Chapter 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe 1500 - 1800 Section 1 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

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Chapter 21Absolute Monarchs in

Europe 1500 - 1800

Section 1 Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism

A Powerful Spanish Empire

___________from Spain ruled Holy Roman Empire

Left throne in 1556 Split Empire

Brother Ferdinand received Austria and Holy Roman Empire

___________got Spain

___________expanded into Portugal, parts of Africa, India, and the East Indies

Invaded England


Spain’s wealth kept Spain from looking ___________

Wealth from colonies

Philip wanted his palace to show luxury and power

Defender of ___________

Golden Age of Spanish Art and Literature

___________, a Greek painter in Spain.

Religious artist

Painter ___________reflected pride of Monarchy

Don Quixote de la Mancha, written in 1605

Wrote about a poor man who read too many stories about knights.

The Spanish Empire Weakens

Because of ___________:

Prices constantly ___________ Spaniards bought goods

from other places

Unfair ___________ Poor couldn’t save money

Spain borrowed money from other countries to pay for wars

Other countries made money

Spain lost land

1579, seven provinces declared independence from Spain

The Independent Dutch Prosper

___________ Practice religious tolerance

Each province had an elected leader

Dutch merchants gained ___________

Largest fleet of merchant ships in the world

Important bankers

Absolutism in Europe

___________ wanted to control lives

Absolute monarchs

God gives them right to rule

___________ – absolute rule

Chapter 21Absolute Monarchs in

Europe 1500 - 1800

Section 2 The Reign of Louis XIV

Religious Wars and Power Struggles

France had ____ religious wars

between _______________&__________________ from 1562 to 1598

1589, Protestant prince, Henry of Navarre, became ______________________

Became a Catholic ______________________

gave Huguenots—French Protestants—the right to live in peace and have their own churches

King Henry IV rebuilt the French economy and brought peace

Henry’s son, ___________was a weak king

Cardinal Richelieu ruled the king’s land Increased Royal Power

______________________worked for the government

Lowered nobles’ power

Writers Turn Toward Skepticism

Thinkers wrote using______________________

Doubting old ideas was the first step to learning the truth,

Louis XIV Comes to Power

1643___________ became king at the age of about five.

Cardinal ruled for King until he was 22

Kept nobles out of government

Increased government wealth

______________________, tried to build French industry.

Persuaded people to buy French good and move to New France

___________ trade in Americas brought $$$ to France

Sun King’s Grand Style Life of Luxury

Louis made___________most powerful

Lost some expensive wars

Poor harvests

1700 – _________________________________

France and Spain tried to unite

Europe united to fight them Lost land and colonies to England

Chapter 21Absolute Monarchs in

Europe 1500 - 1800

Section 3 Central European Monarchs Clash

Thirty Years’ War

1618, Catholics Vs. Protestants in Europe

1648, Peace of __________________

Peace treaty weakened power of Austria and Spain

New way of peace - Treaty

States Form Central Europe

ruled Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia

Maria Theresa was Empress in 1700s

Prussia Challenges Austria

Hohenzollerns ruled Prussia

1740, ______________________ invaded part of Austria

Fought again 1756, Seven Years War

Prussia and Britain won against Austria, France, and Russia

Chapter 21Absolute Monarchs in

Europe 1500 - 1800

Section 4 Absolute Rulers of Russia

The First Czar

1533________________________________ took control when he was 3

___________ (landowners) tried to control him unsuccessfully

Added lands and laws to Russia

After wife, ___________, died, became very harsh

Thought she was poisoned

Ivan used___________to kill enemies

Even his oldest son

After Ivan the Terrible, Russian rulers chose ______________________ (Son of Anastasias nephew)

Began ____________________ which ruled for 300 years

Peter the Great Comes to Power

Late 1600s___________ was one of Russia's greatest rulers

Called __________________

Increased power

First time a czar traveled to Western Europe to learn about technology

Russia had ___________

Landowners owned land and the serfs (slaves) that lived on it

Peter Rules Absolutely

Peter increased power

Bigger, better army

Peter ___________Russia

Used west as model for change

Peter’s Accomplishments

Brought Potatoes to Russia

More Social Status to Women

Fought Sweden to gain a port to travel to West

Chapter 21Absolute Monarchs in

Europe 1500 - 1800

Section 5 Parliament Limits the English Monarchy


an assembly of the representatives of a political nation or people, often the supreme legislative authority

Monarchs Defy Parliament

1603, King of Scotland, ___________, became king of England

Began struggles with ___________

James was Catholic

Parliament was Puritan

1625, ___________ becomes king

More conflict with Parliament

1628, ___________ forced Charles to sign Petition of Right

Forced king to be governed by ___________

1629,Charles disbanded the Parliament

Began Charles “Personal Rule” Charles needed $ for war with Scotland

Passed laws to limit Charles’ power

1642, ______________________

1642 – 1649, ___________

Charles I and Royalists Vs. Parliament and allies (Puritans)

Charles taken to court and executed for ___________

Cromwell became ________________________________

After Cromwell’s death, government collapsed

___________ asked Charles’s son to rule

1660, Charles II rules England in Era of Restoration

Restoration and Revolution

Guaranteed freedom Gave every

prisoner the __________________ Monarchs could

not put people in jail for opposing them

1685, Charles II died, his brother ___________________

King James II was ___________

Parliament was afraid he would restore ___________

1688, Parliament contacted James daughter, _________

Parliament wanted Mary’s husband, _________________ James fled to France