Sustainable Architecture For Electric Power Generation Sustainab ility SOCIA L ECONOMICAL ENVIRONMENTA L By – Prabhat Kaushik Sashikant Tiwary B.Tech (PSE) Semester - 5

Sustainable Architecture For Power Generation

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Sustainable Architecture For

Electric Power Generation





By –Prabhat KaushikSashikant TiwaryB.Tech (PSE)Semester - 5

Why we should be Sustainable for Power ?

• Environmental Impact of people –Noticeable Climate Change• Increasing Oil price per barrel • WHO-Highest % of CO2 emission in last 50 years between 2005-10• Predictions -30% increase in energy demand by 2025 .• Depletion & Conservation of coal• Economy of Power due to use of retiring systems• Advancement in technologies for higher efficiency• Using the availability given by NATURE (Renewable Energy)• Global Economy Position of Country


61% 8%

0.3442% 15%


Total Installed capacity ( India)

Coal Gas Diesel Nuclear Hydro RES

Total -288664.97 MW

Aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses• Technical Lossesa) Overloading of system elements like transformers, feeders, conductors.b) Insufficient Reactive compensation e.g. non inclusion of capacitor banks. c) Non reconfiguration of feeder lines and distribution transformers .d) Non usage of smaller size energy efficient Distribution transformers

• Commercial Losses (Non Technical Losses)a) Tampering with meters to ensure the meter recorded a lower consumption reading.b) Tapping (hooking) on LT lines.c) Errors and delay in meter reading and billing.d) Stealing by bypassing the meter or otherwise making illegal connections.

Transmission & Distribution Factors of Improvisation

• Optimize T&D infrastructureDeploy efficient substation automationUpgrade to smart metering solutions

• Optimize quality and availability of supplied powerMeasure and improve delivered power qualityImplement additional injecting power sources

• Influence demand consumptionIntroduce new tariff structures and smart revenue meteringImplement AMR technologyProvide customers with accurate and relevant consumption dataEstablish DR/DSM programs

• Deploy modern IT infrastructureHigh speed telecoms infrastructureModern Energy Information Systems

Generation Sustainability solutions• Highly efficient boilers -FBC• Using Supercritical Technology for thermal power plants.• Advance sources . (like ,fuel cell micro- turbine combined-cycle system).• Using HRSG systems to achieve higher total energy efficiency and/or improved

performance. • Addition of faster dynamics device to slower ones.• Retrofitting of Conventional Boilers : Bio-mass, bagasse.• New Gas as fuel – Shale Gas  500 to 2000 trillion cubic meter• Renewable heat : Concentrating solar thermal to feed radiators

Advanced Grids


• Use of short time renewable energy sources. • Includes Micro Grid.• Includes local cluster of DG , energy storage.• Separate DC/AC output.• Loads are integrated & operated autonomously.


• Reduces Carbon foot-prints• Improve distribution management• Accurate decision support software• Self- Healing • Automated control for distribution• New Sensing & measurement technology• Increased efficiency


Nano porous silica•New insulation materials: thinner and able to store energy• phase change materials

wall coating


balls of paraffin


• Up to 3 times lighting efficiency

• 20 to150 lumen / W

• DC operation

Thermal bridges

• Junctions between walls, metallic structures, aluminium frames)

• Yields up to 30% reduction of thermal losses


• AB3X Structures

• Lead Hydrocarbons + Titanium Halides

• 22% Efficient


• Based on Total Internal Reflection

• No cooling required

• Extra Illumination in night

• Rugged


• Act on Users• Educate people on efficient use of energy• Act on business related procedures• Highly insulating and active glazing

• Act on loads• Replace, renovate aging loads (lighting, motors,

HVAC, …)by LED’s.• Implement intelligent load control (variable speed

drives, regulation systems, lighting control, ...)

• Optimize quality and availability of on site power• Measure and improve on site power quality• Implement backup generation• Exploit co-generation means

• Optimize supply costs• Use the right tariffs according to specific load profile• Participate in DR/DSM programs• Resell excess power

Intelligence everywhere that would seamlessly handle energy usage optimization whilst guaranteeing optimal comfort, a healthy environment and numerous other services (security, assistance to elderly people…)

Small Innovation by New Projects

Power generation from speed breakers for Street Lightning Purpose

Solar Street light with SUN Tracking operation and Auto Light Intensity Control

• No transmission/distribution Losses• Less cost of installment• One time system installment• No Power Consumption (cost basis)• Uses Renewable energy • Tapping wasted energy of vehicles• Automated Systems• Less maintenance

Beneficial Involvement

• Apps and social group to promote power usage systems.• Internet Awards on the basis of energy saving among a particular society.• Establishing a gateway or portal site on the municipality's web site.• Establish neighborhood working groups.• Work with energy utilities.• Openly investigate procurement of alternative energy sources.• Promote transparency in the municipality's own energy consumption.• MNC’s to sponsor innovative ideas.