World I Prof. Francisco De Paula Module VI TOWARDS THE THIRD MILLENIUM

World I: Module 6

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Page 1: World I: Module 6

World I

Prof. Francisco De Paula

Module VI


Page 2: World I: Module 6



A GlobalShift Movement

And I saw a new sky and a new land, because the first sky and the first land had

passed and the sea no longer existed. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem,

descend from heaven on God’s behalf, clad like a bride who becomes embellished for

the husband. And I heard a great voice from the throne that said: Here is the dwelling

of God among men. He will abide with them and they will be his peoples, and God

himself will be with them and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and

death shall no longer exist and there will be no more lament nor pain because the

earliest things will have come to pass.



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Evolution of the Neurological Attributes

• GENERALLY SPEAKING, self-consciousness, insecurity, theology, authority, affiliation and subordinationconstitute the immense links in the evolution of the neurological attributes and manifestations in the era of the Homo sapiens.

• Throughout civilization, they constructed humanity’s religious, political and social culture, uniform in the depths of their configuration and so diverse in their ways of manifesting, like the needs characteristic to the historic and environmental pressures of their survival.

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A unified explanation of the Human


• Given its complexity, this phenomenon has only been revised from the standpoint of a historical reduction of the evolution of man’s mind and the effects and circumstances of his insecurity.

• For we are conscious of the self-consciousness of our civilization (universal consciousness), the context of the culture of our insecurity will no longer be the only element to determine the future life of our species.

• The clear state of thought we have reached in relation to the responsibility implied in the newly acquired human possibility of choosing other alternatives in the future, will bring us the optimum path to our historical options.

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Panorama for Humanity in the Next


• We could proceed to imagine a feasible religious, political, social and economic panorama for humanity in the 21st century in its “non-subordination” version, simultaneous to the possible emergence of a State that will respect the rights of individuals and of the community.

• Our culture incapable of believing in discussing and developing the best human qualities, suffers from a tragic distortion of information.

• “How good must a society be for human nature to accept it?” –asked the psychologist Abraham Maslow. The revolution of sustainability must be, above all, a social transformation that expresses and nurtures the better part of human nature and its worst side. Many people have recognized this need and opportunity”. (Donella H. Meadows).

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Planet as a Whole

• This idea was well expressed by John G. Stoessinger in his book Why Do Nations Go to War?:

• The main challenge for this generation will be to prevent the advent of a great war.Precisely now, when we have the power to destroy the earth, it is also when we have the need to perceive the planet as a whole.

• Compassion and global conscience will be our greatest hopes in this new awakening

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Ecumenical Integrator

• We may also speculate that

there may be an

“ecumenical integrator”

arising as a global

movement of universal co-

habitation between different

human beings: an integrator

free of man’s moral utopia

and the denigration

precondition of the “realism”

–Hobbesian or Machiavellic-

surrounding the “human


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Supranationalistic Democratic Social


• In the field of politics, the global movement of universal co-habitation could be consistent with the advent of a new religious era, where the possibility of developing a new supranationalistic democratic social movement would be particularity notable. Directly proportional to the advancement of non-subordination, this social movement could evolve toward the adoption of a new kind of pluralistic participation within the framework of a constitutional legality.

• This tendency would lead to the gradual desconcentration of the administration of power in the different ways in which security income and deference are manifested. It would finally reduce the need for large and unproductive investments and organized systems that use violence –police and military forces- as well as the authorized and monopolized practices regarding joint economic speculation of the elite-government and the inherited systems of irrational affiliation in political activities that legitimize authority without a consensus.

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Economic Culture

• The non-subordinate attribution of material privileges, and the systematic and democratic guarding of its administration would permit the permanent eradication of the inordinate and absurd differences in the distribution of income that we see today.

• The sum of society’s savings made of many individual’s capital-, would be substituted by a democratic management governed by its actual owners on the basis of the proportional participation of each one’s contributions. In this way, the speculative concentration, cost and accumulation of society’s money would become limited.

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Conscious Humanism

• The notable economic and political differences between men would progressively and irreversibly tend to be reduced without having to turn neither to the extreme formulas of the Marxist expropriation of the means of production nor to the relentless liberalism of capitalist concentration in the administration of privileges and wealth.

• Humanity would be grounded on an increasingly homogeneous order.

• And the artificial differences in our socially stratified culture would only be marked by the natural demands of a functional division of labor, whereby the daily need for a democratic participation could finally create the bonds that are natural to human solidarity and harmony to ensure pacific co-habitation.

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Transformation of Man and Society

• A transformation of man and

society would lead to the global

and relatively sovereign

integration of regional


• These communities would

progressively unify the legal

criteria of international law into a

code of conduct which reflects a

democratic and universal


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Man’s Intelligent Solution

• Science and technology could come up with either man’s intelligent solution to many of the problems of our condition or to our finally and actually very possible risk of extinction.

• Research in neuroscience and genetics will be especially relevant in the future. They could lead man and his intelligence to a new state of education, conscience and conduct which could liberate him of the biologic determinism of his evolution, granting him the ultimate liberty of his own transcendence.

• True leadership will emanate from the individual and collective conscious intelligence of our social and international communities.

• “In a world in which changes are necessary and wanted but where dominating institutions resist it, responsibility only falls upon the individual”. (Robert. C. Johannsen).

• In the 21st century authoritative leadership –such as States, media and corporations- will not be the agents that will solve the evils which afflict our civilization.

• The man of today does indeed have an intelligent solution, based on non-subordination, at hand to solve the problems of his time.

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• Since the ultimate frontier of self-Knowledge is the phenomenon of the evolution of our own intelligence, and consequently, of our brain, audacity could only be frustrated by the cognitive and epistemological limitations inherent in the brain that studies the brain.

• Since evolution has reached the end of a horizon of billions of years, it may give human intelligence the responsibility of its future survival. Responsibility, would find itself alone in the infinite path of time, conscious of its self-consciousness and evolution, to continue without respite toward the creation of man’s universal spirit.

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The Adventures of self-discovery

• The rapidly processing convergence between the new science and the mystical traditions of perennial philosophy offers an exciting perspective of a future comprehensive worldview that will heal the gap between scientific research and spiritual quest.

• Such an encompassing new paradigm could become an important catalyst in the evolution of consciousness that seems to be a critical condition for the survival of life in this planet.