Chapter 31 Can you feel the love? A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31: Can You Feel The Love?

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31 - Can You Feel The Love?

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Page 1: A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31 - Can You Feel The Love?

Chapter 31 – Can you feel the love?

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31: Can You Feel The Love?

Page 2: A Piratical Legacy Chapter 31 - Can You Feel The Love?

"Guess what, Mom!" Borusa Buccaneer crowed gleefully, dancing around the living room with excitement. "No, guess my news!" Spandrell interrupted his twin brother excitedly. "Is it the same news?" Grace asked her youngest two children (step-children, if you want to get technical). Borusa and Spandrell exchanged a glance. "Well, sorta," they said in unison. "We both met someone new today!" Spandrell burst out. "And she's

really cool. I bet we're gonna be Bestest Friends Ever!" "She's pretty," Borusa added dreamily. "I got to sit beside her during Spelling." "Yeah, and I played tag with her at lunchtime!" Spandrell chimed in. "Her name's Tina Traveller, and she's the same age as us!" "How nice," Grace grinned. "And here I thought your news would be about your report cards, which you're waving so carelessly about. Lest you forget, an A-plus is worth big money!" "Oh yeah," the boys shrugged in unison.

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"If I win, I get to kiss her when we're bigger and yoouuu can't," Borusa declared as he and Spandrell settled in for a game of Red Hands before doing their homework. "Okay," Spandrell shrugged, scratching his nose. He liked his nose. He had one and his brother didn't. "And if I win, I get to call Shih 'n' Zing first tonight. An' then I get to call Tina!" "No fair calling Tina first," Borusa complained. "Boys, boys," Grace said mildly. "No fighting over girls." She paused and added under her breath: "Not yet, anyway."

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As the boys settled in to do their homework, Grace and Gertie sat down for another rousing two-player game of Sims 3. "I didn't know this kind of game came in multi-player," Gertie mused, toggling the joystick furiously. "Rumor has it that it was a cheap ploy to suck in buyers," Grace said. "At least according to some of the forums I've been surfing lately. They're trying to appeal to new audiences." "Well, I don't know if I like it," Gertie said. "Then again... I guess I'll just have to keep playing and wait and see." "Fair enough," Grace nodded.

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A short time later there was a knock at the door. "Grace Buccaneer?" "Yeeees?" Grace said, opening it just a crack. "I'm from the local Gaming association and I just wanted to say your recent dedication to reviewing and playtesting The Sims 3 has caught our attention. We'd like to offer you an exclusive membership." Upon saying that, the woman pressed a laminated card into Grace's hand and vanished into the night. "That was... weird," Grace said.

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A short while later the boys were safely ensconced in their brand new matching Ikea beds, though for some reason they were sleeping in the wrong ones. Here you can clearly see Spandrell sleeping next to Borusa's cuddly heart pillow.

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As for Borusa, his dreams were being watched over by Spandrell's Happy Cheese Friend. Okay, it was actually Gertie's Happy Cheese Friend, but ever since becoming Perma-Plat, Gertie had attained true internal peace and happiness, as well acceptance about her place in the family, and had started pulling back from the Cheesy path. She no longer needed it as much, and so she began passing off her cheesy accoutrements to any who would accept them. Spandrell just looked at it as a chance to become BFFs with her and accepted every gift she offered.

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Before long, the weather began to turn and Grace decided to try a new money-making venture: homegrown fruit and vegetables. She didn't so much want to sell the fruit as save money on groceries: with a Bigfoot in the house, it was expensive keeping the family fed. Homegrown produce was definitely cheaper than store-bought, and healthier as well.

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As for Andrew Bigfoot, he was finding new serenity in learning to play the violin. He'd long since mastered the basics of musicality, but he discovered that he really enjoyed composing and performing in front of people. It wasn't just a skill he could pick up--it was an obsession. As for the family, they were always begging Andrew to play his music for them, but he preferred to practice in his room until he felt his latest work was perfect. Then he would proudly share it with all of them.

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"Daddy, do you think if I get really good at Science I can get to meet my other parent?" Borusa demanded as he danced on Lee's toes to the melodious strains offered up by Andrew's violin. "The alien one, I mean." "It's certainly possible," Lee nodded. "Do you want to?" "I'm just curious," Borusa said. "Aliens are awfully int'resting. An' other planets!" "My, you do have your head up in the clouds," Lee chuckled. "Are you sure you aren't a budding knowledge sim?" "I can like planets and space and science and stuff without wanting to get better at cleaning," Borusa said disgustedly. "I'm multi-dimensional," he added, carefully sounding out the long word. "Means I have layers!" "Indeed you do, my boy," Lee said proudly.

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That night when he tucked the boys in, Lee noticed that they were still sleeping in the wrong beds. He shrugged--if that was what they preferred, they were certainly old enough to decide it! Lee stared at both boys wistfully. They were growing so fast! A few more years and they'd be teenagers... thankfully, Ching Shih would be back from university by then, and could help with keeping them under control.

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"Everyone's asleep but us," Grace whispered late that night. "Hmm... fancy that," Lee said, a wicked note in his voice. "What do you say, my dear? Shall we go and calculate our net retirement savings fund again?" "I thought you'd never ask," Grace purred. "I've got some promising new oil futures I've been dying to show you." "And I've got a new calculator," Lee winked. "With twenty-seven extra functions!" "Ooh!" Grace squealed. "Last one to the bedroom has to pay Shih's next long distance bill!" "Yikes!"

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"No noms for Steven 'less I fills da fud boll," Rakshasi complained to herself as she went through her morning routine. "Mom 'n' dad too busy kissin'. Romance--Do Not Want!" She muttered to herself as she carefully measured out a scoop of kitty kibble. Shifty-eyed, she made sure nobody was watching before sneaking a handful of catfood for herself. "Om nom nom!" she said happily as she scampered down the hall to get changed for school.

