife and children based on a theory…”

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“Of course not, dear, of course not, that was not what I was suggesting!”

“I don’t even know what to do anymore, I thought finding out more about my biological family couldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe I was wrong.”

“Don’t say that, Morgause…you found me, and you have a cousin, too, and also an uncle and aunt, who are currently away… It’s not just your parents, you know?”

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“True, but…I don’t know. This whole idea…that Landon could be my father, had never, ever ocurred to me, even knowing Helled had dated him before Lawrence. It just feels so wrong, so strange… Frankly, just thinking about it is starting to give me a headache…”

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“Well, that does not surprise me one bit! It’s very late, and you didn’t get any sleep before coming here, did you?”

“No, I was trying to find out more about Helled…when I found out that she had lived here, I just had to come. There was no time for sleeping tonight – nor did I feel the need to.”

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“You see, that’s part of the problem. You’re exhausted, sweetheart! There’s no way I can let you go back to your parents’ house, alone, at this hour, and as tired as you are! I’ll tell you what – why don’t you sleep here for tonight? Here, you’re safe – you’re among your family, after all. Stay here, and as soon as the sun rises, you can call your parents and tell them where you are so that they can come and get you. What do you say, Morgause?”

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“Well…I guess that I can stay. It can’t be that long until dawn – a few hours of sleep would definitely help me clear my head. But I don’t want to bother anyone – you said that my uncle and aunt were away, but you and my cousin probably have rooms upstairs, too. I think I will sleep here on the sofa, Grandmother. That way, as soon as I wake up I can call my parents without waking you or my cousin up.”

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Just before Morgause fell asleep on the sofa, she did accept a glass of water from Lillian, then falling asleep almost immediately.

Lillian waited until the girl was fast asleep, and then, with a smirk, dialed a number that had been stuck in her head since she first found it.

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“Hello, is this the residence of Gina Random, the Randomville Rock Goddess and a disgusting little traitor? Guess what, Gina? It’s me, Lillian, formerly your brother’s wife. Your late brother, you know, the one you never bothered to think about again since you left the House with that wretched daughter of mine… Yes, Gabriel’s dead, and he has been that way for a long time now. But I’m not calling to talk about him, no, no, no…I have a message for my dear daughter. Listen carefully.”

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Gina, still in shock to learn of Gabriel’s death like that, listened to every word Lillian had to say. When she finally put down the phone, her face was pale and her hands were shaking.

“Helled! Come here, please, there’s something you need to


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Lawrence, who was spending the night at their house, was shocked to see Hell’s expression as he arrived downstairs. For someone to call them in the middle of the night like that, the news couldn’t be good…

“It’s…it’s her, Lawrence. My mother. Lillian. She…she said my father’s dead, had been dead for ages – and we never knew! – and…she has Morgause Bettencourt. The daughter I gave up for adoption.”

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“What – but…how could she even know you had had a daughter, let alone given her up for adoption, and precisely to the Bettencourts? Is she-”

“Apparently the girl had the idea to learn more about her biological relatives recently…and some clue led her to the House. Since no one has heard anything from Felicia in such a long time, she must have presumed she was dead and it was safe to go there…and now she has fallen into Lillian’s hands.”

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“Do you think…she has hurt the girl? What does she want with her?” “She wants to mess with me…she wants revenge. She must have

thought I would be living with Aunt Gina, and she was right…Lawrence, I have to go there now. To the House. I can’t leave that innocent girl alone with Lillian, I know what she’s capable of…I have to fix this mess.”

“I’m coming with you then – and no, Hell, you won’t argue that. The girl is my daughter as well. We will save her from that place – together.”

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“I think it would be better if you stayed outside…Lillian will expect me to show up alone, it would be good to have someone outside, watching, she’s not aware of…and besides…”

“Besides… What are you exactly trying to say, Hell?”

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“You’re going to hate me for saying this – but you look just like your brother. Don’t give me that look – Lillian probably knows what the current heir looks like. Can’t you see looking like him makes it all the more dangerous for you? If she thinks you’re him, she won’t hesitate to kill you, on Felicia’s orders or not!”

“So I should just stay here and hide, while you go alone to save Morgause?”

