What are the Different Types of Gaps That Could be Found in the Literature for my PhD Research? - Phdassistance.com

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PhD Literature Review Gap Identification can help researchers to identify particular areas for improvement and provide guidance to take a practical move for improving processes, material, method, or anything related to the research. After the completion of your Research work, and you are ready to publish it online to make readers benefit from that research. And at this time, you came to know that another article posted something similar to your study and you come to know that it isn’t a novel idea. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure the Literature Gap and Future Research you address in the PhD Research is Novel new work, and that also makes the research field better. Framework for identifying research gaps which is unique to carry out that is simple at the same time provide you with novel research. Learn More About: https://bit.ly/2RdA9pc Contact Us: Website : https://www.phdassistance.com/ UK NO: +44–1143520021 India No: +91–8754446690 Email: [email protected]