Let it flow Java 8 stream puzzles and more Bhakti Mehta @bhakti_mehta

Let if flow: Java 8 Streams puzzles and more

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Page 1: Let if flow: Java 8 Streams puzzles and more

Let it flow Java 8 stream puzzles

and more Bhakti Mehta


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Introduction  O  Senior Software Engineer at Blue Jeans

Network O Worked at Sun Microsystems/Oracle for 13

years O Committer to numerous open source projects

including GlassFish Application Server

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My  recent  book  

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Previous  book  

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Blue  Jeans  Network  

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Evolution  of  Java  O Java 8 has myriad of features O Most prominent are lamdas and streams API O Functional style to Java

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Streams  O Abstraction not a datastructure O Can transform data O Value in motion O Functional style will affect all collections O Automatic parallelism

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Collections  in  Java  8  

Contains whole data structure Eager computation

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Streams  in  Java  8  

Computed on demand Just in time Lazily constructed collection

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Stream  or  loop    GET the shortest list of cities of people Instead of List people = … Set shortCities = new HashSet<>(); for (Person p : people) { City c = p.getCity(); if (c.getName().length() < 5 ) { shortCities.add(c); }

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Stream  or  loop    We write List people = … Set shortCities = people.stream() .map(Person::getCity) .filter(c -> c.getName().length() < 5) .collect(toSet());

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Stream  or  loop    We write List people = … Set shortCities = people.stream() .map(Person::getCity) .filter(c -> c.getName().length() < 5) .collect(toSet());

More concise

More readable Composable

operations Can be made parallel

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Power  of  Stream  O Streams provide the power to write compose

functions and data flows through the functions

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Components  when  working  with  streams  

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Intermediate  operations  

filter map

limit sorted


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Terminal  operations  




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FlatMap  sample  public class Teammate { private Set<String> languages; Set<String> getLanguages() { return languages; } List<Teammate> team = new ArrayList<>(); Teammate dev1 = new Teammate(); dev1.addLanguage("scala"); dev1.addLanguage(“go”); Teammate dev2 = new Teammate(); dev2.addLanguage("java"); team.add(dev1); team.add(dev2);

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FlatMap  sample   List<String> teamLanguages = team.stream(). map(d -> d.getLanguages()). flatMap(l -> l.stream()). collect(Collectors.toList()); returns [“scala”,”go”,”java”]

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Given a list of numbers return the Squares

Given [1,2,3,4] return [1,4,9,16]

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Quiz  Given a list of numbers return the Squares

Given [1,2,3,4] return [1,4,9,16]

List<Integer>numbers = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4);

List<Integer> squares = numbers.stream().map


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Shape:: isSquare()

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Group  Grouping


Fish Reptiles Mammals

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Group  Grouping


Fish Reptiles Mammals




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Grouping   Map<Animal.Category, List<Animal>> animalsByCategory = animals.stream(). collect(groupingBy(Animal::getCategory)); {Mammals=[Dolphin, Cat, Dog], Fish=[Ray, Shark], Reptiles=[Alligator, Crocodile]}

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Getting  a  count      Map<Animal.Category, List<Animal>> animalsByCategory = animals.stream(). collect(groupingBy(Animal::getCategory, counting())); {Mammals=2, Fish=2, Reptiles=2}

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Imperative  style  Iterate through the animals Classify in various categories Get counts of each



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Map<Boolean, List<Item>> partitionedMenu = menu.stream().collect (partitioningBy(Item::isSeaFood)); { false= [brocolli chicken, orange chicken], true=[spicy shrimp, catfish]}

Getting seafood from the menu

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Via  Filtering  List<Item> seafood = menu.stream().filter (Item::isSeaFood).collect(toList()); gives [spicy shrimp, catfish]

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Multilevel  partitioning  partitioningBy collector can be used in combination with other partioningBy collections to get multi level partitioning

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Quiz  Is this valid sample?






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Quiz  Is this valid sample?






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Composability  O Get the unique surnames in uppercase of the

first 15 book authors that are 50 years old or older

O library.stream() .map(book -> book.getAuthor()) .filter(author -> author.getAge() >= 50) .limit(15) .map(Author::getSurname) .map(String::toUpperCase) .distinct() .collect(toList()));

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Infinite  stream  O Stream<Integer> evenNumbers =

Stream.iterate(0, n -> n + 2);

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Parallel  streams  O Parallel streams = simple concurrency O Parallel stream splits its elements in multiple

chunks processing each chunk on a different thread

O Potentially can use N cores => Nx speedup

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Parallel  Streams  O Check the benchmark using sequential and

parallel streams O Limit and findFirst may be expensive in

parallel stream as they rely on the odrder of the elements. Use findAny if you are not constrained by the order

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Summary  O Great step by Java 8 towards supporting FP O Use FP and OoP together

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Use  Streams  and  prosper  

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Resources  O http://blog.fileburst.com/wp-content/


O http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/java-8-streams-cheat-sheet/

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Questions  O Twitter: @bhakti_mehta