What is a film trailer and what is it’s purpose? By Yusuf Kassim

What is a film trailer and what is it's purpose?

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What is a film trailer and what is its purpose?

What is a film trailer and what is its purpose?By Yusuf Kassim

Audience Feedback I (IT WORKS)

Audience Feedback II (IT WORKS)

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Audience Feedback IV

Audience Feedback V

Audience Feedback VI

Sowhat makes a film trailer based on the audience feedback?After reviewing my findings that Ive made, as portrayed from the samples I looked at, I have come to a conclusion that a film trailer is a commercial that is either used for the purpose of enticing a particular audience and persuading them to come and watch the film by adding the best bits of the film. Alternatively, it reveals certain parts of the narrative, but not the entire storyline of the film, in other words, the trailer needs to remain enigmatic, albeit a form of marketing that gives the audiences an insight into what the film is all about. I will look more into what makes a SUCCESSFUL film trailer in my next task.