What’s new for cartography in ArcGIS 10.2 Aileen Buckley (& David Watkins), Esri

What's New for Cartography in ArcGIS 10.2

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ArcGIS 10.2 includes additional and improved functionality for cartography. In this demonstration, I introduce enhancements to the software for mapmaking, including labeling, symbology, map elements, data management, and exporting. Improvements to the ArcGIS for Desktop interface are also shown.

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  • 1. Whats new for cartography in ArcGIS 10.2 Aileen Buckley (& David Watkins), Esri

2. ArcGIS Vision A Complete Geospatial PlatformOnlineApps & ApplicationsWebBack Office Infrastructure DevicesServerDesktopContent & Services Easy, Open, and Cloud -Enabled . . . . . . Providing Transformational Opportunities 3. ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop Improves the platformQuality & PerformanceMapping & Cartography Conversion 3D GISAuthentication & SecurityContent & ServicesAnalysisPublishing 4. Quality & Performance +600 software issues addressedParallel processing expanded in GP Kriging and IDW Reclassify Weighted Overlay Weighted Sum Zonal Statistics Zonal Statistics as TableCPU CPU CPU CPU25% faster Geoprocessing against ArcGIS for Server Linux 5. Authentication & Security Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) SupportSingle Sign OnStandardized SQL Parser 6. Geodata Support for new workspacesNative SQL Access ArcGISGDB DBMSIBM Netezza 7.0, INZA 2.5 -Netezza Spatial Esri PackageTeradataSQLitePostgresSQL 9.2 7. Geodata More flexibility, More functionalityModify field propertiesModify FieldsEnable ArchivingArchive non-versioned geodatabasesPublish feature services from native spatial types -DB2, Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 8. Better Mapping and Reporting Generalization improvements Improved PDF export (feature level masking)(Minimum Building Count parameter)Mailing label generation 9. New Analytics Expanding GI Science 16 New Geoprocessing Tools and 74 new or modified parametersNew Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool -Interrogates data for optimal settings-Statistics background not required-Science remains valid 10. Time-enabled geoprocessing Actually released in ArcGIS 10.1 Service Pack 1Geoprocessing and ArcPy tools will honor timeenabled layers by acting on and processing only those features within the specified time period set by the time slider 11. New Analytics Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst Local function (SA) -Visibility (SA and 3D) -Supports user-specified values for parametersIntervisibility (3D) -Pixel-by-pixel map algebra in a single bandFlags sight lines obstructed by intermediate featuresMultipatch to Raster (Conversion) 12. New Conversion Tools Excel most used tabular data interchange formatTable to ExcelExcel to TableFeature Class to JSONJSON to Feature Class{"displayFieldName":"","fieldAliases":{"OBJECTI D":"OBJECTID","Title":"Title","Magnitude":"Mag nitude","Location":"Location","Time":"Time","Ag eInHours":"AgeInHours","URI":"URI"},"geometry Type":"esriGeometryPoint","spatialReference":{" wkid":102100,"latestWkid":3857},"fields":[{"nam e":"OBJECTID","type":"esriFieldTypeOID","alias ":"OBJECTID"}, 13. Advancing 3D GIS LiDAR is faster (spatial indexes and summary stats) Create 3D Web ScenesGenerate rule-driven 3D content 14. Publishing Desktop is the primary authoring tool for maps, features, and analysisPublish to ServerPublish to ArcGIS OnlineDesktopNew at 10.2 Publish to my Portal 15. Point of information: Bing Maps Complimentary use of Bing Maps is being phased out for Esri products.With ArcGIS 10.2, you need to obtain a license key directly from Microsoft to use any of the basemaps in the Bing Maps collection. If an administrator registers a Bing Maps key with an ArcGIS Online for organizations account, any user in the organization can access Bing Maps when signed in.As a replacement, consider using the ArcGIS World Imagery basemap with one meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. 16. The Big Takeaways Why should I use ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2?ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2: is an important part of the ArcGIS Platformenhances quality & performanceimproves system authentication & securityadvances 3D GISlets me publish directly to my Portal 17. ArcGIS Roadmap Improving the PlatformIncremental Software Releases. . . . . . Continuous Online ImprovementsMore Apps10.2 10.12014Web GISNew Desktop Experience2012Multiple WindowsPowerful Analytics201364 BitFluid DisplayClean UXFastIntegrated 3DGeodesign. . . Focused on Quality, User Needs, and Innovation