Hashtag: #PixieSessions Your Content Is Not About You Presented by Leticia Mooney of Brutal Pixie (we <3 content strategy) www.brutalpixie.com @brutalpixie

Your Content is Not About You

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Hashtag: #PixieSessions

Your Content Is Not About You

Presented by Leticia Mooney of Brutal Pixie

(we <3 content strategy)


Hashtag: #PixieSessions

What we're going to do

● Learn what tonight's about & how it follows on from the previous session

● Learn about who you are & why you're here

● Smash through key points about the what and how you present content

● Have some fun

Hashtag: #PixieSessions

What tonight is about

● Your goals versus your the problems your customers have

● Personas

● Scenarios

● Workshops and fun

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Tonight we want to know:

- who you are

- why you're in this workshop

- what you're hoping to get out of it

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Following on from last week

Last week we learned about:

● What content strategy is

● What our brand values are

● What our audience needs are

● How to match needs to values

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Following on from last week

What we didn't talk about:

● Your audience's problems

● How you solve your audience's problems

● How your content is at the front line

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Following on from last week

Message architecture frames your content.

It doesn't introduce you to your audience.

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Writing Anything 101

1. Know your purpose.

2. Create for a specific audience.

Reasons for writing

Reasons for reading

Creating connection

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Audience & Personas

Who is your ideal audience member?

Think about:

● Age, appearance, gender, quirks

● Income, lifestyle, working arrangements

● Kids, relationships, friendships

● Hobbies, relaxation, holidays

● Goals, dreams, values

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Audience & Personas

Why you need personas:

● Your audience becomes real to you

● You can write to just one person

● You can read your message architecture through their eyes

● You can read all of your content from their perspective

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Audience & Personas

The best personas are research-based.

● You want it as close to reality as possible.

● Research allows you to test & refine

● Ongoing research highlights trends & changes that you wouldn't have seen.

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Audience & Personas

In a moment this is what you will do:

Create your persona. Make it a story.

Give it to someone else.

That person will introduce themselves as your audience member.

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Audience & PersonasAn Example... from Dickens

Name: Mark Tapley

Mark Tapley is a young man in his 20s. He loves adventure. His problem was that he didn't know how far he could push himself and retain his good humour. So, he put himself into absurd situations as a test. He irritates everybody with his optimism. He nearly died by putting himself in bad situations, still managed to be jolly, survived, and returned home filled with exuberance and an entrepreneurial fire. Now, Mark runs a pub called the Jolly Tapley with his wife.

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Audience & PersonasAn Example... from Dickens

Name: Mark Tapley

We would describe Mark as:

● A risk taker, one who will happily take risks and tell you the good stories at the end of them

● An entrepreneur, one who isn't fussed about failure

● That he's easy to get along with

● That he would be happy to try something new

● That he probably won't stand for a negative attitude

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Audience & PersonasAn Example... from Dickens

Name: Mark Tapley

We would describe Mark as:

● A risk taker, one who will happily take risks and tell you the good stories at the end of them

● An entrepreneur, one who isn't fussed about failure

● That he's easy to get along with

● That he would be happy to try something new

● That he probably won't stand for a negative attitude

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Audience & Personas


Create your persona. Make it a story.

Give it to someone else.

That person will introduce themselves as your audience member.

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Scenarios and why they're important

Scenarios can be like pre-mortems.

● Put your audience member into a situation and test it

● Use your scenarios for customer journey mapping, against your site or product

● Map all possible interactions and journeys so you have a landscape

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Scenario Types

There are lots of scenario analyses you can do. Some of them include:

● Blind spot analysis

● What-If scenarios

● Customer interaction journeys

● Strategy Diamonds

● … and so on.

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Scenario: Blind Spots

Think of everything you can't see – but that your audience might see:

● Competition and competitive bias

● Corporate bias

● Cognitive bias

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Scenario: Blind Spots (You)

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Scenario: Blind Spots (Your Audience)


Or maybe this?

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Scenario: Blind Spots

You need to demonstrate:

● That you grasp the audience's problem

● That you have a solution for it

● That you add value to their lives

● That you 'get' them

● That you're a good fit together

● That possibly you can get married

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Scenario: What-If

Sitting in the shoes of your persona, ask What if?

● What if I can't find what I'm after

● What if it doesn't answer my problem

● What if I email and don't know when I'll get a reply

● What if I love it but the shopping cart is broken?

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Scenario: Customer Journeys

You can use your What-Ifs to map out a customer journey.

● What if I go to the home page and see a blog but get distracted by a banner?

● What if I want to read a banner but it's automated too quickly?

● What if I click here, where will I go, and where will I possibly end up and why?

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Scenario: Strategy Diamonds

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Scenario: The (content) Strategy Diamond

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Scenarios: FUN STUFF

Choose a scenario:

● What-if OR customer interaction journey OR strategy diamond OR blind spots.

Run it for 10 minutes, map everything.

Make sure you position yourself as the audience member you created.

Then, present to the group.

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Reframe Everything

Frame everything so that it talks about THEM.

● Share or solve: Don't sell, solve problems or share information with them

● Speak in their language, in their houses

● Listen to them and respond appropriately

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Example: About Page

People go to About Pages because they want more information. They want to know who you are, what you do, what your pedigree is (sometimes), what your key messages are.

So don't give them a list of your degrees.

