(D)R.A.F.T – English – Digital Audio Recording By Aash Bhasin

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(D)R.A.F.T – English –

Digital Audio Recording

By Aash Bhasin

Reporter Danna Jo Napoli

Reporter: Hello everyone, Welcome back to the Leon’s new. For today’s show we will be interviewing Danna Jo Napoli. She will be talking about one of her historical fiction books called Hush – An Irish Princess’ Tale.


Danna Jo Napoli: Hi, and yes I will be talking about my book called Hush – An Irish Princess’ Tale.

Reporter: So, I have heard a lot about your book and I have few questions I would like to ask you about.

Danna Jo Napoli: Oh sure go ahead.

The first thing I want to know, is that what exactly is the book about?

Danna Jo Napoli: This book is basically based on a princess, who comes from Ireland and is kidnapped by her slave traders. Her name is Melkorka, she is fifteen. After she gets kidnapped, all her family and friends try to find her and try to get information out of the guards.

Wow that sounds very interesting. Ok so why have you started the book by Melkorka and her younger sister, shopping in Dublin with her family? I mean why not introducing the character first and then getting to the point?

Danna Jo Napoli: That is a really good question. Well you see usually novels start off by the introduction but i thought I should have started it with a change, and start with an event. Another reason is so the readers won’t skip some pages, or become bored, because readers usually enjoy when you finally get to the point and start off straight away.

Reporter: *laughs* yeah that’s true, I know I do that. How was the princess’s reaction?

Danna Jo Napoli: She was just scared and had no idea what was happening.

Reporter: Where was she brought after getting kidnapped?

Danna Jo Napoli: Well after getting kidnapped she was brought to another country which she didn’t know about. And because she was a 15 YEAR old princess no one really knew her and just took her as a normal citizen.

Reporter: Wait, if she was brought to a country which she had no idea about how did she have connections with her family and how must have she survive?

Danna Jo Napoli: She didn’t have any connections with her family or friends. And he had no one who to help her survive all by herself but this young aged boy who she found in the streets. But after a while the boy left the princess.

Reporter: any reasons?

Danna Jo Napoli: No

Reporter: Well thanks for coming; we really enjoyed having you here. All of the viewers should dash to the store grab this book have a read and we assure you that you will enjoy! You never know what surprises you will come across in the book so just give it a go and thanks for listening.

Danna Jo Napoli: Bye I had a great time and I hope we see each other again.

The End