C++ Project Employ Info System

OOP/ project Employees information system

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C++ ProjectEmploy Info System

Page 2: OOP/ project Employees information system


Introduction Designing Complier Output Logical Designing of classes


The project on Empolyee Information System we develpoed to save data of emploty name ,id, age ,employment year etc.

Our programme also be able to show employ data(for temporary or permanent).For temporary employ programme only calculate the monthly salary of employee.And for permanent employ it calculate salary and also give the fecilities according to the grade of employ.


We design our project as following as Employ act as a base class and Temporary and Permanent derive from Employ class.In temporary class we only calculate salary per month.From Permanent class we derive two more classis of Slaray and Fecilities.Which calculate salary of permanent employ and also provide the fecilities to the permanent employ.

Compiler Output

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As the compiler out put we get the following screen:

If we enter “t”,the programe will ask general info i.e name , id no. , address , age , phone no. etc which can be entered as follow

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After the data input is complete,the info is desplayed as follow

This was the entire info for temporary employee,if we want all that for permanent emplyee.we press “p” it will give following info

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For salary info

Enter data

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It will aslo tells the bonus for extra work

And also the bill discount

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For facilities


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Slaray Fecilities