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“Not hide, Lawrence…just…oh, never mind! I want you to be safe! My father already died because of me and Gina escaping years ago! I don’t even know if my brother Howl and Rosa are still alive! How do you think I would feel if someone else I loved died because of me? No, Lawrence, you will stay here, as a precaution, and I will call you as soon as I figure out what I’m going to do. I don’t want you entering this...this place. And that’s final.”

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“Helled…it’s dangerous for you as well! With two of us, we could-” “I won’t hear another word about it. Stay safe, Lawrence.”

And, after a quick hug, Hell ran to the door, leaving Lawrence near the old, dead tree, with an odd mix of feelings and emotions starting to rise inside him.

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“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my long-lost daughter…does it feel nice to return to your old house, Helled?”

“Lillian…shut up. I don’t want to hear any of your crap. Where’s the girl? Where’s Morgause? Your issue’s with me, you will leave her alone! Answer me! Where is my daughter?”

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Hell looked around frantically, but the room was completely empty. Lillian laughed.

“Your daughter, huh? From what I’ve heard, you never were much of a mother to her, giving her away as soon as she was born and all…and to think you accused me of being a terrible mother!”

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“What happened to her is none of your business, Lillian! Tell me, where is she?”

“Touched a sore spot, have I? How cute…seems like I did the same with your little daughter earlier tonight. The poor thing was horrified when I told her the legacy heir was probably her father. Apparently, she’s friends with his children, just imagine that! She doesn’t know who her father is and is afraid of ruining the lives of those people from the main legacy house…”

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“You told her what? You know nothing about that, Lillian, you had no right-”

“To tell you the truth, even I was surprised to come to that conclusion…but it does make sense, doesn’t it, Helled? They look exactly alike. The girl looks like you…but also like them. Both of them, the heir and the spare. You don’t even know who got you pregnant, do you? I can see it in your face, what a shame…”

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“For the last time, Lillian, you will stop talking about that

particular subject right now…or you’ll regret it. Just tell me… Where is Morgause?”

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“Oh, I’m not sure…she could be anywhere, I think! Why don’t you go look for her? After all, she’s your daughter!”

Extremely frustrated, Helled took one last look around

that room and ran upstairs. Lillian just giggled, and then slowly followed her.

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Hell was starting to panic, and she did not like that one bit. Every last room of the House seemed to be empty or locked,

with only silence to be heard, even as she screamed loudly for the girl. Worse even, it seemed there was not anyone at all in the House - except for Lillian. There was absolutely no sign of Felicia, Howl or Rosa… What had Lillian done?

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The third floor seemed to be as empty as the other two, but Hell hadn’t lost hope yet. Sure, the upstairs bedroom was deserted, so was that other room where she, Howl and Rosa used to hang out as teenagers…but there was still the Locked Room, which Felicia had often used to imprison those who were no longer useful to her, until they died of starvation.

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At that particular time, the Locked Room’s door was not locked, which Helled felt very thankful for…but the room was completely empty except for an old lamp, a chair and an empty bottle of Elixir of Life.

The door she had just opened wasn’t the only one the Locked Room had, though…Hell suddenly realized she had completely forgotten the balcony.

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A wave of relief overcame her when she noticed the redheaded girl, arms crossed behind her back, seemingly looking towards the horizon.

“Morgause? I’m Helled Random…I think you were looking for me.”

Morgause didn’t seem to hear Helled at all, though, and that’s when the older woman realized something was wrong.

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Even though she could see Morgause was clearly breathing, when Hell quietly leaned over the balcony to look at the girl’s face, she noticed her eyes were closed tight. Her lips were also twitching very slightly, as if she was dreaming… What had Lillian done to Morgause?

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As if on cue, Lillian suddenly appeared behind them. “Impressive, isn’t it? One of Felicia’s greatest creations. The girl is

drugged…it’s not something that would cause her harm…directly, of course. Its effect is rather like sleepwalking, I’d say. This substance leaves her much more responsive to…suggestions from outside. Any suggestions, if you get my drift. She is not aware of what is happening. I can make her obey my every command. I could make her jump. I could even make her kill you if I wanted, Helled.”

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Helled was livid, not knowing what to do. She couldn’t allow Morgause to get hurt, but just one word from Lillian could doom them all.

“Lillian, please. Like I told you before, your feud is with me! Not her! She has a family in Randomville, parents, a brother, nephews, uncles, aunts and cousins… She is innocent. Let her go… I beg you.”

