Cross-cultural Communication Skills for Life, Study and School Internships in the U.S. TEA Orientation Sept. 22, 2009 – Washington, DC Presented by Deborah Hefferon

Workshop Cross Cultural Communication Skills For Life, Study And

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Cross-cultural Communication Skills for Life, Study and School Internships in the U.S.

TEA OrientationSept. 22, 2009 – Washington, DCPresented by Deborah Hefferon

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Culture is the norms, values and attitudes shared by a group of people joined by geographic or ethnic ties.

Culture is fluid and changes.You can generalize about culture,

although you can always find exceptions

Culture is learned, not inherited

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Iceberg metaphor

Like an iceberg, what you don’t see is what’s dangerous in an intercultural relationship

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Universal, cultural or personal

Universal = ways in which all people in all groups are the same

Cultural = what a particular group of people have in common with each other and how they are different from other groups.

Personal = ways in which each one of us is different from everyone else, including those in our group.

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US Culture and Ethnic Diversity

Approximately 30% of the US population claim non-Caucasian ethnicity (African Americans = 12%, Hispanics = 11%)

You will become familiar with terms such as “Latino, Hispanic, African American, Asian American” when referring to people of different ethnic groups in the US

US citizens, in general, take pride in this diversity

Avoid ethnically derogatory comments

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Cultural Values in the US

Individualism (independence)Power (equality)CommunicationTimeSpaceCompetitivenessEnvironmentAction

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Self-awareness → Cultural Competence

Being aware of your own cultural values and attitudes will help you better understand the behavior of your peers, students, and hosts.

Cultural competency is the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures.

Cultural competency is one of the most important skills for effective leadership

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Strategies for Adjusting to New CulturesRealize culture shock is a natural

reactionGather information about the

culture/countryRe-read cultural orientations/values

informationRemember: you have gone through

transitions before and survivedTake care of yourself physicallyBe flexible and patient

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Strategies for Adjusting to New CulturesDon’t isolate yourselfGive yourself permission to make

mistakesDon’t forget your sense of humorDon’t hang around with negative

peopleKeep a journal or a blogShare your culture – remember, you

are an ambassador for your country!Ask questions!

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Action Planning + Reflection

What are some ways you will demonstrate cultural empathy with your fellow-teachers, students and American colleagues?I am going to be tolerant and respectful

with everyone.I’ll do my best to build good

relationships with my fellow-teachers, students and America colleagues.

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Action Planning + Reflection

What is one cultural value that will be a challenge for you living and working in the US? What will you do to deal with this challenge/difference?Probably individualism, because I’m

used to have close relationships and we don’t keep distances between each other. For this, I’ll try to offer my friendship to everyone, respecting everyone’s space.

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Action Planning + Reflection

What is one goal you will commit to in order to develop your cultural competence?I’ll work hard to interact with others

with tolerance and openness