Tunnelling Tips! Drilling and blasting in dense urban areas THINKING

Tunnelling tips! Drilling and blasting in dense urban areas

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Tunnelling Tips! Drilling and blasting in dense urban areas


It’s a common practice Drilling & blasting is common practice in cities such as Hong Kong due to the large volume of tunnelling work.


Is it really better to blast?

Blasting methods are proven to be more effective at removing hard rock than mechanical excavation.


Think before you drill… There are many considerations & hazards that you must be aware of when using this method in highly dense areas.


Know what you’re up against.

Know your challenges


• Proximity - close to many sensitive receivers

• Potential impacts on the community

• Possible constraints on contractors

Know your challenges

• Higher level of confidence required for approval authorities

• Needs of the community vs rising construction costs


Be a step ahead know your hazards


• Ground-borne vibrations • Fly rock • Dust and fumes • Air overpressure • Explosives handling

Are you aware of the Sensitive receivers?


• Temporary excavation support • Public utilities • Retaining walls and cut slopes • Natural terrains • Existing building structures • Piled Foundations • Historic buildings

Prepare before you blast

Prepare before you blast


Address your hazards & sensitive receivers by making the appropriate considerations…

Take action

Prepare before you blast


Ensure monitoring and control measures are in place before you drill & blast


Vibration monitoring procedures and inspections are to be put in place

Reduction of air overpressure needs to be considered

Physical protection measures are essential

Prepare before you blast

Take action

• Explosives delivery and handling procedures

are to be drawn up

• Public notification and traffic management needs to be appropriately planned

• Site supervision must be arranged

• Blasting Assessment Report (BAR) needs to be written


Take action

Prepare before you blast


Prepare before you blast Ensure Vibration Prediction work and Monitoring procedures are ready to go

This validates design predictions & ensures PPV limits are not exceeded

This involves… • Setting vibration limits

• Predicting vibrations acting at sensitive receivers

• Limiting explosive charge weight

• Measuring and recording vibrations


Prepare before you blast

Take action


Prepare before you blast

Know your limits


Prepare before you blast

The vibration equation?

Write it up

Write it up Contractor’s Blasting Assessment Report

This report demonstrates that the blasting works are feasible without exceeding the impact criteria of nearby sensitive receivers. In this report, you will:

• Identify the location and condition of sensitive receivers

• Propose allowable vibration limits • Estimate allowable charge weights • Examine possible hazards and adverse

consequences • Propose protection measures and safety

procedures to ensure that the hazards are controlled


Write it up Blasting Method Statement (BMS)


The contractor will also need to prepare a Blasting Method Statement (BMS) with specific detail of work sequence, blast design, protective measures, monitoring and contingency plans.

Blasting Assessment Report (BAR) needs to be approved by the Mines Division of the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) before going ahead.

Get it approved


Measure up

Measuring the vibrations

You need a minimum of monitoring stations for each blast (MTR projects)


What you need


Measuring the vibrations What you need


Use a Vibrograph (velocity seismograph) to measure and record PPV and amplitude of ground motion

AAA trigger system

Measuring the vibrations What you need


• Alert • Action • Alarm

Contact: Jack Muir Associate – Transport [email protected] Nick Bedford Senior Civil Engineer – Transport [email protected]

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