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When she got home, she was largely on her own again. With a resigned sigh, Rakshasi browsed the fridge to see what leftovers were available. "Bunneh fud," she complained. "They maked me a cookie, but they eated it, and so I's stuck with BUNNEH FUD."

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It's not that Moll and Rajah were neglectful parents; far from it, in fact. The fridge was always filled with food (of a sort, anyway), cat food was always in the closet, and they were happy to help Rakshasi with her homework if needed. It's just that they were often so wrapped up with each other that they forgot to make dinner.

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Which is what you get when you have a scatter-brained Romance sim for a father, and a ditzy Pleasure sim for a mother. But even though they might suddenly realize they ought to cook dinner at midnight, Moll and Rajah showered plenty of affection on Rakshasi. Still, she missed her brother. Shere Khan always made a point of cooking dinner if his parents were off Dream Dating.

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Anyway, Rakshasi had to admit, her parents were certainly better than the nanny. Karen Gast was only good for laughing at as she inevitably burned the cookies or peed on the floor. And that's that for the Tiger household!

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Just down the street, Rajah's older sister Rani and her husband Pierce Buccaneer were just settling in to their new house, which happened to be the house Pierce had grown up in. Their first guests in their new home were their daughter Angora and her fiancé Ian Legacina. "Not that you and Angora are really guests, dear," Rani said welcomingly. "Angora said you want to move back home after you graduate, so you just start making yourselves at home now, okay?" "I'll try, Mrs. Buccaneer," Ian said hesitantly. "Oh, none of that 'Mrs. Buccaneer' rubbish," Rani said immediately,

dismissing the formality with a wave of her hand. "Just call me Rani, and my husband is Pierce. After all--you're family now! Well, almost." "You sound kind of like my mom," Ian said, quirking a smile. "Really?" Rani smiled approvingly. "Do you think she'll be able to make it to the wedding?" Ian blinked. "Err... maybe," he said. "But it's kinda ... complicated." "I won't pry then. Why don't you come inside?"

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As Angora settled onto the couch to catch up with her dad, Ian found himself trailing Rani, who bustled around happily. "So tell me, Ian, what are you planning to do with yourself after school?" Rani asked conversationally. "I'm planning a culinary career," Ian said. "How nice," Rani smiled. "Angora doesn't have much career ambition, which is fine as long as she finds a job she likes. But it's nice to see that you're passionate about your future job!" "Cooking good food and getting paid for it sounds all right to me," Ian smiled slowly. He found himself liking Rani, who was obviously trying to make him feel welcome. "So," Rani said once that line of conversation had died out. "What first attracted you to my baby girl?"

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"The fantastic woohoo," Ian blurted out without thinking. Then he realized what he'd said. He blushed furiously. "Err..." "Oh, it's fine," Rani said, completely unperturbed. "I remember what college was like myself. Pierce and I were quite adventurous!" "Mom!" Angora yelped in a scandalized voice from the couch. "You forget, your father and I were young once," Rani continued. "Change of subject!" Angora announced from the couch. "So, have

Aunt Morgan and Aunt Kelly told you that Toshiko has a job lined up for after graduation?" "Really?" Rani blinked, changing tracks entirely. "What sort of job?" 'We're not exactly sure," Ian said in a relieved voice. "She's working for someone called Jack Thayer. I think it's got something to do with intelligence." "Well, how terrific for her!" Rani said enthusiastically.

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Relieved that the conversation had gone in a safer direction, Angora turned to her father. "So dad, what do you think of Ian?" "What's more important, Angie, is how you feel about him," Pierce replied with a gentle smile. "Dad!"

"But I think he'll fit in fine with our family," Pierce smiled. "That is, if your mother doesn't scare him off. For a Knowledge sim she's awfully mothering!" "That just makes her a good mom," Angora said fondly. "I'm glad you like him, dad. Just think... only one year of college left and then we're back for good!" "I'm counting the days!"

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Next door, another sim parent was fondly awaiting the day she'd see her children again. Hugo had been gone for three long years, and Liv had just moved to Paris to get settled in, even though the semester wasn't due to start for several months. To Orikes, the house was now an extremely quiet one, and she found herself often absorbed in caring for Liv's fish. Like the rest of the family, she was almost as fond of their silvery and rainbowy beauty as her daughter was, though she only talked to them every other visit to the bathroom.

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And Orikes maintained her connection to her son Hugo by taking very good care of his dog, Lila. Unlike some dogs, I actually like baths! Lila said to herself as her mistress lathered her up. But hey, extra treats for behaving in the tub are always welcome!

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When she wasn't spending time with her husband Will, tending to the family pets, or emailing her kids, Orikes tended to hula. Most of Pirate Island preferred the slap dance, but she was always one to dance to her own beat. On this particular morning, though, she didn't hula for very long. It was party time at the Pseudo household, and that meant that both Hugo and Liv were coming home for a visit!

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Orikes was especially glad to see her daughter for the first time since Liv had attained young adult-hood. Liv had rounded out a little bit just before heading to Paris, but the look was attractive and suited her bohemian style.

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"This is a great party, mom!" Liv said eagerly during a break in the incessant slapdancing. "It's so cool seeing everyone again!" "You haven't been gone that long," Orikes pointed out teasingly. "It's not like anyone's grown an extra head since you last saw them!" "Yeah, but it's the first time that I've seen some of them as an adult," Liv said approvingly, eyeing several individuals in the same room. Her eyes settled on the blue-skinned man standing in front of the fireplace. "Like that guy over there. He's hot!" "He's also married, and his wife is not only a simself but THE simself," Orikes pointed out. "I suspect any attempt to hit on him would result in electric pain." "Hrm... good point," Liv agreed. She glanced around again. "What about that chick dancing behind me?" "I... don't think that would be a good idea," Orikes said, blinking as her eyes settled on Zoey Legacina.

