E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Welcome Presentation on diversion of west flowing streams from the upper reaches of Western ghats near Sakleshpura, Hassan district

Yettinahole Project - Diverting west flowing water to an arid land

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Page 1: Yettinahole Project - Diverting west flowing water to an arid land

E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Presentation on diversion of west flowing streams from the upper reaches of Western ghats near Sakleshpura,

Hassan district

Page 2: Yettinahole Project - Diverting west flowing water to an arid land

E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.2

The Project

Scheme for diversion of flood water from selected streamsnear Sakleshpura (West) to provide drinking water todrought prone areas, which includes selected taluks ofTumkur, Chitradurga, Bangalore rural and northbesides Kolar & Chikkaballapura districts (East)

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Karnataka State having a geographical area of 1,91,976 sq.km happens to be

the eighth largest State in India with a population of 52.85 millions as per

2001 census. It is blessed with major perennial rivers such as Godavari,

Krishna, and Cauvery besides 13 West flowing rivers.

The intensity of rainfall across the State varies from 400 mm in the Eastern

and Central area to more than 6000 mm in Western Ghats. Scanty and

erratic rainfall in the Eastern and Central Karnataka has resulted in the area

becoming gradually drought prone.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


It is pertinent to note that as per statistics available, Karnataka is second only

to Rajasthan when drought prone areas are considered.

Out of several districts, which are facing acute drinking water shortage

besides underground water becoming polluted, Bangalore Rural, Tumkur,

Kolar and Chikkaballapur happens to be the worst affected and the

ground water in some of these places has fluoride content much in

excess of permissible limit.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

River basin map of Karnataka5

No. River SystemsDrainage Area

1000 sq. km %

1. Godavari 4.43 2.31

2. Krishna 113.01 58.93

3. Cauvery 36.13 18.84

4. North Pennar 6.94 3.62

5. South Pennar 3.76 1.96

6. Palar 2.97 1.55

7.West Flowing

Rivers24.53 12.79

Total 191.77 100

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Drought map of Karnataka

2/3rd of Geographical area of Karnataka

State is under arid/semi arid conditions

and stand 2nd only to Rajasthan in the

country in terms of its drought prone


(SOURCE dmc.kar.nic.in)

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.7

Yield of Rivers in Karnataka

No. River Systems

Drainage Area Estimated Average annual yield


sq. km% MCM TMC

1. Godavari 4.43 2.31 1415 50

2. Krishna 113.01 58.93 27451 970

3. Cauvery 36.13 18.84 10980 388

4. North Pennar 6.94 3.62 - -

5. South Pennar 3.76 1.96 906 32

6. Palar 2.97 1.55 - -

7. West Flowing Rivers 24.53 12.79 56600 2000

Total 191.77 100.00 97352 3440

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Plight of People & Quality of Water

Incidentally, all the four Districts fall under the Cauvery, Palar and Pennar

basins, but there is acute scarcity in availability of Drinking water, resulting in

exploitation of underground water to a great extent. The water table has

reached alarming depths of 305 m to 427 m (1000 to 1400 ft).

Quality of water being used especially in the Districts of Chikkaballapura and

Kolar are contaminated. Since there are no options, the people are using the

same water and getting affected by several water borne diseases, due to the

presence of harmful salts like Fluorides, Nitrates etc.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Efforts by GoK & Initiatives

Government of Karnataka has earlier initiated several proposals to mitigate

the drinking water problem and to improve the quality. However, the projects

implemented have not met the required results since sustainability and

assured quantity of water is not guaranteed.

This has resulted in identifying an independent source which is free from

Interstate Dispute and at the same time can act as a sustainable source.

Such source is the West Flowing Streams.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Present Proposal

Diversion of surplus flood waters from upper reaches of Yettinahole,

Kadumanehole, Kerihole and Hongadahalla streams by lifting and conveying

it to east to benefit Kolar, Chikkaballapura, Bangalore (Rural) and Tumkur

Districts. Following table reveals the beneficiary statistics in the above



Sl.No Name of the Benefiting District

Total Population as

per Census, 2011 Area in sq.km Population Growth

1 Bangalore (Rural) 9,87,257 2,239 16.02%

2 Tumkur 26,81,449 10,598 3.74%

3 Kolar 15,40,231 4,012 11.04%

4 Chickballapura 12,54,377 4,208 9.17%

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Present Proposal

On detailed study and evaluation, some of the streams which are originating

at the highest level close to Sakhleshpura in the Western Ghats i.e.

Yettinahole, its tributaries and other streams have been identified as most

suitable source. The streams that have been proposed to be harnessed are

listed below.

