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What is canadian assignment

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What is Canadian? Assignment

Due: Wednesday September 21, 2011

Assignment Description

Your task is to create a collage that reflects both the media’s

representation of Canada/Canadians and your own. You will do

this by assembling a collage (on a regular sized sheet of poster

paper) in the image of the Canadian flag. The left half of the flag will consist of

representations from the media. The right half will consist of images from your own

Canadian experience. For this task, I will provide you with one sheet of poster paper.

Use it wisely! Writing on your poster should be typed and neatly organized.

On each side of the flag you will select images that reflect “Canadianness”. For each

image you select, you will provide a brief description which clearly describes what the

image represents to you, in relation to “Canadianness”. For example, if you put a picture

of a hockey game, what is Canadian about that? And why? Descriptions must be

between 1-3 sentences.

Each image must either be supported by a description or you may use a quotation**.


--You must site each quotations source

--Every quotation must come from a different source

--Each quotation must be represented by at least one image in your collage

Every collage will be presented and explained in front of the class.

You may work independently or in groups of two. If you plan on working with someone

else, choose your partner carefully! YOU are responsible for your own work. Having

your partner not show up for presentation day, or having them leave your work at their

house is NO EXCUSE and will not be accepted!

Evaluation: see Rubric

Page 2: What is canadian assignment

What is Canadian? Rubric /40 marks

Category Level 4 (9-10 marks)

Level 3 (8-7 marks)

Level 2 (6-4 marks)

Level 1 (3-0 marks)

Total Marks

Following Instructions

- follows written and oral instruction perfectly

- follows written and oral instruction with only minor flaws

- follows instructions with a substantial number of flaws

- major flaws with following instruction


- collage represents both media and personal images of “Canadianness” extremely well - collage reflects selected quotations & pictures extremely well

- collage represents both media and personal images of “Canadianness” quite well - collage reflects selected quotations & pictures quite well

- collage represents both media and personal images of “Canadianness” fairly well - collage reflects selected quotations and/or pictures fairly well

- collage represents both media and personal images of “Canadianness” without success - collage reflects selected quotations and/or images without success


- collage contains five images with quotations and/or descriptions from the media’s representation of Canada, and five images with quotations and/or descriptions from the creator’s representation of Canada - all quotations are cited properly - all quotations come from different sources

- collage contains five images with quotations and/or descriptions from the media’s representation of Canada, and five images with quotations and/or descriptions from the creator’s representation of Canada - all quotations are cited properly - most quotations come from different sources

- collage contains fewer than five quotations and/or descriptions from the media’s representation of Canada, and fewer than five quotations and/or descriptions from the creator’s representation of Canada - most quotations are cited properly - most quotations come from different sources

- collage contains far fewer than five quotations and/or descriptions from the media’s representation of Canada, and far fewer quotations and/or descriptions from the creator’s representation of Canada - few quotations are cited properly - few quotations come from different sources


- the collage and quotations are explained extremely well - creativity is used - all members of the group take part - Collage is neat, colorful and demonstrates a very good effort

- the collage and quotations are explained quite well - creativity is used - all members of the group take part

-some level of neatness and effort

- the collage and quotations are explained fairly well - creativity is not used - all members of the group take part

-Collage is basic with some unorganization

- the collage and quotations are not explained well - creativity is not used - not all members of the group take part

-minimal effort is used