World War I Ppt

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World War I

World War I

By: Leah Witkowski


Explore causes of the war.

Examine impact of the war.

Evaluate Versailles Treaty.

Exploring Causes of the War

Assassination of heir to Austrian throne.

Precipitated conflict between Austria and Serbia

Other long-range underlying causes.

Nationalism and Internal Dissent

NationalismNot all had achieved nationhood

Internal DissentSocialist labor movements

Class division

The alliancesTriple Entente vs. Triple Alliance


Growth of large armies

Influences of Military leaders

Sizes of armies

The Outbreak of War

Crisis in the Balkans

Declaration of War


The Schieffen Plan

Outbreak of War (cont.)

Illusions and Stalemate (1914-1915)

The Great Slaughter (1916-1917)

The Expansion of the WarEntry of the U.S.

Impact of the War

Total War

Impact on Politics

Economic Impact

Impact of War (cont.)

Trench warfare

Machine guns

Impact on families back home

Impact on the Public

Public began to oppose the war.

Began arresting dissenters as traitors.

Used propaganda to arouse enthusiasm.

Social Impact

Brought an end to unemploymentHundreds of jobs opened because of war

Created new roles for womenWomen getting to do mens jobs


Impact leading to Revolution

Russian Revolution

Bolshevik Revolution


Impact of War (cont.)

The Casualties Total losses

Civilian losses

American losses

Working Towards Peace

United States approach to peaceWoodrow Wilson

French approach to peaceGeorges Clemenceau

Paris Peace Conference

Treaty of Versailles

Five separate treaties

Treaty of Versailles was most important

War Guilt Clause

Treaty of Versailles (cont.)

Germany paying reparations

Germany requirements