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Writing TOEFL Exam 2

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My writing


It's clear to me that the text vision disagrees with the opinion of the speaker. In the text, this system only has advantages and it's a good alternative to other sources of energies. In contrast, the woman

shows several disadvantages of Tidal Power.

The first drawback is related to the place where this system has to install. This system has to stay in a river estuary or in the mouth of a bay, so it's necessary look for the adequate place in order to

build it.

The second one is the environmental impact. I think this is the most important drawback because this system can change all the environment where it's setup. The Tidal Power system changes the quality of the water and increments the salinity concentration in the water. These changes do fish

and birds have to migrate to another place with fresh water where they can live. But sometimes they can't migrate because of they are not be able to cross the barrage and if the designers have to control

it, the design of the system will be very expensive. Without a doubt, this system has an important impact in the vegetation. Some vegetation can't adapt to the high level of salinity in the soil and in

the water and this vegetation dies.

The last disadvantage is the impact in the people. This drawback is related to the fishing boats, due to people can not navegate between estuary area and the open sea. 

Page 3: Writing TOEFL Exam 2

Test 2 Writing


Compare and contrast your way of life with that of your parents. Which way of life do you think would be more satisfying to future generations? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


It's clear that my way of life have a lot of differences with my parent's way of life. I can contrast and compare these ways of life in several aspects.

In the educational part, my parents don't have the same opportunities than me to study because they had to help their families looking for a job. For example, my father wanted to study architecture but he couldn't do it because he had to live in another city and my grand-parents were old and they needed his help. In contrast, my parents are very worried about my academic education and they have done a great effort to give me the best academic education.

When my parents were young, the society was different because people were narrow minded. For example, women only could clean their houses and take care of her children. In my way of life, women go to work like men and they have the same rights than men.

The economical situation 30 year ago was bad because we were in a time after the war. So, there were a lot of hungry and there weren't food and job for the people.

There is another important different between my parents and me. I want to travel and visit all word and I don't mind to live in another country or place, but my parents don't want to live in a different place because they are very joined with their city and their country. For example, I want to live in USA to improve my English level and get a better job.

But I think there are positive things in my parents' way of life. They didn't get stressed for the job and they lived more relaxed than me. They don't use to eat fast food, but I usually eat this food because I don't have time to stop my job and eat.

If I have to decide which way of life will be more satisfying for my children, it will be very difficult because I think there are several advantages in my way of life and drawbacks also. It is very clear to me that I want my children to live like me or better, because I believe that my parents' way of life has a lot of educational, society and economical limitations. But I don't want future generations to be selfish people that only get worry with their problems.

In conclusion, I prefer my way of life and I believe that this would be more satisfying to future generations, but I hope these generations can improve this way of life.