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  1. 1. /*Write a program that generates the following output using a single nested loop $ ## $$$ #### */ --------------------------------- /*Show 1st 8 FIBONACCI Number * -------------------------------- /*Write a program that input two number interchange the value of and then display them without using third variable.*/ ------------------------ /*Show out **** *** ** * */ ------------------------ Triangle */ --------------------- /*Take input of Three n.o if the are not Equal,then find the Smallest n.o*/ Take input of two n.o if 2nd n.o is greater than 1st,display the division as follow i.e. 1st=16 2nd=5 Ans=5*3+1=16*/ ------------------------- /*Show out ***** ***** ***** */ ----------------------- Show out * ** *** **** */ ------------------- /*Take input a n.o and find if it is divisible by 10 or not* --------------------- /* d=++a + a-- - b++ + --c = 1*/ ---------------------------- SUM OF 1ST 6TH PRIME NUMBER*/ ------------------------------ entr 10 student age and show average age*/ --------------------------- Enter The Amount Of The Bill And Discount At The Rate Of 10% */ ----------------------------------