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“How delightful, that must have been the first time you have ever begged for anything…you’re really learning some manners, Helled…” Lillian started, but then she stopped talking as she noticed something below.

Helled suddenly shuddered in fear. Lawrence…his clothes were dark and shouldn’t have got him noticed…but at that precise moment, the moonlight had made Lillian glimpse his blond hair quite clearly.

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Horrified, she realized at that moment what Lillian was about to do.

“Lillian! Don’t you dare!”

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“Morgause, look who is down there…it’s the legacy boy! Your father, remember what I told you? See, isn’t this a happy day for you? You got to meet me, then your mother, now your father… But I think he can’t see you down there, sweetie… He is calling for you, Morgause, your dad wants to see you… Why don’t you go down there to say hello?”

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But when Helled jumped forward to grab the girl, it was already too late. She still tried to reach for her arm, but Morgause managed to release herself from her grasp…

Trying to reach Lawrence, Morgause climbed over the balcony…and fell all the way down to the ground floor.

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Helled was petrified, not even managing to utter a single word as she saw the small figure hit the ground, with a terrible noise that would haunt her nightmares for years to come.

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The girl was not moving – but Helled still dared hope… She saw Lawrence run towards Morgause, and then forgot all about Lillian and ran downstairs to join him.

If only Morgause was still breathing, they could get her to the Randomville hospital and maybe, just maybe…

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But when she knelt next to her daughter, gently holding her head, and searched for any signs of breathing…a pulse, anything…she realized it was all in vain. Very carefully, she let go…she did not know how long she remained like that, a hand resting on her forehead…she just knew she had failed. She had failed Morgause when she conceived her, never knowing who her father was. She had failed her, giving her up for adoption and not managing to be a proper mother to her. She had failed in not telling her about her origins as soon as the girl was old enough…and now, she had failed her one last time, not being able to rescue her from the House.

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Finally, after what felt like days to her, she got up.

“She’s dead…” she whispered, and Lawrence started crying quietly. Helled did not cry – she was completely devastated with grief and

guilt, and burning with hatred for Lillian as well, but she never cried. She just stood there, by Lawrence’s side, until his tears stopped.

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“Hell…we have to take her back to Randomville…to her family, tell everyone what happened…” he finally managed to say. She nodded, helping him lift Morgause’s lifeless form and gently carry her away.

Without a word, they walked through the front gate and disappeared into the night.

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Still standing on the balcony, Lillian had a triumphant

smile on her face the whole time. She only went back inside after she could no longer see them in the distance.

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In Randomville, Lawrence was the one who had to go break the news to the Bettencourt family.

Finbar and Anna didn’t even want to believe it at first, and then were completely shattered with pain as Lawrence slowly told them the whole story.

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Liam sat in the living room, crying his eyes out. His little sister, such a sweet girl…was gone, murdered at the hands of a monstrous woman…an enemy of the legacy line. Their family had always been safe from those people, never meddling in the main line’s affairs… Morgause had only wanted to find out more about her birth parents…and now that had costed her her life. It was not fair.

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Fermina was crying as much as Liam, while Joey tried to present a serene face and support his wife in her pain…but it was proving too difficult for him as well. Silently, he kissed Fermina’s forehead and got up. Someone had to tell the people of Randomville about the events of that night. As a spare of the main line, that was his duty – the rest of the household should be able to mourn Morgause privately, without having to deal with curious people asking them about what had happened.

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As Lawrence left their house, and Joey headed for the phone, no one noticed little Milo getting out of bed, and running outside, behind the house, where he couldn’t be seen.

There, the boy let his tears run freely. He didn’t understand what had happened, but he did know his beloved Aunt Morgause was gone, and he would never see her again.

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“It’s all my fault. If only I had tried to find her…before, and told her everything… She wouldn’t have gone to the House, and she would still be alive. She was so young…had her whole life in front of her still… Lillian was after me. I should have died instead.”

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“I never want to hear you say that again, Hell. What happened…is a tragedy, but it is not your fault. You tried to save her, you tried your best…but in the end you couldn’t. If anyone is responsible for Morgause’s death, it is Lillian. Lillian was the one who killed her, not you. Don’t forget that.”