1. Yettinahole 6. Yettinahole lower reach

2. Yettinahole Tributary-1 7. Kerihole

3. Yettinahole Tributary-2 8. Hongadahalla hole

4. Kadumane hole – 1

5. Kadumane hole - 2


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Streams identified for harnessing12

No. Name of the






(Sq Km)

Yield (June to

November) TMC

Divertible yield and

dependability (June to

November) TMC

90% 75% 50% 90% 75% 50%

1 Yettinahole 800 48.80 6.08 6.75 7.99 10.15 10.89 11.91

2 Yettinahole

Tributary - 1

810 7.20 0.90 1.00 1.18

3 Yettinahole

Tributary– 2

850 9.80 1.22 1.36 1.60

4 Kadumane


900 13.80 1.72 1.91 2.26

5 Kadumane

hole – 2

950 7.50 0.93 1.04 1.23

Total= 87.08 10.85 12.06 14.26 10.15 10.89 11.91

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Streams identified for harnessing13

No. Name of the






(Sq Km)

Yield (June to

November) TMC

Divertible yield and

dependability (June to

November) TMC

90% 75% 50% 90% 75% 50%

6 Kerehole 760 24.30 3.02 3.35 3.97 3.90 4.16 4.42

7 Yettinahole

down stream

770 11.60 1.45 1.61 1.90

8 Hongada


730 60.20 6.70 7.44 8.81 6.37 6.88 7.68

Total 96.06 11.17 12.40 14.68 10.27 11.04 12.10

Total 183.14 22.02 24.46 28.94 20.42 21.93 24.01

The total divertible yield at 50% and 75% dependability will be 24.01

TMC and 21.93 TMC respectively.

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Harnessing West Flowing streams


It is difficult to harness the entire water available in Western Ghatsdue to

Environmental constraintsPresence of Western Ghats barrier which is quite high.Engineering challengesEconomic viability

Hence , an effort has been made to divert only a meagerpercentage of water that too from the upper reaches of theWestern Ghats close to the plateau.

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

West Flowing River – Proposed Scheme


Extent of Watershed Area in Western Ghats of Karnataka – 26,390 Km2

Available Catchments – 13

Present Scheme considers tapping streams which are originating from upperreaches of Western Ghats near Sakleshpur having an elevation above 800 m

It is clear from the above schematic representation that a meager percentage of water is being

planned to be diverted from West to East for the purpose of meeting the drinking water

requirement in the drought prone areas in the present scheme.

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Scheme at a glance

The present scheme envisages the following:-

It is proposed to have simple diversion structures across the stream which will

have a capacity to hold the water for a maximum of about one hour and

keeping the water level restricted within the flanks of the streams.

A suitable intake structure and lifting arrangements will be planned on the

foreshores in order to lift the water only during peak monsoon / floods and for

the rest of the time the water will be allowed to flow.

The water from the pump house will be conveyed and lifted through dedicated

raising main (pipes) which will be buried under the ground.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Scheme at a glance

The pipeline will be routed parallel to existing corridors in order to minimize the

opening of the new corridors for laying of these pipelines.

The Raising mains will be taken from the intake structure up to Haravanahalli

near Sakleshpura beyond which it is planned to have a gravity canal (233 km)

to convey the water up to Tumkur. The alignment of the canal has been

planned along the ridge line bifurcating the Cauvery and Krishna basins.

A raising main for a length of 8.1 km has been planned to convey the water to

a storage Reservoir, near Devarayana Durga, with a capacity of about 10



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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Scheme at a glance

From the reservoir two raising mains have been proposed one to

Chikkaballapura (88.2 km) and other to Kolar (55.9 km) to feed MI Tanks in

the respective Districts.


Based on the line estimate that has been prepared considering the general

alignment that has been envisaged (as explained above) the preliminary

costing works out to about Rs.8323.50 crores for diverting about 24 TMC of

water. In other words, the cost of diverting the 1 TMC of water will be about

Rs. 346.81 crores.


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Index map – Diversion scheme within western Ghats


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.20













Index map of the Scheme

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Salient features21

No Particulars Scheme

1 Total combined yield in TMC 24.01

2 Catchment area in Sq.Km 176.74

3 Length of Garland canal /pipeline within

Western Ghats in Km

81.6 Km (Pipeline)

4 Extent of area to be acquired in Ha 192

(30 m width)

i) In Forest (Ha) 20

ii) Others (Ha) 172

5 Accessibility Good

6 Ease of Construction Easy

7 Time for completion 3 years

8 Cost of the Project in crores 8323.50

9 Cost per TMC in crores 346.81

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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


The scheme envisaged happens to be the best option available for the

Government of Karnataka to mitigate the drinking water problems being faced by

the people in the eastern plateau especially Kolar and Chikkballapur districts.

In order to implement this scheme , detailed investigations followed by a

comprehensive DPR is necessary and the same is already initiated by Govt. of

Karnataka .

The present scheme envisaged by KNNL, that of diverting surplus water from

Yettinahole and other streams near Sakleshpura can be taken up immediately as

the investigations and preparation of DPR could be completed early.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


The said scheme of diverting 24.01 TMC of surplus water from Yettinahole

and other streams is sustainable , free from tribunals, least effect on ecology

and environment of Western Ghats, and cause least effect to the downstream


The scheme of diverting surplus water from Yettinahole can be taken up and

completed within Five year span thereby mitigating the drinking water

problems of Kolar and Chikkaballapura districts within a short time.


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E I Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


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