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"Meh, whatever," Liv grinned. "There's plenty of cute guys and gals at school, too." "Just make sure to stay away from my daughter's fi..." I started to chime in. Then I thought about my darling Athena's record in the fidelity department. "Never mind. She's probably got it coming." Liv glanced in my direction with a startled expression on her face. "You heard that?" "My dear... I hear everything," I pointed out gently. "Comes with being a deity and all. By the way... nice hair." "Thanks," Liv grinned. "But it's a pain to keep like this." "I hear ya, sistah."

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Lainey had also made the trip to Pirate Island for the party, but when Orikes tried to hug her future daughter-in-law the black-haired girl pulled back. "Sorry," Orikes said awkwardly, but there was hurt evident in her voice. "I guess maybe I'm pushing a bit too hard." "No, it's not that," Liv said, backpedaling quickly as she realized she'd just started her relationship with her mother-in-law on completely the wrong foot. Truthfully, the reason she'd evaded the hug was out of instinctual guilt, but she couldn't say that. "It's just

that I've got this bruise on my ribs," she said quickly--she hoped quickly enough to be believable. "I fell getting off of the plane." "Ooh," Orikes winced in sympathy. She settled for patting Lainey's hand instead, and Lainey made sure to grip it warmly in return. "Do you need to get checked out?" "No, it'll be okay," Lainey said. "It's just a bit tender." "Well, if you'd like the bed to yourself tonight I still have Hugo's tent!" Orikes grinned, and Liv giggled.

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All too soon, the last day of the kids' visit dawned. Liv looked around the neighborhood sadly as she returned from walking Lila. "At least a year til I come back," she said with a sigh. "And then I'll probably stay with Uncle Nick and Uncle Green. Well, I guess that's what happens... time to say goodbye to this part of my life and hellooooooo to the next!" She grinned as she opened the gate and walked into the yard, unclipping Lila's leash once the gate was secured behind her. "Aww, who am I kidding with all this nostalgic crap," she giggled. "College is gonna be so much fun!"

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Inside, Orikes had just baked some fresh cookies and invited Lainey to join her. For some reason, Kaylynn the maid also thought she was invited to the party, and both Orikes and Lainey were too nice to tell her to go away. While they were sitting companionably, Lainey was suddenly struck by the need to come clean about her white lie during the party. "Oh?" Orikes blinked, but nodded acceptingly. "I just did not want to admit that I was feeling guilty," Lainey said, hanging her head. "I do not think Hugo ever told you about the problems we had when we first started at university." "No, he didn't mention anything," Orikes said. "Though he did seem out of sorts for a while there. What happened?" "It was all my fault," Lainey said simply. "I was not faithful to the trust he had in me. He did not catch me--the guilt... I told him myself."

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"That's actually quite admirable," Orikes said after a moment. She turned to Kaylynn. "Don't you think so?" "Um, I guess?" Kaylynn looked surprised to be included. "Honesty is better than lying, anyway." "And you've earned his trust again since then?" Orikes asked pointedly. "Oh, yes," Lainey said emphatically. "I have not even looked at another man since confessing to Hugo two years ago. We were broken up for a time, but eventually he took me back, and a little

while after that we got engaged." "Well then," Orikes said with a smile. "I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me, Lainey. I think we're going to get along just fine. But if you ever cheat on my son again..." and her voice took on a menacing edge. "I'm calling in my right to use my simself powers and you will be sorry." "Do not worry," Lainey said hastily. "I will not do anything to hurt Hugo ever again!" "Good." And Orikes was sunshine and roses once again.

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"Are you sure you don't want to take more of your things from your room?" Orikes asked Liv later that afternoon. "You know I'm just aching to turn it into a sewing room." "No you're not," Hugo snorted. "I heard you talking to dad last night. You were talking about hauling out my old crib and setting it up!" "And?" Orikes grinned. "Grandbabies!" "Eventually!" Hugo said. "Not right now! Go ahead and make your sewing machine, mom. It'll be a few years before we need to kick you out anyway." "Actually," Orikes said consideringly, winking at Liv where her son

couldn't see. "I've been thinking about turning your room into a sewing room." "My room!" Hugo protested. "It's closer to my bedroom, and Liv's room is closer to the one you and Lainey will share," Orikes said with a solemn expression. "Or maybe your father and I should just knock out the wall and expand our room..." "But... but my room!" Orikes couldn't take it any longer. She locked eyes with Liv and they dissolved in giggles. "Gotcha!"

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As the taxi carrying Lainey and Hugo pulled away towards the airport, and as Liv got ready to head over to spend some time with Nick and Green, Orikes made coffee and served both Will and herself. "Well, we've got the house to ourselves," she said. "For another year, at least. What do you think we ought to do with ourselves, Will?" Will took a sip of his coffee and considered for several moments before responding: "What I think is that we both ought to retire and maybe go on a vacation or two," he grinned. "Maybe we can convince Nick and Green to go with us! And even if we don't leave

town, we can see the local sights and be tourists right here in town!" "Ooh, that sounds fun!" Orikes said enthusiastically. "Geez, you guys," Liv complained, poking her head through the doorway. "Way to make a girl feel unwelcome! I'm not even gone yet and you're planning your childless years!" "Childless year, dear," Will corrected her. "And I'd say we've earned it!" "Too right!"

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Liv was still chuckling happily at her parents' exuberance when she got to Nick and Green's small chateau about thirty minutes later. She'd chosen to walk, despite the late spring snowfall, and had enjoyed it immensely. There was something extremely satisfying about drinking in all the old sights of home just before she left it. "Liv!" Green said happily, rushing outside to embrace his neice. "And here I thought you were going to neglect your uncle and I this entire visit." "Aw, Uncle Green," Liv blushed in embarrasment. "I've been meaning to come earlier." Green laughed. "It's okay, Liv. It's not like Nick and I haven't stopped by nearly every night this week. But I am glad you've stopped by here. Nick and I have a few different plans for the house expansion, and we'd like to run them by you. Why don't you come inside for some breakfast and I'll show them to you!"