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“Lillian…I knew what she was capable of. I knew her. Lawrence, I should have figured out what she was about to do. For that, there’s no excuse. What about Finbar, and Annabeth? And their family? They didn’t do anything to Lillian or Felicia, ever…and they lost their child. Yes, I gave birth to her, but she was their daughter. I can’t…I couldn’t even face them, Lawrence…”

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“Like I said, it was Lillian. She was the one who caused such a terrible loss to their family. And one day…she might very well pay for it.”

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“Oh, she will. Never doubt that, Lawrence, she will pay for everything she has done. First my father, then Morgause…I will never forget. One day, I am going to kill her.”

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As the news of Morgause Bettencourt’s death reached most of the households in Randomville that morning, many friends and relatives went to visit the Bettencourts and offer them their condolences.

Lucy Random didn’t, though – as soon as she learned Morgause had died, she went to sit outside, not saying a word, and stayed there until it was dark.

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The next morning, she called her boyfriend Miguel over.

“Miguel, I can’t do this anymore. This whole thing we had going…all the plans, the attitude, the ideas…we have to stop it. This ‘evil’ thing…is not right anymore. It never was.”

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“It was just a…well, a style, Lucy. It’s not like we were ever actual legacy villains, killing people left and right… What happened to you?”

“Morgause. I don’t know if you have heard-” “Of course I have! Lucy, she was my friend, too! But nothing we ever

did had to do with her death! We were just trying to help her…”

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“Our intentions were good. The best. And that led her to Helled Random, and then to the House of Fallen Trees, and because of that she died! Don’t you get it, Miguel? Because of what we told her…she is gone! Gone! I can’t live with this guilt, it has been eating me up inside since I first heard about her… Miguel, knowing that a truly evil person killed Morgause, and the things we said… I don’t feel comfortable with this anymore. This is not who I want to be!”

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“Lucy, I will miss Morgause terribly as well. But like I said, we never did anything wrong. You shouldn’t feel so guilty…nothing of what happened was your fault. I think there is no point in-”

“Fine. If you want to carry on with the whole ‘evil’ attitude…just because you still think it makes you look so cool and important…do it. But I won’t be a part of it. If you can’t do this for me, Miguel…then we’re done.”

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“Lucy! Please, be reasonable!” “I’m serious, Miguel. Think about it – and then let me know

if you choose me…or not.”

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Ever since learning of Morgause’s death, Marta Random had been restless.

She had locked herself in her bedroom after the dreadful phone call, and she had found herself questioning everything.

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She eventually came to the realization that she deeply regretted some of her most recent decisions.

And she had only been able to see that for herself now, in the light of the tragic recent events.

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Silently, she thanked Morgause, wherever she was now. She just hoped she was in a better place. She would never let herself forget her friend...

Marta now knew exactly what she had to do.

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“Mom, Dad, I’ve been thinking about this for a long while now – I’m sure this is what I really want. I’m giving up the heirship.”

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“What?! Marta, you can’t be serious!” “I’m completely serious, Dad. I’ve never been as sure of

anything in my life as I am sure of this now. I don’t want to be the heiress anymore. I just can’t do it. I’m giving it up, all of it.”

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“Marta…is this because of Morgause’s death? You’ve been all alone in your room since we told you about her, and now you’ve decided you don’t want the heirship anymore. Could you tell us why, at least?”

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“Morgause dying made me realize…that life is short. Very, very short, and it can come to an end when you least expect it to. And I had thrown away my chance at happiness in life when I agreed to be heiress. I broke up with Flexo…and I love him so much still. I now know that I want to be with him, forever. He’s more important to me that the heirship could ever be, and I was an idiot for not having realized that before.”

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“Marta…if that’s what you really want, then I think you should be with Flexo. I support your decision, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, Mom.” “I don’t know what your father might have to say about

it, though.”

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“Are you really sure you want to give up the heirship, Marta? That’s…that’s completely unheard of in this family… And you were the one who would have done the best job as heiress, I’m sure of it… This is such an important decision! Are you sure you’re not rushing into it?”

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“Dad, I don’t care if I would do a good job or not anymore. Mom accepts the fact that I don’t want the heirship, can’t you do the same? I rushed into accepting to be the heiress. This decision I am making now…I’m sure I’ll never regret it. One of my siblings will do a great job as heir. Not me.”

