платформа научных симуляторов Gpu digital lab

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  1. 1. Imagine3D
  2. 2. : 3D-. : ; ; ; , ; .
  3. 3. 2D
  4. 4. () LUA LUA Microsoft DirectCompute Microsoft DirectCompute Microsoft DirectCompute - Microsoft DirectCompute
  5. 5. () (FPS Scene Manager) (Strategy Scene Manager) (Situational Modelling Scene Manager)
  6. 6. Imagine3D Microsoft DirectCompu te Microsoft DirectCompu te
  7. 7. Imagine3D Launch your main graphics renderer Launch our scene manager Launch your renderers and the post processing modules
  8. 8. 3D Max LUA , (r untime)
  9. 9. Media Foundation
  10. 10. 3D DirectCompute GPUDigitalLab .
  11. 11. .
  12. 12. 3D
  13. 13.
  14. 14. "DigitalBioAgeEstimator"
  15. 15. GPUDigitalAgeEstimator . .
  16. 16. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate ( ) Microsoft Direct3D11 ( ) Microsoft Media Foundation SDK ( ) Microsoft DirectCompute ( ) Microsoft Direct2D ( ) OpenMP NVIDIA PhysX NVIDIA Optix Microsoft ASP.NET Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Biztalk Server Microsoft Hololens
  17. 17. NVIDIA Tesla Microsoft Kinect -
  18. 18.
  19. 19.
  20. 20. 3D-
  21. 21.
  22. 22. 3D-