Proy . 247099 Institutional Links CONACYT-British Council Final progress report Dr. J. Aurelio Medina-Rios Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México Dr. Olimpo Anaya-Lara University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK April 6, 2016

Progress report of project 247099

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Page 1: Progress report of project 247099

Proy . 247099 Institutional Links CONACYT-British Council

Final progress report

Dr. J. Aurelio Medina-RiosUniversidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México

Dr. Olimpo Anaya-LaraUniversity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

April 6, 2016

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1. Introduction2. Brief overview3. Objectives4. Expected results5. Current activities6. Achieved results to date7. Pending activities 8. Development relevance & Progress towards contributing to social welfare9. Conclusion

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The project 247099 was proposed at the call C0014-2014-03 Institutional Links CONACYT-British Council.

Two research groups collaborate; from México, represented by the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) and from the United Kingdom, represented by the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

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México: Dr. J. Aurelio Medina-Rios (Leader), Dr. Claudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Dr. Roberto Tapia-Sánchez, Dr. Luis Arthur Cleary-Balderas, Dr. Rafael Cisneros-Magaña, Dr. Mario Graff-Guerrero, Dr. Sergio Bravo-Solorio, M.C. Ismael Molina-Moreno, M.C. Nadia Maria Salgado-Herrera, M.C. Ernesto Magaña-Lemus, M.C. Marcolino Díaz-Araujo.

United Kingdom: Dr. Olimpo Anaya-Lara (Leader), Prof. William E. Leithead, Dr. Julian Feuchtwang, Dr. Ayman Attya, Mr Alexander Giles, Prof. Sir Jim McDonald, Prof. Andrew Goudie.

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The research project was approved; $ 1, 540, 000.00 M.N. (aprox. £ 62, 090.00) were assigned for its development in 6 months. It has been extended for four additional months.

CONACYT is financing the project through Fondo de Cooperación Internacional en Ciencia y Tecnología (FONCICYT)

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The research project deals with the following subjects:

1. Harmonic power flows.2. Power quality state estimation. a) Harmonic State Estimation (HSE). b) Transient State Estimation (TSE). c) Voltage Sag State Estimation (VSSE).3. Techniques for mitigation of harmonic distortion.

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4. Advanced numerical and computational techniques.

5. Integration of wind energy sources.

6. Real time simulation.

7. Forecast techniques based on wind time series.

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1. To contribute to the state of art in the fields of knowledge described previously.

2. To contribute to consolidate the research work of four doctoral students.

3. To establish a close collaboration between the research teams involved in the project, as well as their universities.

4. To generate knowledge of practical benefit to society.

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1. To contribute to the consolidation of research/education of two doctoral students.

2. To produce al least two journal papers and two confererence papers..

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3. Strengthen the collaboration between the research teams in electrical engineering of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

4. Strengthen the areas of research of the research teams.

5. Strengthen the masters and doctoral programs in electrical engineerings of the universities of México and UK collaborating in the research project in progress.

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1. Project leaders have been in continuous comunication and interaction using electronic means; and on-site, through short research leaves, as well as through meetings with collaborators. The above is documented in job/research reports.

2. Academic supervision of two doctoral students (M.Sc. Nadia Maria Salgado-Herrera and M.Sc. Ismael Molina Moreno). Two more students are incorporated (Dr. Ernesto Magaña-Lemus (graduated on February 26, 2016) and M.Sc. Marcolino Díaz-Araujo).

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3. Preparation of technical papers detailing the research in progress and the obtained results. To date, 4 journal papers (under review) and 5 conference papers (published) have been produced.

4. Participation in technical conferences to present the results

obtained from the research in progress and to interact with other power system experts. In particular, in conferences IEEE General Meeting 2015, Denver, CO, EUA, Juy 26-30, 2015, IEEE NAPS 2015, Charlotte, NC, EUA, October 4-6, 2015 and IEEE ROPEC Interrational, Ixtapa, Gro., México, November 4-6, 2015.

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5. Workshop of the research teams of México and UK in Morelia, México, November 26-27, to share the research work made to date and to identify further actions.