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"Mmm... I've missed your pancakes," Liv said, taking and savoring a bite of the syrup-glazed confection. "Mom and dad and even Hugo don't make them as good as you do." "You've always been a flatterer," Green chuckled. "But thank you. It's an old family recipe--one I'll gladly entrust to you once you've moved here for good." "Ooh, nifty!" Liv said happily. "That'd rock, Uncle Green!" "Well, it goes with the heirship," Green said. "And speaking of that..." he pulled a roll of paper onto the table and spread it out, being careful to avoid Liv's breakfast.

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"Wow... you guys have been really busy," Liv blinked as she took in the details of the plans. "Which floorplan are you thinking of?" "We wanted to leave that partly up to you," Green nodded. "Since you'll be living here long after us." Liv considered for a moment. "I like this one best," she said at last. "Two double bedrooms, and there's room for my aquarium in the hall, and plenty of room for a dog bed or two here," she pointed, "and here. Plus it doesn't change the house's footprint at all, which I think is important."

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"That's the one we've been favoring as well," Green said happily. He stood up and rerolled the papers carefully. Liv followed him as he stowed them on top of the fridge. "We'll get started right away, and by the time you visit next it'll all be finished." "Sweet!" Liv grinned. "There is one thing, though," Green said hesitantly. "There isn't really room for a nursery or anything... so if you have kids, they'll have to share a room with you--at least until... well... until there's an extra room in the house."

"Aww, don't talk like that," Liv pouted. "Anyway, I don't know if I wanna have kids or not. I think being an aunt will be pretty cool, and you know that Hugo and Lainey are going to have a ton of kids. Probably. I can always adopt a niece or nephew!" "As long as the house stays in the family," Green said serenely. "I think we all owe that to Marie." "Me too."

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Nick returned home from work a short while later. "Hey Uncle Nick!" Liv squealed, tackling her father's elderly twin. "Whoa!" Nick grinned. "Old bones can't take as much of a pounding as they used to, Liv my dear!" "Aww, don't pull that ancient crap with me," Liv said with a sly grin. "Don't I know that you're still working out for two hours a day and still keeping up with all those young athletes you coach!"

"Well, you've got me there," Nick admitted. "I suppose I'm hardier than I look!" "You don't look old at all!" Liv said loyally. "Well, except for the hair. But that's only natural. I guess you could dye it if you wanted, but that wouldn't be natural. It'd be cool, though! Especially if you dyed it pink. That's it... when I move back, we're having a hair night." "It's definitely going to be a change, having such youthful exuberance in the house!" Nick said, but his voice held a fond note. "You'll have to give us two old codgers a chance to adjust, first!"

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"That's three old codgers, mate!" a small voice called from the floor. Liv turned around and scooped up the Commodore Bear. "Oh, you're talking again!" she said happily. "Aye, it does seem so, doesn't it lass," the bear said agreeably. "And such sights I've seen of late, love! But nary a sign o' the Pearl, much to me dismay." "The Pearl?" "Ask yer cousin, girl-child," the bear chided. "'Tis her quest, savvy? But you can bring the rum." "Rum?" Liv looked around in anticipation. "Where?"

"Well, it's gone, savvy?" "But why's the rum gone?" Liv asked quizzically. "Because I hid me rum in th' couch and then jumped on it," the bear said sadly. "And then me wife died before she could replace it. I've a quest for ya, lass--find some rum, aye? And hide a decent share in yer cousin's couch, savvy?" "She's not a pleasure sim, so it'll be safe from getting jumped on," Liv said, agreeing. She looked at her watch. "And now--I must get going. Bye, bear. Bye, Uncles! I'll call soon!" And with that, she was gone.

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A few months later... "Well, that's just about done it," Nick said with satisfaction as he watched the last few fish swim free of the little baggies. "I think the renovations are finally finished!" With a grin, he made a clamshell of his hands and chased the little fish around the tank for a few minutes. "Just you wait," he promised the fish. "If you think I'm fun to play with, you're going to love it when Liv moves in!"

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"Do you think she'll like what we've done with the place?" Green asked a few minutes later as Nick joined him in the bedroom. "Liv loves everything," Nick said. "The real question is... will mother approve? If she doesn't, Liv's tenure here is liable to be an uncomfortable one!"

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I think it's pretty safe to say that Marie approves, for three reasons. Firstly, because she found the stairs. Secondly, because she found her bed at the top of the stairs. And thirdly, because with a Pleasure sim in the house, the little cottage will be seeing almost as much woohoo as it did when Marie lived there!

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While winter's last snowfall invaded Pirate Island's normally balmy spring (and wreaked havoc with Grace's tomatoes), the simselves found themselves all outside in their winter clothes. "Where did it come from?" Ruby asked, touching one shining green bottle reverently. "Do you think it will be enough?" Pen asked doubtfully, scratching her head. "There's still four more generations until the legacy is finished!" "It's enough for me until I can find a cute spare to marry!" Michelle vowed. "The green kind of clashes with my hair," Kiwi said doubtfully.

"None of this answers where it came from," Aerdrene pointed out. "Does it really matter?" Angela asked. "Marina gave it to me," Renee, who had delivered the twenty bottles of elixir, said when she could get a word in edgewise. "At her crustifying party." "She didn't want it for herself?" Michelle asked. "No.... she said something about not wanting to watch her children shrivel up and die. Well, not in those words, but it meant the same thing."

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But just because they had Elixir didn't mean the simselves could stop fulfilling wants and trying to earn aspiration points. None of them wanted to risk drinking the stuff while in the green, and none of them were good cooks. So they had to skill and work and basically head in the general direction of perma-plat to ensure they'd actually be able to make use of their windfall.

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Some of them skilled a little too enthusiastically, though. Like Jenn, who couldn't actually go and cheer for the elixir's arrival because she was passed out on the living room carpet. This particular deity blames Jenn's simself's constant obsession with the exercise bike.

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Still, life in the household was good, and now that they were set for at least another generation, the simselves were able to relax somewhat and fade quietly out of site... at least until there were some hot spares of an appropriate age!

