Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Management Plan

Emergency preparedness & disaster management

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Page 1: Emergency preparedness & disaster management




Disaster Management


Page 2: Emergency preparedness & disaster management

“Hope for the best,

but be prepared

for the worst !”

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Disaster Management Plan

For meeting the emergencies caused by

major accidents, planning response

strategies are termed as Disaster

Management Plans (DMPs) / Emergency

Management Plans (DMPs) .

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Disaster Management Plan

The Disaster Management

Plan envisages the need

for providing appropriate

action so as to minimize

loss of life/property and

for restoration of

normalcy within the

minimum time.

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Emergency :

Potentially life-threatening situation, usually occurring

suddenly and unexpectedly.

Immediate response is essential

Speed in responding can mean the difference

between life and death or between minimal damage

and major damage.

Preparation is planning for emergencies.

(Plan, practice, evaluate, adjust).

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Emergency Classification

The emergencies are classified as:

Construction Hazard

Natural Hazard

Operational Hazard

DMPs / EMPs cannot be considered as a substitute

for maintaining good safety standards.

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Emergency Management

Emergency management is a comprehensive

system set up to address and handle natural

and man-made hazards. It has four parts:

1. Prevention / Mitigation

2. Preparedness

3. Response

4. Recovery

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Purpose of Emergency Planning

Minimize damage.

Ensure the safety of staff, customers/

clients and Public.

Protect vital records/assets.

Provide for continuity of operations.

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Phases in Emergencies

Generally, the following five phases are

involved in an emergency:

1. Discovery and Notification.

2. Evaluation and Accident Control Initiation.

3. Containment and Counter Measures.

4. Cleanup and Disposal.

5. Documentation.

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Emergency Management Planning Pyramid

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Phases in Emergencies

1. Discovery and Notification.

An event with an imminent threat of turning

into an accident must first be discovered and

the discoverer should quickly notify the same

to the safety officer.

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Phases in Emergencies

2. Evaluation and Accident Control Initiation.

Based on the evaluation of available

information, the safety officer makes a rapid

assessment of the severity of the likely accident

and initiates the best course of action.

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Phases in Emergencies

3. Containment and Counter Measures.

Action is first taken to contain and control the

accident by eliminating the causes which may

lead to the spread of accident. Measures are

also taken to minimize the damage to

personnel, property and environment.

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Phases in Emergencies

4. Cleanup and Disposal.

After the accident is effectively contained and

controlled, the cleanup of the site of the

accident and safe disposal of waste generated

due to the accident are undertaken.

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Phases in Emergencies

5. Documentation:

All aspects of accidents, must be documented for

subsequent analysis for prevention in future, damage

estimation, insurance recovery and compensation payment.

It may be noted that photographs, survey reports, main

objects involved in the accident, etc. may have to be carried

out before the cleanup and disposal phase.

However, the effort in all cases is to recommence the

operation as soon as possible.

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Emergency Classification

Severity of accident and its likely impact area

will determine the level of emergency and the

disaster management plan required for

appropriate handling of an emergency.

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Emergency Classification

Level 1 Emergency:

• A local accident with likely impact only to immediate

surroundings of accident site, such as, local fires,

and limited release of inflammable material.

• The impact distance may not be more than 15 m

from the site of primary accident and may require

evacuation of the building/area where accident

occurred and utmost the adjacent building/area.

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Emergency Classification

Level 2 Emergency:

A major accident with potential threats to life and

property upto 500 m distance requiring the evacuation

of all personnel from the threatened area except the

emergency response personnel.

Larger fires, release of large quantities of inflammable

materials may belong to emergency level 2.

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Emergency Classification

Level 3 Emergency:

An accident involving a very serious hazard and with

likely impact area extending beyond 500 m from the

operational area such as, major fire, flood, very large

release of inflammable material etc.

In a level 3 emergency, evacuation of population in

adjacent villages, may sometime become necessary if

threatened area extend to adjoining the site of the

primary accident in a direction of maximum impact.

