WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Love, Poetry and Literature Daniel Bulla

William Shakespeare

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WILLIAM SHAKESPEARELove, Poetry and Literature

Daniel Bulla

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is on of the best know authors of his time. Profound genius in literature is callous to stumble upon in the modern ages. Grand men and women that are well known as writers, producers, and directors have to collectively compose one ingenious project to come near the creative work of art inspired by Williams Shakespeare. Poetry, creative write patterns, play writes, culture, art, theatre, and film—all derived from the 16th century manuscripts of Mr. Shakespeare. Though his work appealed slightly controversial and dark with death at times, till this day, it is said that he is deemed one of the most influential writers of all time. Personal tragedy and lose are some of the key points that often came to light in three of William Shakespeare’s works. The dark side of death speaks volumes to his readers in such works as Romeo and Juliet, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. As you gander upon this paper, it shall reveal to you his literary works and indeed unveil the sheer talent in the life of Mr. William Shakespeare.

Romeo and JulietThis exemplification was introduced as romantic love in Shakespeare's play of Romeo and Juliet (1594). Romeo, of the house of Montague, falls in love with Juliet, one of the Capulet families, long-standing enemies of the Montague’s. Romeo and Juliet are secretly married, but Romeo is banished from Verona before their wedding day is over as punishment for the unfortunate slaughter of a Capulet in an affray. Old Capulet now orders Juliet to prepare for marriage with Count Paris forthwith, and to avoid this, she drugs herself into a death-like trance. Romeo, hearing of Juliet’s death returns, enters the tomb where Juliet lies, and kills himself at Juliet’s feet. Juliet awakens to see her lover dead, and dispatches herself with Romeo's dagger. In life today, it appears difficult to discover unconditional love similar to that of Romeo & Juliet. This was to be a joyous time for the two lovers to run away and be together; instead it was to be there last. Love is one element of life that binds us with the person that we will do anything for. The tragedy in this story is that two young lovers needed to die to be together.

Romeo and JulietCharacter List

House of Capulet House of MontagueCapulet MontagueLady Capulet Lady MontagueJuliet RomeoTybalt BenvolioNurse AbramPeter BalthasarGregory and Sampson

Friar Laurence

Venus and AdonisLove is the main focus in this poem by William Shakespeare. We find Venus a much older woman that has fallen in love and has become interested in Adonis—a younger man that enjoyed hunting. She seduces the young lover before which, finding out that he was not interested in the affair proceeded to go hunting. Inexplicably, Adonis was killed while hunting. After finding this out Venus goes on to say "For shame," he cries, "let go, and let me go; My day's delight is past, my horse is gone, And 'tis your fault I am bereft him so: I pray you hence, and leave me here alone; For all my mind, my thought, my busy care, Is how to get my palfrey from the mare," (Cummings 2003). This shows the love that Venus had for Adonis and the pain that his death has brought to her.

The Rape of Lucrece

The Rape of Lucrece is a narrative poem written in 1594, referencing the rape of Lucretia, one of the kings’ aristocratic retainers. Her rape led to her committing suicide and her death led to the banishment of the royal family. A stanza from the poem states, “This said, he struck his hand upon his breast, And kiss'd the fatal knife, to end his vow; And to his protestation urged the rest, Who, wondering at him, did his words allow: Then jointly to the ground their knees they bow; And that deep vow, which Brutus made before, He doth again repeat, and that they swore,” (The Literature Network 2010).The dark reference of suicide and death is the main focus of the poem

Work Cited

“Cummings, Michael J.” Venus and Adonis. Summary of the Poem, 2003. Web. 25 February 2010.

"Romeo and Juliet." Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (17th ed). London: Chambers Harrap, 2005. Credo Reference. Web. 27 February 2010.

The Literature Network. “The Rape of Lucrece.” The Literature Network, 2010. Web. 25 February 2010 http://www.online-literature.com/shakespeare/331/