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In the "other" simself house just around the corner, two late arrivals were just settling in. Lauri was making the most of living in a giant, opulent mansion... by splashing in a puddle.

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As for talaie, she forsook playing with the pool table or watching TV on the giant screen to try to catch butterflies. Ah, simselves.

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In general, this batch was more laid back about their situation than the other household, even though they didn't really have any Elixir of their own yet. "But I'm sure we can convince Orikes or the Prof to give us some of theirs," Stacie said optimistically as she ate dinner with Lauri and Gin. "It's not like they have a use for it these days. They're like Marina--they don't like watching their kids die while they're all still young." "Bit too late for them, anyway," Gin pointed out. "They've all gone saggy weeks ago." "I'm sure if we just ask them nicely, they'll be more than happy to share," Lauri said. And that was pretty much the extent of the plotting for immortality in that household!

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Time passed, as time is wont to do, and students trickled back into college towns around the world. Paris was no exception. "Shih!" Zing said happily, rushing out to embrace his sister eagerly. "When did you get back? How was your trip? Was it good seeing Jim again?" "I'll say," Shih said, and blushed. "Whoa... that good, huh?" Zing crowed. "Woohoo! Go sister! Err... wait a sec. You do realize, of course, that now I have to kill him."

"What?" "For laying a hand on my baby sister!" Zing explained. "Don't you dare," Shih growled, shaking her finger at him. "I've already invited Jim to visit at the end of the semester." "Okay, but I might have to give him at least a bit of a hard time," Zing said. "It's a big brother thing."

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While she counted down the days til Jim's arrival and did her homework, Shih also concentrated on working towards her lifetime want to max all skills. If she could accomplish that while in university, it would free up her time after she graduated so that she could concentrate on family... and possibly look into searching out the family's legendary ship, the Black Pearl. Immediately after returning from Twikkii Island, Shih had combed the campus library for a copy of her many times ancestor Jack's novel. But after reading it, she found herself more frustrated than before: the book was a highly fictionalized account of Jack's run-ins with ninjas (the natural enemies of pirates) and contained almost no information about the Pearl, or about who his mate had been, or anything that would be useful to her. "I don't see the point in writing one's memoirs if one doesn't provide data that can be useful to future generations," Shih grumbled to herself. "Well, maybe the archives on Pirate Island will have more info."

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Shih gave up on researching the Pearl's fate for the time being. That project truly would have to wait until after graduation, as she'd told Commodore Bear... and she still had the better part of three years of study left. "Up for a game of darts?" Toby asked one quiet evening when nobody really felt like skilling. "Sure," Shih shrugged. "I'll go first," Toby said, stepping back to the line. He took aim and tossed the first dart at the board. Thunk! "You're going to have to fix that before you graduate," Shih said in a calm voice, gesturing to where the dart stuck out of the plaster."

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"Well, I kind of suck at this game," Toby shrugged. "But I'd like to see you do better!" Shih grinned and retrieved the darts, then stepped back from the board. With a wicked grin, she flung them at the dartboard in rapid succession. "Okay, you cheated," Toby declared when he saw all three of them sticking up from the bullseye. "I don't know how, but you cheated."

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"Nope," Shih grinned. "I'm just naturally good."

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As the boys found out, Shih was naturally good at a lot of things, which made having her there handy in and of itself. For one thing, she was the resident computer expert, so when Toby broke it by accidentally installing malware along with his legally purchased software, she was able to fix it.

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Before long, it was time to continue a longstanding tradition at the Greek house: PARTY! And everyone was invited.

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Liv wasted no time 'getting acquainted' with her fellow college students, that's certain.

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As for Ching Shih, she enjoyed the chance to rekindle old friendships. Crassus Toyonaga was Liv's age, so only a year or so younger than her, and they'd always been good friends despite his older brother's missteps. "It's so good to see you again!" Shih grinned when she finally let Crassus escape from her Friendly Hug. "It's great seeing you, too," Crassus said fervently. "I've got this research I'm working on and I think you're probably better at that sort of thing than I am." "If it's research you want, you should talk to Shere Khan," Shih laughed. "My presumed future brother-in-law is quite obviously Pirate Island's next Mad Scientist."

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"Darn, and here I was hoping that title would go to me," Crassus said, a smile flitting across his handsome face. "Mebbe you can has caek," Shere Khan said, coming up behind him. "What cookies you made?" "Cures for zombieism," Crassus said enthusiastically. "Ever since my dad got turned into one, I've made it my life's work." "Oooh!" Shere Khan practically purred with excitement. "Tell!" "I think I'll leave you two alone," Shih grinned, and moved off to mingle with the other guests. She knew from experience that once Shere Khan got going, he was like an unstoppable force of nature... and the more scientific he got, the harder he was to understand. His take on scientific lingo was ... interesting.

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Ching Shih felt a lot of affection towards her brother's partner, though. She could see how happy he made Zing, and that was good enough for her. Plus, between him and Zing, Hugo and Lainey, and either Toby or Liv and someone, any parties she threw were guaranteed Roof Raisers.

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Probably Ching Shih's favorite skill to work on was Body, and that was mostly because it got her out of the house and onto the basketball court. She'd had a love of the game since she was a teenager, and now she found herself spending hours playing every day. "Shih! Phone's for you!" came a call from the kitchen one sunny afternoon. "Be right there!"

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Putting the ball down, Shih sprinted into the house. She knew who would be on the line. "Jim!" she panted, tryinig to catch her breath. "Who else, my darling?" came the melodious voice at the other end of the line. "But you sound like you have been running a marathon. Is this a bad time to call?" "It's never a bad time for you to call," Shih said, and blushed. "I was

just working out, but I'm good. Have you figured out your travel plans yet?" "Ah, you could say that," Jim said in a voice that sounded slightly uncertain. "Oh? What's up?" "Well, I am at the airport and I am not sure how to get to your house."

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Twenty minutes later, Shih pelted down the front steps and flew into her lover's arms before the taxi even had time to drive away. "You. Me. Hottub. Now."