6. Short academic leaves of participants (MSc Ismael Molina-Moreno; 3 months (November 2015 to February 2016) and Nadia Maria-Salgado; 3 weeks (January 2016)) to consolidate research in progress in the topics of Project. Leaders of project have prepared further joint proposals for different calls, such as CONACYT-Innovate UK 2016, CONACYT-H2020 2015, CONACYT-CB 2015, CONACYT Research Networks 2016 and CONACYT Scientific Infraestructre 2016.

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a) Papers in indexed journals : 1. Rafael Cisneros-Magaña, Aurelio Medina, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, “Time-Domain Harmonic State Estimation of Nonlinear Load Power Systems with Under-Determined Condition based on the Extended Kalman Filter”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. (in third round of review)

2. A. Cleary-Balderas, A. Medina-Rios, O. Anaya-Lara, “A Method for Selective Harmonic Elimination in Three-Phase Power Systems”. (to be sent to IET on Power Electronics)

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3. Rafael Cisneros-Magaña, Aurelio Medina, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, “Time-Domain Voltage Sag State Estimation Based on the Unscented Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Load Power Systems”, (to be sent to Simulation Practice and Modeling journal).

4. Roberto Tapia-Sánchez, Aurelio Medina-Ríos, N. M. Salgado-Herrera, “Bond Graph Based Control of a Static Compensator”, Control Engineering Practice.

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1. E. Magaña-Lemus, A. Medina, A. Ramos-Paz, “Periodic Steady State Solution of Power Systems by Selective Transition Matrix Identification, LU Decomposition and Graphic Processing Units”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 26-30, 2015, pp. 1-6.

2. Ismael Molina-Moreno, Aurelio Medina, Rafael Cisneros-Magaña, “Time-Domain Harmonic State Estimation Using Filtered Measurements Based on Fourier Transform”, IEEE North American Power Symposium, NAPS 2015, North Carolina, USA, October 4-6, 2015.

3. N. M. Salgado-Herrera, F. Mancilla-David, A. Medina-Ríos, R. Tapia-Sánchez, “THD Mitigation in Type-4 Wind Turbine through AFE Back to Back Converter”, IEEE North American Power Symposium, NAPS 2015, North Carolina, USA, October 4-6, 2015.

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4. N. M. Salgado-Herrera, A. Medina-Ríos, R. Tapia-Sánchez, “Reactive Power Regulation and Voltage Compensation through DSTATCOM with Wind Turbine Integration”, IEEE ROPEC International, Ixtapa, Gro. México, Nov. 4-6, 2015.

5. Ismael Molina-Moreno, Aurelio Medina and Rafael Cisneros Magaña, “Methodology for Optimal Bus Placement to Integrate Wind Farm Optimizing Power Flows”, IEEE ROPEC International, Ixtapa, Gro. México, Nov. 4-6, 2015.

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d). A closer collaboration between the research teams of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

e). Approved research Project CONACYT CB-251404 (3 years; $1, 105, 000.00 M.N. or approximately £ 44, 550.00)

f). Consolidation in progress of the research work of the participant teams.

g). Contribution to the development of the doctoral programs in electrical engineering of the involved universities.

h). Contributes to the research work of four doctoral students.

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1. To incorporate the effect of wind generation sources in methodologies for harmonic power flows and power quality state estimation. To consolidate the research in progress on techniques for harmonic mitigation and forecasting based on wind time series. (to be addressed in a continuation project)

2. Application of advanced numerical techniques and real time simulation in the methodologies under development. (real time simulation to be addressed in a continuation project)

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3. To continue the supervision of doctoral students working in the project.

4. Short visits by leaders of project to Glasgow and Morelia, respectively, to work on preparation on final technical report, present and future joint projects.

5. Preparation of financial report of project.

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The research in progress is of scientific and practical interest. It deals with forecast analysis, planning, operation and power quality phenomena with integration of wind energy sources.

The above is of economic, social and even political relevance to worldwide societies.

Immediate impacts of obtained results are in improving the power quality of practical networks and education in progress of highly squilled postgraduate students.

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Progress achieved to date with Project 247099 C0014-2014-03 Institutional Links CONACYT-British Council has been detailed.

It represents the first experience of close research collaboration for the involved reseach teams of Mexico and the United Kingdom and their institutions. It allows other joint efforts to be explored.

The Project in progress is of scientific and practical relevance and of potential benefit to society.

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