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Emergency Classification

On-site Disaster Management Plan (DMP) will

meet the hazards created due to all Level 1

emergencies and most of the Level 2


In addition to on-site DMP, off-site DMP may

also have to be put into operation for some

Level 2 emergencies and all the Level 3


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Organization and Coordination

Responses to emergencies include:

Medical personnel

Fire-fighting personnel

Security personnel

Safety personnel

Specialists from different fields

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Organization and Coordination

Keys to success in an emergency

One person is In-charge.

Everyone involved knows who is in charge.

Everyone who has a role in responding to an

emergency is given ample opportunities to

practice in simulated conditions that come

as close as possible to real conditions.

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Important elements in the

Disaster Management Plan

1. Reliable and early detection of an emergency and careful


2. The command, co-ordination, and response organisation

structure along with efficient trained personnel.

3. The availability of resources for handling emergencies.

4. Appropriate emergency response actions.

5. Effective notification and communication facilities.

6. Regular review and updating of the EMP

7. Proper training of the concerned personnel.

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Infrastructure for

Disaster Management Plan 1. First aid boxes

2. Gas masks

3. Telephone line with STD facility

4. Loud hailers

5. Emergency lighting system

6. Stretchers

7. Transport facility

8. Fire-fighting machinery

9. Fire-tenders

10. Ambulance

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Assembly Points for

Disaster Management Plan

Assembly points are to be set up farthest from the

location of likely hazardous events, where pre-

designated persons would assemble in case of

emergency .

The location near to the entrance gate is one of the

safest place. This can be the assembly point.

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Communication System for

Disaster Management Plan

Different types of alarms to differentiate types of emergencies

should be provided.

In case of failure of siren, placards of various colours should

be used to indicate the situations.

If everything fails, a messenger should be used for sending

the information and the various placards mentioned would

also be used.

Alarms should be followed by announcement over Public

Address System. In case of failure of alarm system,

communication should be by telephone, Walkie-talkie etc.

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Emergency Services for

Disaster Management Plan

Emergency Services includes fire-fighting system, first

aid center, hospital etc.

Alternate sources of power supply for operating fire-

pumps, communication with local bodies, fire-brigade

etc. should also be clearly identified.

Adequate number of external and internal telephone

connections should be installed.

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Fire Protection System for

Disaster Management Plan

Depending upon the size of the construction site, the minimum

fire protection system should be place.

1. Hydrant system for all the vulnerable areas of the site

(Wherever possible).

2. Portable carbon-dioxide extinguishers for the control room

and electrical sheds.

3. Portable fire extinguishers of suitable types/ capacities for

extinguishing small fires in selected areas of the plant.

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Evacuation Assembly Point

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Fire Assembly Point

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Evacuation Map for

Disaster Management Plan

Maps showing evacuation routes shall be displayed should be

displayed at prominent places.

The map should contain the site related details such as:

1. Emergency escape routes.

2. Location of emergency medical services.

3. Location of dangerous substances.

4. Seat of emergency contact key personnel.

5. Location of emergency control room.

6. The parking points of Ambulances and Fire-fighting vehicles.

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Evacuation Map for

Disaster Management Plan

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Evacuation Map for

Disaster Management Plan

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Other important elements in

Disaster Management Plan

The emergency plan will have the key personnel of the

organisation and responsibilities assigned to them in case of

an emergency and their contact particulars.

Depend on the severity of the emergency outside agency will

be called for the assistance. Details of such emergency

services should be displayed at prominent areas.

The safety equipment installed and fire-fighting equipment

available will be mentioned in the detailed DMP.

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Emergency Items to be maintained

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Disaster Management Plan

The emergency management plan gives a broad idea of the

detailed emergency preparedness in case of an accident.

The Emergency Management Plan (EMP) envisages the

need for providing appropriate action so as to minimize loss

of life/property and for restoration of normalcy within the

minimum time.

Adequate manpower, training and infrastructure

shall achieve this.

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