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And twenty minutes after that, Jim finally saw the inside of Arravast house. "Just help yourself to anything in the fridge," Shih said as she quickly threw on clothes over her bathing suit. "I've gotta run--final exam! But I'll be back in a couple of hours and then we can spend some time getting reacquainted." "I will still be here," Jim chuckled, stroking Shih's cheek lovingly. As she sprinted out the front door in the direction of the academic buildings, Jim hesitantly rummaged through the refrigerator. However, after the first bite of the pancakes he found there, he decided to wait until after Shih got back before eating. Presumably she would know what was safe and what was an evolving life form.

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Instead, he and his scary pompadour headed downstairs to take advantage of the Greek house's fully stocked rec room.

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"This game is intriguing," he muttered to himself. "But not as intriguing as my lovely Ching Shih. I do hope she returns from her exam soon..."

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"How are you finding university so far?" Lucretia Marius asked Liv as they ate breakfast in the dorm cafeteria one morning. "You've been here a few weeks... you've had a chance to settle in..." "Oh, it's great," Liv said enthusiastically. "I mean, yeah, class sucks and all, but the people are fun. Food's gross, but that's to be expected."

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"Anybody special catch your eye yet?" "Who, me?" Liv grinned. "Stop fishing, Lu. I know all about your engagement to Robin, and she'll probably hurt me if I go for you. I like to avoid complication." "Hrm, I don't blame you," Lucretia said after a moment's consideration. "I'd stay away from me too, if I knew better."

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Besides, Liv had others on her mind. Now that she was in university, she'd pretty much settled on preferring men to women, though she was always willing to experiment if she thought she could have some fun. Her preferred partner of the moment, though, was college senior Amar Ramaswami. Yes, he's engaged. But he and his fiancée have something of an open relationship, and it's doubtful she'd mind even if she caught them in the act.

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"So, whaddya say, Amar?" Liv grinned. "You, me, hottub? And then we can look at my fish tank for a while! And even jump on a couch, and play video games!" "Whoa," Amar said. "I'm game for the couch-jumping and the hottub. But the rest is too much like a date, and that says commitment, and I'm already engaged."

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"Hot tub it is, then," Liv said brightly.

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"Hey, how's Toshiko doing?" Ian asked Angora over dinner one evening. Awkward moments aside, the visit to Pirate Island had gone well and they were now back in dorm and nearly through their semester. "I haven't really seen much of her since we got back." "Oh, she's fine," Angora said. "Busy concentrating on her studies, now that she has that job to look forward to. She spends most of her time in her room." "Doing what?"

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"Practicing, she says," Angora shrugged. "But... you know Toshiko. It could mean something utterly harmless, or it could mean the dorm is in imminent danger of explosion. I'm not sure what kind of practice she's doing, but I think... hope... that if it were really bad she'd at least do it outside." "Considering what her hobbies are, I really have to wonder what kind of job it is she's got lined up." "Well, it's with Jack Thayer's Syndicate," Angora shrugged, as if that explained everything. "Who?"

"You've never heard of Jack Thayer?" "Should I have?" "He's only the most notorious criminal mastermind on the face of the planet," Angora grinned. "And he's one of the good guys." "I'm starting to think that Pirate Island is a very, very strange place," Ian muttered, shaking his head. "You don't know the half of it!"

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In her room, Toshiko just closed her eyes... and soaked up the melodies. She actually wasn't practicing anything inherently dangerous--she'd left most of her explosives in a cache on the outskirts of the city before the term started--but it was related to her work... and she was enjoying it. She smiled, envisioning her upcoming graduation. "Soon."

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"Liv Pseudo! I am so glad you had time to stop by!" Lainey said, a huge smile on her face. She embraced her future sister-in-law warmly. "I have not seen you for weeks!" "Yeah, I've been keeping busy," Liv said with a wide grin. "Geez, first year university's way harder than I was expecting it to be. I'm not so sure I like that part of getting a higher education. But the parties are wicked fun, and I've been to one pretty much every night for the past week!" "Do you not spend time on your studies?" Lainey asked, some concern in her voice.

"Well, yeah," Liv said. "I have time between classes and I keep up on my work... or I sweet-talk someone else into doing it for me." "How can you learn this way?" "I already know the stuff," Liv said dramatically. "I just don't have time to write it all down! So someone else does that for me. Then I can go to the next Toga party, or play video games all night!" "I love you as a sister, Liv Pseudo, but you are very strange at times."

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"Right back at ya, sis," Liv grinned as they walked into the dorm. "For one thing, I don't know why you're in love with my dorky brother, but I'm glad you are 'cause I couldn't ask for a better sister." "Nor I," Lainey grinned. "But enough of this mushy bonding; I have something more serious I must discuss with you." "Oh?" Liv asked, in a voice that left no doubt she would raise heck if a lecture was forthcoming. "It is about your bridesmaid dress," Lainey replied. "Which colour do

you prefer?" "Oh, geez... I'm easy as long as there isn't a butt bow," Liv said. "Check with Shih--she's the one with hair that clashes with everything." "Yes, but you are the maid of honor and she is not." "And I'm also the most easygoing person on campus," Liv chuckled. "Honestly, Lainey--I'm cool with anything. Except butt bows. I live in horror of a dress with butt bows."

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Now that Hugo and Lainey's wedding was a scant six months away, they really did speak of nothing else. Both of them enjoyed wedding planning immensely, they were finding, and they were sparing no expense. It was going to be the event of the summer, that was certain! "Ugh, could you two please stop canoodling in the cafeteria?" a Stinky Dormie named Toby Ying complained. "At least we know how to bathe," Hugo said, wrinkling his nose. "Geez, Toby... passed out in your own pee puddle again?" "It's a serious problem," Toby sniffed. "The college is taking the condition very seriously! Sparing no expense to try to cure it! It's not funny!" "I'll say," Hugo grumbled, plugging his nose.

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Liv was a bit more kindhearted than her brother, though, and spent many a long hour worrying about the sorry state of the dormies on campus.

