30 Letters, 30 Days

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Letter to the Person I Miss the Most
June 29th, 2010

Dear Carlo,
I remember when you used to come over with Dennis to play street hockey. Then whenever Madison came, I would join, because me and her were wicked close. Then me and you starting becoming friends. You would sleep over on the weekends and then after a while you got bored because Cory was always asleep early, so you would stay up with me. The first few sleepovers we would go on Facebook and you would show me people you met at school. Then the days after, you would call me to hang out. We would chill with everyone but you were always right next to me and if we did something where we had to be with one person or walk someone home, it was always us two. ANd then you would call and it would just be us two hanging out at like 9pm. We would sit in Dunkin Donuts and talk about school, McKenzie, Dom, and just life. We ordered the same thing every time and always sat in either the last table or the second table and I swear the people working there expected us there every weekend. Then we would walk around. One time we walked around trafton in the same path for an hour. And when we had to go our seperate ways, we were standing on [name] Street, I can pick out the exact spot, and you were like "Want a hug?" and I was like, "Sure." And it was nice, and that was the first time I thought about you as more than a friend, but I didn't think you liked me because just before that at Trafton, you had said that I was your best girl friend. ANd when you asked who my best guy friend was, I said you.So I just thought you didn't think of me as anything more. And then we got to the point where you called every single day to hang out, including after my basketball games and practices. Even if it was for like an hour. We would go on so many adventures! Just causing trouble outside, it was so fun. You would invite me places when you could only take one friend. Like there was a hockey game you had tickets to and could only take two people. Madison like called a ticket because that's how she is. So then out of Stephen, Cory, Dennis, and me, you chose me. And I can't even explain how amazing it was, but it was just the best friendship I ever had. I really miss it. And then one night it was you and me downstairs and my parents were upstairs even though it was midnight. Since my house was very open, we were texting each other through your phone (Because I didn't have texting), so we passed it and you were like "yeah I felt weird during my first kiss cuz I didn't know how to do it." And I was like "Well everyone is like that but you get used to it." You said, "I feel like I'm a bad kisser." I said, "No, you just need practice." Then you were like, "Well I could kiss you..." And omg I wanted to soooo bad! And I was like "Well...that could be awkward." because we always said we were like brother and sister. And you were like, "Well if it is then we can pretend it never happened." And I was like "Okay, strictly for practice" like best friends sometimes do. So when my parents went to bed, you and I went upstairs because we had our spots we always slept in. And we legit sat there for an hour talking about how awkward it was going to be. And finally I was just like "Well we already brought it up, we might as well just do it." And we kissed and it was like it didn't even happen, it was crazy. You had said, "We just have to break the barrier and kiss each other." So after that first kiss you were like, "Well we broke that barrier" and I was like "Yeah. Up for breaking another?" Because we were just starting with pecks before makeout because we were so scared. So after like 5 pecks, we went into a makeout and it was the most perfect thing ever. And I was like "You're really not a bad kisser." And you were like "Really?" And I said, "Well I think it's because I can feel the passion in your kiss."

Continued From Letter to the Person I Miss the Most
June 29th, 2010

We kept kissing and then you said, "I have such bad butterflies right now" And I said, "Aww, so do I." And we kissed more and we were like "Well this isn't 'for practice'..." ANd you said "How long have you liked me for?" And I replied by saying "Since we started getting closer." You said that you've liked me since the second timem you slept over, which was about two years ago. And then you said that I'm way out of your league and I told you I'm not, and we kept kissing. We were reaching like 4am and we were like "Ok, we need to sleep" but then we kept on saying "Just 5 more minutes!" Because neither one of us wanted to stop. We kissed for 5 hours that night lying on that red couch with you on "the spot" and me in the middle part. It was the most beautiful thing ever and I would give anything in this world to go back to those hours. Then in the morning, we got up and we admitted that we had thought it'd be awkward in the morning to look at each other, but it wasn't at all. Then I walked you home and it took an hour because we were holding hands and kept stopping to kiss. Then the next weekend or later that week, I don't remember, we were walking to the Malden Rink and we just went waaaay in the back of the parking lot because it's so dark there and you were against the telephone pole holding me and we were kissing for so long and then you walked me home and we were holding hands. And one time we were walking to the rink again and you and I were waiting on my front wall thing for Jacqueline, and Dennis was asleep on the wall. I was next to you and your arm was around me and I was leaning on you and it was quiet and we were looking up and the stars and then you were like "Come here" and pulled me in front of you so that you could wrap your arms around me from behind, and my head was under your chin and it was amazing