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When moods prevail upon objectives

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When moods prevail upon objectives

When moods prevail upon objectives…

Though you cannot catch it within your fist yet its unfathomable power exceeds any force… these words directly

indicate the power of the air. Play havoc or work for all facilitation its strength goes beyond any measure. When it

becomes uproarious even buildings turn into broken dry leaves… the moment it is thrust into a rubber wheel; even

the load of 500 along with equitable cargo experiences great heights… as pneumatics & hydraulics it enables the

toughest grip & the heaviest bulldozed… When it blows at ones back few peddles can make effortless ride & if it

comes affront then all strength dissipates with least covered… yet it is merely the ‘air’ that cannot be retained within

one’s fist. Similar in absolute terms is the power of its alike one called ‘mood’.

The mood, another unfathomable force working most … within the space of human brain. It can play havoc or enable

any undone, done within no time. If it plays in favor all adversities transform into infinitesimal form; all incompatibility

is discounted… the day seamlessly moves through. One may not spend time & attention towards one’s vital issues of

life but when it comes to ‘making up of appropriate mood’ any amount of time, attention and resource are just at hand

for it devoid of any consideration… this with much more is the might of the mightiest force that rides human mind by

the name ‘mood’.

On the contrary and as its general practice it commonly works against the interests of human beings… annoyance,

agitation, flickering state within, clouded seat of ones understanding etc. are commonly known ailments that directly

appear when mood injects its venom upon ones intellect. Wisdom of all form gets thwarted just like a piece of paper

by a wild storm when bad mood fogs the decision-making apparatus of a human being. The battles that otherwise

could have been easily won become lost at the last step… just because bad mood cast its spell over the guy at the

helm. A mood can become venomous for any count and at any scale. The life at work place or home can experience

disaster just because of mood… relationships that once initiated and progressed through various happy moments

and vows for a blissful future turn into ashes by the demonic face of this … mood…

How can one actually define mood? Its just not that easy because its origin is on counts that at times cannot be

contained into any reasonable parameters of human behavior… And yet its impact works with most upon this

planet… once the worsened situation through bad mood when restores to normalcy the subject find no substantive

reason to which he/she can attribute as basic cause of ones bad response or observation… it just happened… is the

general remark. Although likes and dislikes explode themselves through the fumes of mood; despite any cause or

reason enough of the creative reserve is lost to its dangerous impact.

Ancient wisdom(Indian ethos) provides an excellent learning to manage the source wherefrom the mood generates.

Its techniques are unique and highly effective and their extents are so deep that the effects last for an expansive

period of time. At desire2will.com we provide such learning through various mode like lecture, notes4growth and

online learning. If you are interested then write us down [email protected] and we shall see how you can be

accommodated in any of our mode of learning. Dinesh kumar

Tags: Ancient Wisdom, Desire2will, Dinesh Kumar, Indian Ethos, Knowledge, Learning, Lectures, Moods,

Notes4growth, Objectives