9 Frame Analysis Beyoncé - Countdown

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9 Frame Analysis

Beyoncé - Countdown

Page 2: 9 frame analysis

Shot 1 - 0.03The first shot used in this music video is a close up of the Main Star of the video, Beyoncé. This is a convention used of a pop song which matches

Goodwin’s theory about ‘Star Image’. Using a close up as the first shot

shown also shows the audience the famous person who is in the video.

Shot 2 – 0.35

The second shot I picked out of this music video is when Beyoncé is

counting down. The technique used is a post production edit using

medium close ups of the artist. This shot supports Andrew Goodwin’s theory as it shows the number 4 which illustrates the lyrics to the

song. It also links in with the title of the song as it is called ‘Countdown’.

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Shot 3 - 0.37

This medium shot shows how pop music videos always use a lot of

colour and in this screen shot there are many different bright colours

used. This makes the audience more interested in what’s

happening and makes them want to watch the rest of the video.

Shot 4 – 0.40

During shot 4 diegesis is used as Beyoncé's shoulders move up and

down in time with the music and also the colour of her clothes and background changes from, for example yellow to orange. This

supports Carol Vernallis’ theory about ‘The world of the music video’

showing a character moving in time with the music.

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Shot 5 - 0.47

Shot 5 shows some editing skills used in this music video as Beyoncé is shown as if she is in two different places also

wearing different clothes using close up shots. Editing skills are a common feature

used in music videos as it goes with the upbeat music.

This is a long shot to show what is happening in the video other than Beyoncé just being

in it and this kind of shot makes it more interesting

because more people are used for example there are people

playing instruments in this shot.

Shot 6 – 1.06

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Shot 8 - 1.58

This medium shot shows how dancing is a typical convention used in pop music videos and

there is a lot used in Countdown by Beyoncé. The dance routines used are always choreographed

by a professional because it wouldn’t look very good if it was

just made up by the artist.

Shot 7 – 1.39

This shot also shows a choreographed dance routine.

However it matches the lyrics to the song and focuses on the main star

with the use of editing skills to show there is more than one of her. This is again called illustration as there are

10 Beyoncé's shown and she is counting down from 10 in her lyrics.

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Shot 9 - 2.14The last shot I chose shows

that editing techniques have been used because as the

screen scrolls up Beyoncé is shown using close up shots

wearing different clothes and in front of different

backgrounds. These editing skills have been used to

make the music video more interesting because the

audience would expect to see more than just one

person shown in the same shot.