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Speaking of sims named Toby... Toby Biggs was finally learning that yes, some women do find him less than appealing--at times, at least.

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For once, my dear darling daughter Athena had apparently had enough. She pulled Toby into the photo booth with her, but apparently reconsidered once they were already inside and booted him out on his rear.

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"I'll never forget this," Toby grumbled as he stomped out of the dorm. "And see if I ever invite you over for another toga party!" "Well, I don't want to go anyway!" Athena yelled back at him. I crossed my fingers. Maybe, just maybe, Athena was finally slowing down with her bed-hopping? Her fiancé Mitch had to be relieved at the fact, though he wasn't much better. In any case, it's true: Toby will not forget being rejected by Athena, and it serves him right.

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Speaking of our boys, let's see how they're doing at the Greek House. Exams were over, and Jim was still visiting. Or visiting again. Something like that, certainly. The only thing the guys really knew for sure was that they could count on Jim being around at least five or six days a month, and Shih was always really glad to see him. Sometimes her slightly older male relatives teased her, and sometimes they made gagging noises, but today Zing had something else on his mind. "...six o'clock is perfect. Thank you!"

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"Well, Shere Khan... today is our six-year anniversary," Zing said happily as he looked around their little table at Londoste. "It's hard to believe we've been together so long. Since we were kids! You know me--normally I wouldn't spring for something this expensive, but for our anniversary I just had to splurge."

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"I wubs u," Shere Khan grinned, taking Zing's hand. "And the cake is not a lie," he added, pausing to shovel another forkful of salmon into his mouth. "I love you too," Zing replied in a heartfelt voice.

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"In fact," Zing added, signalling the waitor. "I'd like to propose a toast!" He paused as the attentive server filled both of their glasses with an extremely expensive champagne. "To us!" "Visible romance!" Shere Khan agreed, and clinked glasses with his beloved. He sipped the sparkling wine carefully. "Win!" Zing didn't bother to sip his--he drained the entire glass in one shot and swallowed nervously.

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Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black, velvet-covered box. "I was going to write out this big long speech ... all that stuff you see on movies," Zing continued in a quick voice, petting the box absently. "But I'm not that kinda person. So, um... Shere Khan? Is it can be weddingz tiem nao plz?"

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Shere Khan's eyes widened and, at Zing's prompting, he opened the box. His eyes opened even wider as he saw the size of the diamond. It had to have cost Zing... the perpetual miser... a small fortune. "For. The. Win," he said with a happy smile.

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"Woo hoo!" Zing whooped, all of the tension and stress he'd been feeling all night evaporating. It wasn't that he'd doubted Shere Khan's reaction at all... but there's a special kind of stress that goes with asking someone to marry you, and he'd had it with extra to spare. Of course, now he had something new to worry about... weddings were expensive.

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"U taked ur tiem," Shere Khan grinned. "We beenz here two years nao." "Hey, you could have asked," Zing chuckled. He knew his fiancé was just teasing him.

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"This ring is srs bizness," Shere Khan said, holding it up to the light. "So are weddings," Zing said. "Speaking of which, weddings are expensive." "The cake is not a lie," Shere Khan concurred, still gazing at the sparkling rock on his hand. "I was kind of hoping we could have a ... small ... one?"

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Shere Khan took his and and smiled, laughing fondly. "Irreplaceable Zing is irreplaceable. We can has invisible guests." That was good enough for Zing. "But not invisible cake."

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Both Shere Khan and Coxinga were in buoyant moods for weeks afterwards, and not even Ching Shih's experiments with her Mr. Mickles doll could dampen their enthusiasm.

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That's not to say, however, that they didn't come close. "Geez, Shih, could you just put that thing away already?" Zing pleaded as he did the pee dance. "Frammit! Now I really gotta go! And I have class!" "It must not be working properly," Shih grumbled, turning the doll over and examining it. She completely tuned out her brother's complaints. "By rights, you should have peed your pants." "Well, I'm glad I didn't," Zing grumped. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll just use the washroom and get out of here before you decide to do any more 'tests' on me. Sheesh!"

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Shortly after their engagement, Shere Khan proved himself worthy of the title of Best Boyfriend Ever when he snuck onto the property late one night and dropped off an engagement gift for Zing.

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Yes. He brought a hot tub. Zing thanked him profusely when he saw it the next morning and stuffed it in his inventory so Shih and Jim couldn't use it before he and Shere Khan had a chance.

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We haven't seen much of Toby and Ophelia this chapter, but that doesn't mean she didn't come around. She and Toby dated each other occasionally, now that she was at least partly over her hangup with his supernatural ancestry, but they also saw other people quite often and there wasn't really any jealousy involved. Both of them were mostly concerned with a) having fun, b) passing their classes, and c) getting laid, not necessarily in that order. Exclusivity just wasn't a part of their lexicon. They did tend to see each other more than they saw other people, though.

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One lovely weekend just a couple days before the end of the semester, Jim stopped in for another of his frequent visits. After their almost obligatory dip in the hot tub, he and Shih headed back into the house, but rather than socializing like they normally did, they were just as full of hormones as they'd been before the hot tub.

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Suddenly, Shih's stomach gave an audible growl. "Hungry?" Jim asked, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe just a little," Shih admitted. "Me too," Jim purred, pulling her close and kissing her again. "But we should have some food, also." "You and your one-track mind," Ching Shih grinned. She didn't really object. Knowledge sims were interested in acquiring all kinds of knowledge. "I warned you before we became involved, did I not?"

"Only if you consider the morning after our first date to be 'before' we got involved," Shih chuckled. "Ah, well... it was before the commitment talk," Jim said. "I did not think I would ever have one of those, and yet here I am now. And I do not regret it one bit." "Thought not," Shih smirked. "You know, from the way you keep coming back for more." "It is not quite an obsession," Jim agreed. Suddenly, his stomach growled. He looked down at it. "Traitor." "There's gelatin in the fridge," Shih giggled. "I'll grab us some."