“Very well, then…if that’s your final decision, Marta…I guess…I guess we can talk to Miguel…he did want the heirship…”

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“Oh, Marta, I’m so proud of what you’ve done. It takes a great deal of courage to be able to come to such a decision…and if you refused the heirship for Flexo, then he is the right one for you, and a very lucky boy. I hope you and him are very happy together.”

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

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“Say what? Marta is giving up her heirship?” “Yes, son. Since you were interested in being heir…we’re

giving it to you now. What do you say?” “I…I don’t know-”

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“Oh, come on, Miguel, you have wanted the heirship since you were just a little boy, plotting behind our backs the all the time along with your sister. Is that your problem? You want a joint heirship with Melena? We can arrange that.”

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“Your mother is right, Miguel. There has never been a joint heirship in this legacy, but before Marta there had never been a heir who gave up the heirship either. There is a first time for everything… You and Melena can have your double heirship, and your mother and I will find simself spouses for both of you.”

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“No… I’m sorry, but I’ll have to refuse. I think…I’m not interested in being heir anymore.”

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“That is an…unexpected turn of events, that’s for sure. And why is that, Miguel? You always said-”

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“Yes, Mom, I know I would have done anything to become the heir when I was younger. But now…Lucy was right. Morgause’s death changed things. I don’t think the heirship is that important to me anymore… I want to be with Lucy. I don’t want to be heir, in a joint heirship or otherwise. Ask someone else.”

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And, with that, Miguel got up and walked away.

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“This is worrying me. Two children refusing the heirship? What are we going to do, Lala?”

“Landon, calm down! We have to respect their choices! We still have four children left…one of them will agree to become the new heir.”

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“No way. No freaking way. I was never interested in being heir! Never! Why would I change my mind now? I don’t want the heirship! And you’ll never be able to change that. I’m perfectly happy as a spare!”

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“No. I won’t be the heiress. I have always said I would only be heiress in one condition – a joint heirship with Miguel. And Miguel doesn’t want to be heir either – there, you have your answer! I won’t be heiress on my own, don’t even think about it.”

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“This is madness! Four of our children refused the heirship! Please don’t tell me we had six children and none of them will want to be heir…what will we do, then?”

“Landon, please! Patience. We haven’t heard what Moville and Muriel have to say yet.”

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“Mom, Dad, I’m so sorry, but I don’t want it! I never did, really… I just want to move out, and visit Twikki Island, Takemizu Village, all those fantastic places away from Randomville. I want to be a spare. I want to have that freedom. I can’t accept the heirship.”

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“This is it…if Muriel doesn’t accept it, we’re done. I don’t think she will…she and Moville always wanted to travel together… We don’t have a heir! And now we’re too old to have more children… Frankly, Lala, I’m losing my mind over this, we’ll have to pass over the heirship to one of my siblings, maybe… To think that I was so thrilled when I was made heir…and not a single one of my children stepped up to accept the heirship.”

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“You can stop worrying, Dad. I’ll do it.”

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“You…you will, Muriel? But I thought you and your brother wanted to-”

“I’ll talk to Mo…he’ll understand. No one else wants to be heir, so I’ll do it. I don’t mind, really. I can’t let you down. I know how much you love being heir, and how much you want one of your children to carry on the family line.”

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Muriel then closed her eyes, breathing deeply. “I know it’s going to be difficult…but I guess I’ll be able to

handle it.”

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Landon then got up, hugging his youngest child with tears forming in his eyes.

“Thank you, Muriel. Thank you so much. You might not have been the heiress we would have chosen at first…but you will do a great job, I’m sure of it. We will be here for you, always…for every step of the way.”

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So ends chapter 22.4, concluding this story arc. I know that the events of this chapter were probably quite shocking for many of you. As always, I had reasons to do what I did, and the way these events would play out had been present in my head for a long time now (the pictures in this chapter were taken around a year ago, so you can see just how long I’ve been dwelling on this).

Anyway, I don’t want to leave all of you just like that – I owe you a more detailed explanation of the reason I wanted the story to go in this direction. I will try to update my LiveJournal soon, with an entry concerning this story arc, and this chapter in particular.

By the way, you can find my LJ at http://seventeentheye.livejournal.com

Thank you all for sticking around to read this. It means a lot to me. And until the next time, goodbye and happy simming to everyone.