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The two of them sat down in the dining room and dug in. "I do not understand why somebody would think to boil cow bones until they got fast-setting goo, and then add fruit flavoring to it," Jim said as he took a mouthful, "but I do enjoy a good gelatin occasionally." "Yeah, it's okay," Shih said, grimacing. "But I wish you wouldn't tell me the origins while I'm eating." She pushed her plate away. "Have I spoiled your appetite?" Jim asked, concerned he'd teased a bit too much.

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"Only in a round-about way," Shih said, a nervous smile on her face. She reached under the table. "I know it's a bit soon, Jim... and you're a Romance sim... but I wanted to ask now, so that... well..." The normally eloquent Shih found herself stumbling over her words for probably the first time in her life. "I'm the legacy heiress, and while I don't strictly need to get married... I want to. To you, specifically."

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She handed the box to Jim, who picked it up and opened it. He gasped when he saw the ring. "What do you say?" Shih asked, trying to keep her voice light-hearted and failing miserably. "Jim Reeves... will you marry me?"

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Jim's face broke out into a huge grin. "Ching Shih Buccaneer," he said softly. "I thought you'd never get around to asking."

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"Really? Because I wasn't sure how you'd feel about the whole commitment thing," Shih babbled. "I mean, we had that talk a few months ago but that's not exactly the same thing as marriage and you're a Romance sim and I was worried and..."

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"Ching Shih Buccaneer," Jim said, taking her hand and squeezing it in his. "I have known I was going to marry you since our first date. It just took me a little while to come around... the Romance sim thing, you understand."

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That night, there were two more deliriously happy people sleeping in the Greek house.

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The next morning, a very reluctant Ching Shih and an even more reluctant Jim pulled themselves out of bed. "I wish you didn't have to go," Shih sighed as she walked with Jim to the front porch. "We are of one mind in that regard, my beautiful pirate," Jim said, pulling her to him for yet another kiss. "But I must be at work... in sixteen hours." "It just stinks that you spend more time travelling than you do

actually here," Shih complained. "Ah, but summer is coming," Jim said with a smile. "And I do not teach in the summer. I will come and spend the whole break with you... your cousin Liv will not be joining you until fall, yes?" "Yes," Shih found a grin returning to her face. "And the boys all leave tonight, after finals." "I will be here in two."

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That night, Hugo, Toby, and Coxinga went in to write their last ever exam at university. As soon as they got home, Hugo made a beeline for the phone.

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"Gotta hurry," he explained as he called his taxi. "Lainey and I are flying back to see her relatives for a few weeks before the wedding." In a puff of confetti, he transitioned to adult. "Nice purse!" Shih cheered, bursting out laughing when she saw. "Aww... man!" Hugo grumbled. "Lainey's going to be teasing me for the entire flight! I swear, Shih... you and Liv have been a bad influence on her. And that's my cab." He picked up his suitcase and waved. "See you at the wedding!"

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Toby claimed the phone next. "You know, I feel as though I ought not to like it, but for some reason I just can't help... I totally rock this outfit!" he exclaimed as he checked himself out. "Eww..." Shih and Zing wrinkled their noses in unison. "You look like a... er... service provider, if you get my drift," Shih continued. Toby considered this. "Maybe you're right. I should invest in leopard-print, instead." "I only hope he's joking," Zing said in an undertone as Toby picked up his suitcase and strutted out to the waiting cab. They could see him hitting on the taxi driver all the way from the kitchen.

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"Well, big bro," Shih said in a falsely cheerful voice. "Looks like you're next. You'll have to hurry if you want to make that flight!" "Yeah," Zing sighed. "I just wish that Shere Khan was flying back with me now instead of in three weeks. But he has a project to finish up. It just stinks... 'cause we only get a few weeks together this summer and then it's a whole extra year until he graduates! And we can't get married until then." Shih had never seen her brother so morose. "Aww..." she said,

patting his shoulder. "It'll fly faster than you know. And you're good with money. I bet you can earn enough to visit Shere Khan as often as Jim visits me!" "Yeah, but it's expensive!" "Some things are worth paying for. Now, call the taxi." And with a poof, Coxinga had graduated, too.

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However, his flight across the Atlantic would have been a lot more stressed and upset had he known what his fiancé was doing just then. "I'm glad you're still here," Guido said nervously, leaning closer to Shere Khan across the table. "I really need to speak with you." "U needz a cookie?" Shere Khan asked, his tone puzzled. "Err... sort of," Guido said. "See, there's this problem I've got. Kind of with my love life." "O rly?"

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"It's about my boyfriend," Guido continued, staring morosely at his cousin. "Invisible rel8shunship counslr!" Shere Khan protested, putting up his hands. "No, nothing like that," Guido said. "It's just... well... I've been dating Sawyer West since Freshman year, right?" "Bukkit half full," Shere Khan said cautiously. "No is in league with basement cat?"

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"Er, we're just fine," Guido said. "We've got this awesome relationship." "So wha wrong wiv caek?" "Well... it's a long story," Guido said.

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"See, Sawyer's roommates with a few people, including this guy named Ash Thayer and his boyfriend, Sinjin. Ash is pretty cool. I think you know him?" "Lab rat," Shere Khan said, thinking back to the previous year's experiment. "Myspace pix say he has a bun." "Yeah, and we were both super happy for him," Guido said. "But now..."

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"Wha?" Shere Khan demanded, getting tired of his cousin beating around the bush. "It's just..." and now Guido's voice took an angry turn. "What did you do, Shere Khan?" "Sumtin wrong? Oh noes?" "I mean," Guido took a deep breath.

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"Sawyer's pregnant too!" To be continued... Thanks to all the simselves who let me use them and abuse them and even make them old and saggy. To find out more about all the great authors I've featured, check out www.boolprop.com. I've also got a link to my livejournal there and occasionally post bonus pics from some of the other families who don't feature in updates, and outtakes. Check it out! See you next time!